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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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I know Link in TP isn't the same Link from OOT/MM, what i'm saying is that according to the intro to Wind Waker, A hero "dressed in green" saved Hyrule and banished the great evil, this hero became known as the "Hero of Time" (aka Link from OOT), when the "great evil" returned the people of Hyrule called/hoped for the hero to return but he didn't, even if it wasn't actually the "Hero of Time", "TP Link" is still "dressed in green" and has the name "Link", this would have been seen as the hero "returning", but since he didn't and this is why the gods ended up sealing Hyrule underwater, to me it just seems a bit messy to be placing TP as the that back story to WW


That's the part that we don't know and will know only when playing Twilight Princess. My theory is that something will happen in this game that will not let Link seal Ganondorf. Probably the goddess will do it and sank Hyrule


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That's the part that we don't know and will know only when playing Twilight Princess. My theory is that something will happen in this game that will not let Link seal Ganondorf. Probably the goddess will do it and sank Hyrule



I think you've missed my point in that, in the intro to WW it says that the hero never re-appeared, so if TP is telling that story Link should not be there, and it was because he didn't come to fight the evil that the people asked the gods for help and a great flood was their solution... we could do this till Dec 8th.. but hey if that's the case it'll help pass the time, haha


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I think you've missed my point in that, in the intro to WW it says that the hero never re-appeared, so if TP is telling that story Link should not be there, and it was because he didn't come to fight the evil that the people asked the gods for help and a great flood was their solution... we could do this till Dec 8th.. but hey if that's the case it'll help pass the time, haha


I don't mind! XD. But, who didn't understand was you, lol. The Hero who they were calling was the Hero of Time. Well, that one didn't appear but another one appeared, that is Link from TP. What i said was that he probably will fail on his mission. That's why the flood will happen!


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Not good :nono"...


* EDGE had some gripes about the gameplay on Wii, but say it's not enough for them to say "Get the GCN version". What sort of gripes?


Solitanze I know this is going to offend you but this whole paranoia thing you have about the game being crap if it scores below 9.7 or 97% is becoming pathetic now. No game has ever been perfect so stop worrying about small problems that don't even occur if you buy the other version of the game.

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Solitanze I know this is going to offend you but this whole paranoia thing you have about the game being crap if it scores below 9.7 or 97% is becoming pathetic now. No game has ever been perfect so stop worrying about small problems that don't even occur if you buy the other version of the game.


Nah I ain't offended, I'm just disappointed with Nintendo, they could've offered us a far superior final game to this bug ridden version. :nono:

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I don't mind! XD. But, who didn't understand was you, lol. The Hero who they were calling was the Hero of Time. Well, that one didn't appear but another one appeared, that is Link from TP. What i said was that he probably will fail on his mission. That's why the flood will happen!


hehe, yeah i did understand what yor were saying, but in the intro the "Hero of Time" is also asociated with "wearing green clothes", which is why in the time of Wind Waker it became traditional for boys to wear green clothes on their 12th birthday.


If TP was to take place between OOT and WW a "hero in green" would have still appeared and fought with "the great evil" he didn't need to be the same hero or the "hero of time", the fact that a "hero in green" fought the evil would be enough.


Assuming TP does take place as the back story to WW, If Link did fail then the WW intro should have said "the hero returned but to the horror of the people fell at the power of the evil, it was then they turned to the gods for help".


But it says "he never appeared", so to slap TP as the WW backstory is a massive contradiction to the mythology they already established.


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Nah I ain't offended, I'm just disappointed with Nintendo, they could've offered us a far superior final game to this bug ridden version. :nono:


Bug ridden?


Bullshit, it's just the fact that the Wii remote isn't competent enough to actually be able to control Zelda.

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Well Mokong X-C... it seems that we're going have to play it, isn't it? Altought i have to agree with you. It seems a little contracdition! Nonetheless, we will only understand when finishing the Twilight Princess... hate this waiting....

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Well Mokong X-C... it seems that we're going have to play it, isn't it? Altought i have to agree with you. It seems a little contracdition! Nonetheless, we will only understand when finishing the Twilight Princess... hate this waiting....


Yeap, just 5 more weeks, god it's killer.


