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Super Mario Galaxy


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I liked Tall Tall Mountain, the Lava and Desert areas.


Wet Dry World was easily my least favourite level, it just seemed so uninspired, just flooded concrete!


Also wasn't a huge fan of Hazy Maze Cave.


I really liked it! I thought it was boring to start with, but once i'd got to the underwater, abandoned city I was blown away. I loved Mario 64 and everything about it, it was so magical and new. Nothing has ever come close to being as exciting as Mario 64 once was but with it being the first 3D game I ever had, I doubt anything else will.


One of the biggest 'wow' moments was when in hazy maze cave, you go deep underground and find that big water monster! I was like ''WOAH, A LAPRAS?!''.

Oh and another Hazy Maze Cave moment, the bit where you turn into metal mario and there is a stream, but if you walk down the stream to far... you fall out of the waterfall which is outside princess peach's castle! I thought it was great at how the world connected.


Yeah, Hazy Maze Cave was by far the best level, for all it's secrets!


Mario 64 is my favourite, then Galaxy, then Sunshine. I really liked Sunshine, especially Isle Delfino but it didn't have as many crazy moments as Mario Galaxy.

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Oh and another Hazy Maze Cave moment, the bit where you turn into metal mario and there is a stream, but if you walk down the stream to far... you fall out of the waterfall which is outside princess peach's castle! I thought it was great at how the world connected.
Yeah and that level with Bowsers docked submarine... I think something there put you out into the small lake furthest from the castle!
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Yeah and that level with Bowsers docked submarine... I think something there put you out into the small lake furthest from the castle!


It did I remember now! :P


...And.. That one level in the sky, when you fell off the stage, you fell down to the outside of princess peach's castle! :grin:

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I'm really tempted to get 120 stars with luigi before Galaxy 2.... such a dilemma. The problems with doing it are that I have so many other games to complete and also that I don't want the magic of Galaxy 2 being taken away by replaying Galaxy...if I leave it, then Galaxy 2 will feel even fresher.... what to do what to do

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I wouldn't bother doing it again, when Galaxy 2 is so close. However great a game Galaxy is, getting 240 stars is a bit of a slog. You'll appreciate Galaxy 2 more if you play other games between now and its release.

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Yeah thats what i think... Really want to though, and I don't think it would be a slog as it'd be enjoyable, but maybe whack it out over the summer after beasting Galaxy 2!!


If this game is as good as Galaxy then it will easily be my game of the year! If it's better than I'm going to need a new telly after jizzing all over my current one!

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Nothing has ever come close to being as exciting as Mario 64 once was but with it being the first 3D game I ever had, I doubt anything else will.


What if... the next Nintendo console and games were 1080p, 3D and as good as a Pixar film? That'd do it for me! I'm not being facetious either, I'm genuinely trying to think of what could better that "wow". As good as the N64 was, we had played polygon games before, like Star Fox on the SNES.


As for getting Luigi's Stars before Galaxy 2 is out, I'm thinking of doing that too. The problem is, whereas I thought it'd be as easy as with Mario, the Cosmic Luigi races at least are far harder. I would say getting Luigi's Stars is harder than completing Mario Sunshine 100% (making Galaxy the hardest 3D Mario game).

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  • 4 years later...
  • 2 years later...

I hope its ok to bump this topic but this amazing game is 10 years old today:

Not sure where the time went, it doesn't feel like 10 years at all to me but I plan to replay this game again to celebrate it lol 

And I think this was one of my favourite moments in the game:


Edited by Helmsly
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