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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Yeah just saw a vid of his moves and he is completely different.


Anyways was wondering if anyone cares that wavedashing is out. I for one, don't as I only recently found out about it and it didn't really apply to the characters I used (mainly heavy or slow).

Someone said it's bad that it's gone because it was an advanced tech that separated the beginners from the veterans but if you ask me, if you can shine when put on a level playing field, that shows who the vet is, rather than mastering some sort of move.

There are questions as to whether it was a glitch or technique. Some say it was a glitch because it's out of the game now while others say it is just the air technique being used on the ground. hmmm


It's a good thing it's out. Seeing as wavedashing and L-cancelling were the 2 barriers between getting good and what not, it's a good thing that WD is out imo (the l-cancelling mechanic has changed too :) ). The people who played with advance techs in melee always wanted more people to play competitively, so this is always a good thing.


Hopefully it will stop people using the whole 'you're good at the game, therefore you have no life and don't play for fun' argument.

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All the competitive players are a joke really. If you dont have the skill to win when combatting random attributes then you arent that good of a player


Major lolz.


have you seen them play with items? No. Then your point is completely invalid.


Seriously, i've seen videos of ken and that lot play with items and they would still easily 4 stock me. In all fairness, even going to grab an item means that you'll probably get comboed..a lot..


By that logic, I could say that IV's and EV training in pokemon games is pointless; if you can't beat people without having good IVs and EVs then you aren't good enough.


Edit: Danny, I can't think of one 'pro' who goes to extremes. Look at Americas best player, PC Chris, whos NEVER owned a cube or a copy of smash. He just plays everynow and then with friends. Not extreme at all.


And yeah L-cancelling is now gone (in the sense that attacks basically L-cancel themselves). This is good news because they made attacks have lag so they can be l-cancelled out of, but tbh even people at my level never miss and L-cancel (if i play zell, i might miss 1 l-cancel out of every 1000 moves-ish). Therefore, it's a un-needed barrier.

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All the competitive players are a joke really. If you dont have the skill to win when combatting random attributes then you arent that good of a player


This argument again?


I don't really play competitively, but it's annoying when you're close to beating someone, and an exploding capsule appears in that precise moment.


Or if you just meteor smashed someone, and he gets saved by the random lava of Brinstar/Norfair. It's not fair, considering competitive players want the best to win.


But yeah, I'm glad the techniques were removed. They definately separated people.

The people complaining about their removal are probably elitists who think they're better than everybody else because they knew them.

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This argument again?


I don't really play competitively, but it's annoying when you're close to beating someone, and an exploding capsule appears in that precise moment.


Or if you just meteor smashed someone, and he gets saved by the random lava of Brinstar/Norfair. It's not fair, considering competitive players want the best to win.


But yeah, I'm glad the techniques were removed. They definately separated people.

The people complaining about their removal are probably elitists who think they're better than everybody else because they knew them.


I like you. You have what some people lack; a brain.

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Most of the self proclaimed competitive players though are like that...thats what my issue is with. The proper ones I don't mind as they know to have fun aswell


Actually, a lot of the asses on smashboards who are like 'lolz u can't wavedash u n00b' are actually AWFUL players. Seriously, they speak out of their asses and if they played against proper players who represent the true competitive side of smash they would get laughed at.


I remember when me and zell first started to play competitively we went on the smashboards and we talked about how there were truly some asses and suck ups on there. Truth is, almost every pro player only wants to see more people use the advance techs and tbh is happy that wavedashing out. At the end of the day, we all play this game for same reason right? Because we find it incredibly fun!

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Now, I know I suck at Smash Bros, (This was proven when I was beaten by my friend who had never played before :D) but I don't really mind. I never knew what this fabled 'Wavedashing' or 'L-Cancelling' or 'Wave-Cancelling' stuff was, so I never really understood why it was so important.


Anywho; onto the roster I suppose. Gannondorf was always fun to play as if I felt like kicking some Link + Zelda butt. (And seriously, who doesn't?)

Toon Link seems quite interesting too; and I love the level! Total awesomeness there.

R.O.B is well... R.O.B. How else would you describe that robot other than pure awesomeness?


But despite all this, ZELOS 4 BRAWL!!!

ahahah... JOKES!! (Except really.. Next SSB, put Zelos in Sakurai.. You know you want tooo! Or put him as a downloadable.. Whatever comes first :heh: )

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Oh yeah, you usually visit Smashboards, right? Plenty of elitist jerks there.


Just a lot of idiotic Americans. Smashboards is great if you want an archive of guides to help you improve and make you a better player, for discussion it's awful.

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I've been saying it for weeks...


i was talking about how he's not a clone of mewtwo, i know you've been saying his aura sphere is like shadow ball, it's kinda obvious it would be, but like a few pages ago i was talking about how his attacks are completely different, even aura sphere (it goes through enemies (from what i saw) and it goes in a straight line)


BTW i'm gonna main lucario, if you couldn't tell i have a fetish for him ^^

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i was talking about how he's not a clone of mewtwo, i know you've been saying his aura sphere is like shadow ball, it's kinda obvious it would be, but like a few pages ago i was talking about how his attacks are completely different, even aura sphere (it goes through enemies (from what i saw) and it goes in a straight line)


BTW i'm gonna main lucario, if you couldn't tell i have a fetish for him ^^


Disgusting...Though I share the same hobby with Sheikahs...So I'll main Sheik with the light arrows. I'll pwn all y'all - can't wait for an N-E comp. ^^

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Disgusting...Though I share the same hobby with Sheikahs...So I'll main Sheik with the light arrows. I'll pwn all y'all - can't wait for an N-E comp. ^^


-sigh- not a sexual fetish -.-''' lol but when brawl comes out in europe give me your FC so we can have the fight of the century, Lucario vs Sheik

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Do we know everyones final smashs now?


I think we're missing R.O.B. and toon link's (unless it's the same as Link's) Cpt. Falcon's (I expect that to be the same as ganondrof's escept with his blue falcon) jigglypuff's, and i don't think we've seen exactly what wolf's does, i know it's a red landmaster, but it may have an extra effect


Jesus...only Nintendo can form such a match up. 3pic!


I know! they should have their own religion, nintendowism

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