Also on the art work stuff, how come all the Link artwork is "gc TP" as in "Link is left handed" is there no "Wii specific" artwork when he is "right handed"?

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Bug ridden?


Bullshit, it's just the fact that the Wii remote isn't competent enough to actually be able to control Zelda.


So even if they had been organised and made this a Wii game to begin with and started adding Wii Mote functionality early instead of tacking it on late into its development Super Mario 64 DS style, the control issues still would've remained due to the limitations of the WiiMote? So the game itself is not flawed but the Wii Mote is? Or is there too high expectations on the capabilities of the Wii Mote?

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Do you guy's actually want a Zelda game at launch or not?

And before you say "it'll be full of bugs", how long have Nintendo been working on it?

If you think you, or, for that matter, anyone, could do a better job and have it for launch day, then let me know.


If you want the Cube version, buy the fucking Cube version. Just don't tell me how I'm a idiot for wanting to try something new.


Just out of interest, how do you know it'll be "bug ridden", or that the Wii remote "isn't competent enough"?

When did you play the final, gold, play-tested, bug checked, retail version?



If you guys want to sit there, playing it, and bitch about every tiny error, glitch, or bug, then so be it, it's your choice.

I, on the other hand am going to play it, and love every minute of it.


Bunch of pessimists, that's what you are.

Goddamn pessimists.

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To be quite honest the glitches can actually make the game more intresting IMO. Well at least with Zelda games anyway.


I remember there being shit loads of glitches on OOT, for example, on the USA version, when you fight Ganon at the end, where you loose the master sword, if you save the game and then start the game Link won't have his sword, this also opened up even more glitches.


So glitches can be fun sometimes.


Also, I wander if this game will produce some mad rumors like OOT did, i.e how to get the Triforce, unfreeze Zora's domain, those type of things.


I know you couldn't get the Triforce in OOT, but it did make the game more intresting IMO.

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Having clocked up 34 hours (and counting) on the final build of the Wii's 'The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess', I will be posting my impressions on here over the coming weeks leading up to the full review in the next issue of the magazine (on sale 24 Nov).


I'm not going to give too much away right now, but rest assured that this is one hell of a game. I was actually surprised at how little I knew about the game. In a similar fashion to Capcom's treatment of RE4 pre-launch, even the hardcore followers probably only know around 5% of what this game has to offer.


I'm not going to ruin the game for you. If you want storyline info, boss tactics, character names etc then go elsewhere. I'm not going to be responsible for ruining this game for people. The story and character development is more relevant in this game than any other Zelda before it. I'm going to post as few spoilers as possible but here's your first warning:




So, look out for my impressions, and Video Vault updates when the relevant dates arrive. The first one will be very soon.

When the first impressions go up I'll unlock this thread so that you can ask questions. Don't fill this thread with nonsense and speculation. I'll answer what I'm allowed to and only stuff that won't ruin the experience for everyone else. If this thread gets abused I'll lock it and will stop answering questions. Simple as.



*** Update: 31/10/06 ***

So it turns out that the embargoes actually cover all video footage so I’m limited to impressions right now, the first of which will come tomorrow (1 Nov, UK time). On launch-day we’ll post lots of movies for you.



*** Update: 01/11/06 ***

Impressions From Opening Area & Faron Woods


Here you go: the first lot of impressions. Enjoy. I'll unlock the thread until the morning (get your questions in and I'll answer them over the next few days), at which point I'll lock it until the next embargo.




I’m going to spend most of this post talking about the general feel of the game and the way the final controls work, because I think these are two of the most important aspects. I’ll also touch upon the music because, being a bit of a musician, it’s an aspect of gaming that I always take notice of. Also I should mention that this is going to be really informal and un-proofed so please forgive any grammatical errors.


Title Screen

So, first up is the title screen. I’m sure many OoT fans out there will be ecstatic to hear that, in a similar vein to OoT, Twilight Princess feature a stunning title screen sequence whereby Link reigns in Epona and goes running across a bridge and along the edge of a cliff in Hyrule Field. It’s the perfect start to the game and OoT fans will quite literally be drowning in their own drool before they even press Start (sorry, I mean A+B).



I know there are options whores out there so here’s a bit on that:

Lock-On Type: toggle between holding down Z to lock on, or just tapping Z to lock on.

