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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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LOL...Yeah I don't play it in public, its more of a personal affair. On a different note, I'm surprised Nintendo let you out the cage to actually play MGS3. :P (j/k)


For your information, asides from all Nintendo consoles I have a Megadrive, a Dreamcast, a PS2, a XBOX and XBOX 360 :P

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For your information, asides from all Nintendo consoles I have a Megadrive, a Dreamcast, a PS2, a XBOX and XBOX 360 :P


You're still a massive fanboy.


Anyways, saw some footage earlier of Toon Link being played on the WW level. Shame he's a clone but i like what they've done with his down-air (if you haven't seen it, its become the move Link has on Four Swords when he jumps in the air using the Roc Feather and then uses his sword to charge into the ground).

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You're still a massive fanboy.


Anyways, saw some footage earlier of Toon Link being played on the WW level. Shame he's a clone but i like what they've done with his down-air (if you haven't seen it, its become the move Link has on Four Swords when he jumps in the air using the Roc Feather and then uses his sword to charge into the ground).


How come people can't like Nintendo without it being a bad thing or being branded a fanboy?

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How come people can't like Nintendo without it being a bad thing or being branded a fanboy?


How come people hate being branded a fanboy? I know I'm one. I consider myself one. I take pride in being one.

But that doesn't imply that I toss all sense of reason overboard :)

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How come people hate being branded a fanboy? I know I'm one. I consider myself one. I take pride in being one.

But that doesn't imply that I toss all sense of reason overboard :)


I'm a fanboy, this is a Nintendo forum, I don't see why it has to be a bad thing...

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You're still a massive fanboy.


Whatever helps you sleep better at night.


How come people hate being branded a fanboy? I know I'm one. I consider myself one. I take pride in being one.

But that doesn't imply that I toss all sense of reason overboard :)


Because, as far as I see it, being a fanboy is liking what someone does for who they are. Being a fan is the opposite. Most people can't wrap their minds about that and since they don't wanna be called fanboys they start the hate train and insult others. Choo choo


Also, I wish Ganondorf had his sword and used some magic :/

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All Ganondorf's specials, including FS:




Ganondorf's movements looks much more fluid now. And it almost looks like he isn't a clone.


I like it better that way. I never liked the idea of the sword or magic.

And my favourite Ganon incarnation for his FS? Say whatever you want, but the Giant Enemy Boar in TP is great.

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Ganondorf's movements looks much more fluid now. And it almost looks like he isn't a clone.


I like it better that way. I never liked the idea of the sword or magic.

And my favourite Ganon incarnation for his FS? Say whatever you want, but the Giant Enemy Boar in TP is great.


He's my fave too, OoT's Ganon might be awesome but I prefer TPs version. Specially because he's more in line with the classic Zeldas, where he was supposed to be a pig lol

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Also, I wish Ganondorf had his sword and used some magic :/


Same for me with a trident instead of sword (already so much sword users). His signature magic energy ball which can be thrown back would have been nice.

Ganondorf is the biggest disappointment for me. Really don't get why they persist keeping him like that.


I'm also sad Toon Link don't have special moves others than the basic Zelda stuff. I didn't want him in the game but, at least, I thought he would have a unique moveset.

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You're still a massive fanboy.


Anyways, saw some footage earlier of Toon Link being played on the WW level. Shame he's a clone but i like what they've done with his down-air (if you haven't seen it, its become the move Link has on Four Swords when he jumps in the air using the Roc Feather and then uses his sword to charge into the ground).


He's not quite as cloney as Young Link though. Still, it would have been nice to see the Deku Leaf as an Up+B in the style of Snake's or something (his spin'd have to be Down+B then)


Does he use the Grapple Hook?.....That would be a cool replacement for the Hookshot. Could've been make kinda like Olimar's Up+B.



Ganondorf doesn't look nearly as cloney as before either. But it would have been nice to see a sword/trident & energy attack.

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How come people can't like Nintendo without it being a bad thing or being branded a fanboy?


I love Nintendo to bits. I don't go posting shit across the boards which such immature comments like 'but teh wii has the best games ever! Excitetruck FTW'.


Tellyn, you're a fanboy, but a good one at that because you atleast talk sense.

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I love Nintendo to bits. I don't go posting shit across the boards which such immature comments like 'but teh wii has the best games ever! Excitetruck FTW'.



So, what about if someone posts immature comments bashing Nintendo? What does that make them?

