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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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Just beat the game on my 2nd play through on Hard mode.


And i was shocked when my final stats said I had 1 unrescued person... damn that's annoying, especially cuz I don't know what stage that is from as I don't remember having missed anyone when i saw the stats at the end of a stage, wtf?


Guess I'll just have to go through on "Real Disaster" difficulty so :heh:


BTW, has anyone managed to beat the Meteor bonus level yet?


I have the power and accuracy of the gattling gun maxed out and it still only takes off about 75% of its "health" and none of the other weapons, heavy handgun, twister shotgun and the bigger machine gun (can't remember what it's called), all have maxed out power and all do like no damage at all. If only they'd give you another clip of ammo for the gattlingun i could do it... anyway to increase the amount ammo you have at the start or regain ammo?


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BTW, has anyone managed to beat the Meteor bonus level yet?


I have the power and accuracy of the gattling gun maxed out and it still only takes off about 75% of its "health" and none of the other weapons, heavy handgun, twister shotgun and the bigger machine gun (can't remember what it's called), all have maxed out power and all do like no damage at all. If only they'd give you another clip of ammo for the gattlingun i could do it... anyway to increase the amount ammo you have at the start or regain ammo?


I actually think it isn't possible and would be inclined to go along with your earlier theory about the stage being a tongue-in-cheek 'can't save everybody' statement. I did try the maxed out gatling gun and got the same result as you and nearly all the other weapons are maxed out also and nothing seems to get the job done. Probably also the reason why the stage costs 0 BP's to attempt.



I managed to complete the staminas campaign a few days ago and now just need to be bothered to get the last 14 titles , some of them I know what I need to do (still difficult though) , others not quite sure about.


Also going through a playthrough on 'Real Disaster'.

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Not really a spoiler, but whatever.




So a secret level isn't a spoiler now? :indeed: I didn't know about it, it is a spoiler. I should receive the game tomorrow, if all goes well. But anyway, I still have Okami to finish.

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I received it today, tried it out a bit without saving just to check it out.


One question: that guy we have to rescue hanging from a window on the building, I had a hard time having Ray respond to the wiimote shake.... Now is that a question of timing, or poor implementation? Is was very annoying. Eventually it worked, but it was very unresponsive.


I plan on tackling the game on Hard from the get go.

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One question: that guy we have to rescue hanging from a window on the building, I had a hard time having Ray respond to the wiimote shake.... Now is that a question of timing, or poor implementation?



I found this throughout the game. Try using really big motions, rather than wrist flicking.

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Game didn't chart in any form whatsoever by the way (in the UK at least). Reggie said it'd only go to the US if he saw good sales elsewhere so I guess that scratches any hope of them getting to play it.


Yeah, they've said it's not coming. But it's no wonder it sold poorly. The game's barelly gotten any advertising (none outside of Japan as far as I know), and it seems to the untrained eye to be a lightgun game with waggle bonusgames. I think that this game should have been released in the budget range.

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I received it today, tried it out a bit without saving just to check it out.


One question: that guy we have to rescue hanging from a window on the building, I had a hard time having Ray respond to the wiimote shake.... Now is that a question of timing, or poor implementation? Is was very annoying. Eventually it worked, but it was very unresponsive.


I plan on tackling the game on Hard from the get go.


I've never had any issues with it, always worked fine, just a matter of getting the timing right for when the other person reaches.


Are you "shaking" the wiimote? I use a "swipe" motion in the direction Ray has to reach, never any issue with responsiveness



I find it a real shame the hasn't sold well, but I put this down to Nintendos total lack of advertising for the game. And then they will blame the game for it's poor performance and not wonder "maybe we didn't promote it right" which is sickening.


Yet they will put full promotion into shovelware like Wii Music (yes i went there:heh: ) I would actually love to see Wii Music have poor sales too, just to give Nintendo a kick up the arse and show them they can't rely on their casual ideas forever

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It's ridiculous. I haven't watched much TV lately, so I rarely see any Nintendo commercials.. But guess which one I did see recently? No, not Disaster, not de Blob or Wario either, no, Super Mario Galaxy. It is that I believe the game is great, or else I would've inserted a curse word somewhere in it's title.

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It's ridiculous. I haven't watched much TV lately, so I rarely see any Nintendo commercials.. But guess which one I did see recently? No, not Disaster, not de Blob or Wario either, no, Super Mario Galaxy. It is that I believe the game is great, or else I would've inserted a curse word somewhere in it's title.


In Sweden, CDON is the company that organise a lot of the videogame ads on TV. You get a short trailer for the game, then you see their logo saying "Buy it for ****, ****krona for the game, ****krona for the system". And they usually only advertise old games (Mario Galaxy/Zelda) or crap games (My Sims, random waggle crap).


What made me som much less interrested in Disaster was when they had boiled down the action scenes to simple lightgun stuff. Nintendo at first showed Disaster as if they wanted to shout "in your face, bitches" towards Sony, but when Nintendo saw that the casual games were selling, they suddenly seemed to lower... correction, REMOVE their level of ambition.

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Back to subject, whats really interesting with Disaster is that my partner, who really doesn't show much interest in games outside Mario Kart and Boom Blox is playing through, and enjoying Disaster.


And thinking about it, Disaster is more than approachable to casual gamers (you can argue that its a selection of mini games wrapped in a disaster movie narrative) and why its not advertised as such, is anyones guess.


Hopefully, Disaster proves to have some legs.

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Yeah, they've said it's not coming. But it's no wonder it sold poorly. The game's barelly gotten any advertising (none outside of Japan as far as I know), and it seems to the untrained eye to be a lightgun game with waggle bonusgames.


I agree, very poor advertising for a game that seems to be very cinematic, in the MGS way. If you think about it, the original MGS (the only one I played, unfortunately) was nothing more than a series of small scenarios in which you had to dodge a few guards and then you'd have 5 or 10 minutes of great exposition. And MGS is also a 10-15 hour game.


Disaster could have been Nintendo's MGS, if it had been polished enough. It doesn't matter if the story is cheesy, MGS's story is cheesy too. Yes, sorry, it is. If MGS were an actual film, its story would be laughable. It's just that it's a game, and a story like that in game form was something new at the time. Think about how many clichés there's in MGS. The bathroom scene alone must break some record! And it's one of my favourite scenes in the game. But when I try to imagine that scene in a film, it would be painfully bad.


Nintendo can still take the Disaster franchise and expand on it greatly, develop it internally with all the care in the world and advertise it agressively, with kickass trailers. Dramatic bigger than life story, great action scenes (even if they're only in cut-scene form) and charismatic characters. That's what made MGS. That and quality programming of course.

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Bizarrely it almost seems like Nintendo wanted this to fail - thrash talking from Reggie about one of his own products and no advertising - wasn't gonna light up the sales charts was it? Plus my TESCO which has a massive Wii range never got any!

Would someone please show me where Reggie trash talked about it? It's just something that IGN commented on the podcast, they didn't actually show any transcript or the interview did they? And since they usually distort everything and it wouldn't make sense for Reggie to do that, I won't believe it until I see/hear it.

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