Camera Control: choose between regular or inverted.

Pointer: have it on or off (didn’t try having it off, but I assume you control the sights with the analogue stick.

Icon Shortcuts: have them on or off.

Pointer Settings: a sensitivity setting, from 1 – 10.


To be honest, apart from inverting the camera controls, I had no reason to bother with anything else as the standard settings were pretty much perfect for me.


General Feel

The Epona opening sequence provides the feel-good factor and if you wait a few seconds longer there’s the montage trailer that provides just enough snippets of later events to get you really excited. I’m not going to talk about those though.

The overall feel of the game is way more filmic than before. You can tell from the very first second that this is going to be more story-driven, and therefore more heartstring-tugging, than any other Zelda game. The character design is improved over other games. Some of that can probably be attributed to the fact that there’s more power under the hood (hence more detailed expressions and clothing), but I think it’s safe to say that the actual design in general is better. That said, I still hate Colin. I don’t like his face and his efforts to follow in Link’s footsteps make him seem like a right brown-noser. He gets picked on by the other kids and to be honest with you, I have no sympathy for him. But still, I do feel passionately about him so either way, I’m being drawn in more than ever before.



I must admit, even back at E3 I had concerns about the controls. Would the Wii Remote swordplay get tedious? Would it be tiring? Is the pointing device accurate enough to get me out of a tight spot at the drop of a hat? Thankfully the answers are 'no, 'no' and 'yes'. I have to say though, there’s a mental barrier to cross with the Wii, and it’s one that I’m only just beginning to break through.


The problem is, even though I know the pointer works relatively (as opposed to where I’m pointing on the screen), I still find myself wanting to point at specific areas of the screen. So I’ll have the bow out and I swear I’m pointing at the screen. The thing is I’m not supposed to be. My Sensor Bar is actually sat a foot below the screen because it’s easier to have it there. So when I’m pointing directly at the Sensor Bar, that is interpreted as dead-centre (on the vertical plain). It takes a while for your head to readjust but once it does everything is so much easier. I had the same issues with Red Steel.

With that hurdle overcome, the pointing device is stunningly accurate. . . way more accurate than an analogue stick. There’s an area in the second dungeon (Nintendo PR, forgive me – I know I’m not supposed to talk about dungeon 2 but this particular bit is from the E3 demo) where you’re hiding behind crates and are being fired upon by six or seven Moblins. From the moment I first see them to the moment the last one falls lasts about six seconds. It’s literally just point shoot, point shoot. . . and each movement is spot-on, even though three of them are only separated by 5mm each. That’s nothing to do with my skill - that’s just how responsive, lag-free and accurate the technology is.


But what of the sword fighting? Actually, it’s great. There is a tiny bit of lag but that’s because you have to complete the motion before the move is recognised. Honestly though, it’s a split-second thing.

Anyone who has played the E3 demo will know that Link has his spinning attack, a standard slice, a jab and a jump attack. The latter three are performed via the Wii Remote while the spinning attack comes from gesturing the Nunchuk left and right. Link doesn’t actually start out with the Ending Blow that was present in the E3 demo. He actually learns new moves throughout the game, a fantastic addition that succeeds perfectly in heightening the feeling of character development. This learning of moves is also connected to Wolf Link but that’s an amazing part of the game in itself and I’ll leave that to you to figure out and enjoy for yourself.

Anyway, back to how the sword feels. A laid back flick of the wrist is as good as an intense swipe but when you’re in the thick of it you’ll find yourself really going for it. And no, it isn’t tiring. I’ve been doing 12-hour sessions, simply because I’ve had to, and while my eyes are barely open at the end my hands and arms are just fine. Sorry, I know there are cynics out there who don’t want to hear that, but it’s true.



Simply amazing. I mean, Zelda always has great music, but every now and then a tune will play in the background and you’ll be like “I’ve got to stop playing cos that tune is just something else”. There’s one in the first area that’s based on an older Zelda tune but it’s remixed and is just divine. There’s plenty more to say on the subject but I won’t because some of the enemy sound effects and the Twilight Realm tunes are really ominous and it would ruin the surprise if I talked about them. It’ll definitely be worth buying the soundtrack though (hmmm, maybe we should look into doing a TP soundtrack on the cover of the mag. . .).