Also, Excite Truck FTW

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Bah im tired of the 'Ganondorf is a clone' comments because he plays totally differently from Captain Falcon despite their shared moveset. I don't think i have to go into the differences do I? It's obvious you are a killing machine as Ganon but struggle to get back if hit far enough while Falcon can speed around the stage being a total nuisance and doesn't struggle nearly as much when recovering.

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Bah im tired of the 'Ganondorf is a clone' comments because he plays totally differently from Captain Falcon despite their shared moveset. I don't think i have to go into the differences do I? It's obvious you are a killing machine as Ganon but struggle to get back if hit far enough while Falcon can speed around the stage being a total nuisance and doesn't struggle nearly as much when recovering.

Its almost as annoying as those who claim Lucario is a clone of Mewtwo just because he has the same Neutral B attack...everything else is different

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Its almost as annoying as those who claim Lucario is a clone of Mewtwo just because he has the same Neutral B attack...everything else is different


Yeah just saw a vid of his moves and he is completely different.


Anyways was wondering if anyone cares that wavedashing is out. I for one, don't as I only recently found out about it and it didn't really apply to the characters I used (mainly heavy or slow).

Someone said it's bad that it's gone because it was an advanced tech that separated the beginners from the veterans but if you ask me, if you can shine when put on a level playing field, that shows who the vet is, rather than mastering some sort of move.

There are questions as to whether it was a glitch or technique. Some say it was a glitch because it's out of the game now while others say it is just the air technique being used on the ground. hmmm

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I'm gone for two days and what happens? MORE THAN TWENTY FRIGGIN' PAGES TO READ THROUGH!


So much to comment, so little time ...


Initially, the roster seemed a little disappointing. It would have been smarter to make the original characters unlockables since starting out with so many new and exciting characters gave us the impression we still had a lot to see in the character department. I guess it's because Sakurai wants to make the game easier to pick up without having to unlock all the special characters.


In the end, though, I like the roster. My greatest disappointment is that Krystal isn't playable. I had really expected and anticipated that, but oh well, we can't all be happy. I would be an ungrateful bastard for complaining.


I'm quite happy that Falco and Wolf have been made less clony, I'm just still wondering why they didn't come up with some more original Final Smashes for them. Falco's known as the best pilot in the Star Fox team - why not have him jump into an Arwing and blast the opponents on screen? Like in the Star Fox levels, except his shooting wouldn't be random, i.e. he would be aiming for people like the Centurions in Pit's Final Smash.


Even though Toon Link (nice name) has the same attacks as Link, his "physics" seem pretty different, like Falco was to Fox in Melee, so I think it's all right. Ganondorf looks like the most clony character to me.


Marth is back and he's cooler than ever! His attacks looks so much better and his Final Smash is awesome. Now I have 3 definite love-characters together with a lot of needs-to-be-played-often characters.


One newcomer I didn't get from the start but whom I am now beginning to believe in is ROB. I think he has the possibility to become a very interesting character. From the clips I've seen of him in the Subspace Emissary, it looks like he is betraying the Subspace Army to help the good guys.


About the Subspace Emissary, it's something I've wanted since my fandom started. The way the heroes of the different universes interact is so awesome! Who'd ever think the two captains Falcon and Olimar would fight alongside the monkeys with a taste for stylish clothing and weapons made of wood, or that the yellow mouse we all love would save the hyper-mobile armour-clad bounty-hunter-heroine?


Luigi has since Melee taken on the role as the wacko of the Smash cast. From his funny victory stances (e.g. "the cowboy" and "the penguin", as I like to call them) to his awkward movement and fighting style, he's ultimately the comic relief who kicks ass. His Final Smash seems to be the embodiment of his personality - everything goes into a psychedelic mode where Luigi seems to be the only one still able to maintain his senses, leaving his opponents open to attack.


Generally, the physics of Brawl seems to be much more polished than those of Melee. The characters feel like they've got much more substance and the general graphics and effects look sexy (seriously, who needs HD?).


Need I even comment on the sound aspect? I really like the sound effects, too, but I've heard something about them being different in the US and European versions?


Lastly, the vast amount of videos has kept me in an orgasmic state since I first saw the intro video. Like a drug addict getting abstinences, I get severely depressed every time my mind touches upon the fact that we have no idea when we are going to own this game.


Well, at least the videos will keep me entertained for a long time.

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