Wii Remote Speaker

It’s strange because in theory there seems little point in the speaker function. . . any sound effects could just come out of the TV speaker. In practice though (and who is to know whether Nintendo fully intended this to be the case or not) it’s genius and manages to put you right in the heart of the action. You get the sound of the sword unsheathing and sword clashes in the speaker and you also get a little chime once the Spin Attack has recharged (about two seconds). Midna giggles via the speaker when she wants to talk to you, at which point you have to press up on the D-pad. It may sound like a gimmick but seriously, it adds yet more magic to the experience.



Very, very briefly. . . Link is a ranch-hand in the Ordona Province. Right at the start of the game you’re told that Rusl won’t be able to make the journey to Hyrule Castle to deliver a gift, so it’s down to Link to do it. You’re introduced to the rather charming inhabitants of Ordon (well, aside from Colin) and are subtly made to perform and practice all the movements that are going to be so vital in the game.

It’s actually a good few hours before Link finally leaves and gets dragged into the Twilight Realm. You soon learn that the land of Hyrule is in grave danger and that the light in the world has been extinguished. The only way to return light to the world is to free the three Light Spirits, and so the dungeon bashing begins. As you’ve seen in the screens and the trailer from a while back, Midna comes to Link’s aid to help him escape from the dungeon prison below the castle. . . but I’m not saying why they’re there or who the character at the top of the tower is.


Wolf Link

I wasn’t going to say much about this but EDGE magazine has already printed quite a bit of it in the most recent issue, so I’m not really spoiling anything. Wolf Link basically has an equivalent for human Link’s main moves. So whereas Link does a jump attack, Wolf Link does a jumping bite. Wolf Link also has a Spin Attack. What Wolf Link lacks in item/weapon usage (he can’t use items for obvious reasons) he gains in the form of Sense and Dig abilities. Tapping left or right on the D-pad allows Wolf Link to smell out things that aren’t necessarily actually there (sorry, I know that’s vague but I’m being very careful here). He’s also able to dig for secrets and even dig holes to gain access to secret areas.

Another move comes courtesy of Midna. By holding down B you can create a magical field around both characters. Let go of B and Wolf Link will deliver a fatal bite to every enemy inside the threshold. The creature in Midna’s helmet allows you to… nope, actually, forget that.


I remember reading on a forum once that someone hoped Aonuma-san wouldn’t cheat and allow Wolf Link to open doors. Well, he can’t. Up until the end of the first dungeon he can’t open doors and has to find other ways around obstacles. Again, this is something that has more depth but I’m not going to comment anymore on that.

EDGE also touched upon Tears Of Light, Vessels Of Light and Shadow Insects but I’m going to leave it because I think it reveals a bit too much about the connection between the Light and Twilight.


I think that’ll do for now. As and when the other embargoes are lifted I’ll reveal more.

I don’t think there are any spoilers here. Every few seconds I keep thinking of amazing things I’ve experienced, even in the first four or five hours, but I know how happy I was when I completely unexpectedly discovered every little detail. . . and I really think it should be the same for everyone else. Honestly, you owe it to yourself to try and avoid any impressions that go into more detail. And for anyone who thinks I’ve written too much. . . I’ve held back drastically through this whole thing. This is just a tiny slither of what’s on offer. Hopefully what I’ve written will excite you. If you have any questions feel free to ask but I can tell you now that I won’t post anything past the Faron Woods dungeon.



*** Update: 01/11/06 ***

Ok, lol, I think that's enough questions for one sitting. I'll answer what I can. The next embargo hits on the 10th so check back then for more impressions from further on in the game.


Q) Does the whole mirrored environment and models thing negatively affect the game in any way? Would you prefer the Wii version to be un-mirrored or mirrored? Or does it not matter at all?

A) It makes no difference whatsoever. It's just different. I imagine some people will buy both and claim it's the 'hardcore way' but really there's no difference.


Q) First question is about the camera. Can you control it in 3rd person like you could in Wind Waker? If not, does it detract from the experience, or do you not even notice?

A) No, you don't control the camera manually, aside from being able to centre it by behind Link by pressing Z. The automatic camera is clever enough and the only time you have issues is when you're right up against a wall and the camera goes right behind Link's a**e. That only happened a few times throughout my 34 hours though. You never have those classic early 3D world problems where you just can't get the camera where you want it in order to perform a jump.

When I refer to the camera in the options, it actually inverting your aiming when you have the sights up. So, when you get the Gale Boomerang out or even when you tap C to go into first-person mode, you can invert it.


Q) Other than the stab, does the direction you move the Wii Remote cause Link to swing the sword in generally the same direction?

A) No, it's not that accurate. If you slash with the remote Link slashes with his right arm in a kind of 'in front of his head to to the right of his leg' way. You can't make him slash to the left but you don't really need to. I'll give you an example. If you're standing in between two pots, a standard slash will hit the pot on Link's right. If you want to hit the one on the left you just turn left a bit and slash it… it's really not a problem.


Q) Very Amazing impressions. What is Midna like? Is she enjoyable or annoying like Navi?

A) Actually Midna is great. One of the best sidekicks so far. She really rips the p**s out of Link when she first meets him and you feel really sorry for him. But she soon realises what a star he is and gradually the pair warm to each other. It's classic character development and it works better than any game I can think of. I know what you mean about Navi. She was always like 'hello!' and I was always like 'just f**k off!' Midna isn't like that at all.


Q) Is it easy to become comfortable with the new control system or does it take some time to sink in?

A) Not really qualified to answer that as I've played it SO many times since it was first shown.


Q) Is the new combat system easy to play over a substained period of play?

A) See impressions above. Short answer: no.


Q) Based on your play time so far do you think the game could surpass Ocarina of Time?

A) lol That'll be in the review. To be honest though, I think that's a personal thing. It all depends on what you liked from OoT and what kind of thing does it for you.


Q) Who is Colin?

A) A young boy who lives in Link's home, Ordona Village. His dad is Rusl, the guy who was supposed to be delivering a gift to Hyrule Castle.


Q) If you've played the GC version, can you comment on which control scheme you prefer, and which control scheme you think die-hard fans will prefer, and casual gamers?

A) I haven't played the GC version for about two years, but I can say that the Wii controls are definitely superior, more satisfying and more involving.


Q) What about Links Voice? In the newer trailers his voice sounds more... mature and not like the well-known from the older games.

A) Yeah, you're right. I was thinking that as I was playing it. He definitely sounds more mature.


Q) Do you know something about the Limited Edition-Version for the Wii-Release?

A) I don't know anything about that, sorry, but here's hoping eh?


Q) Based on the time you have had with the game, what would be your best estimate for game length in say 'hours'?

A) I know the answer but I can't give it to you, sorry. It's big enough. . . I would be tempted to say it's the perfect length.


Q) Being a collectables fan, i was wondering if you could shed some light on the amount of secret (items, heartpieces, skullta and figurine equivalents) that you have found littered around the game world?

A) Again, I can't really answer that. I can say that there are plenty of those kinds of things, whether they come in the form of adventure-long quests or short-term mini-quests. And yes, they're the kinds of things that make you spend five hours trying to complete them and love every second of it.


Q) Now all i need to know is having an automatic sheild any trouble?

Does it make link seem invincible?

A) Well it's not really an automatic shield. Link holds his shield (if you equip it) as you would expect, so if an attack comes from the left side at the right height he'll block it. But 90% of the attacks won't be blocked. You bring the shield up in front of you when you lock on, but obviously the shield is then held to block in a specific direction (the direction of that particular enemy). I think it's just right to be honest. The blocking does become more skilfull, but again that's going into forbidden territory.


Q) Will the mag review the GC version as well?

A) I doubt it. The games are identical so we'll cover the Wii version (the superior version asa we're concerned) and tell you about the differences within the review.


Q) Another question is if Epona plays a more important role in this game?

A) I'll answer that next time.


Q) What's the theme of the music (i.e. Wind Waker had a kind of Scottish/Irish feel to it)?

A) Can I just say that it starts off very OoT and gets darker.


Q) Who is Midna? Where does she come from? What's her strengths? Is she Zelda or the girl who gets kidnapped when Link gets knocked out and injured by Moblins?

A) Midna is a creature from the Twilight Realm. She can levitate and help Wolf Link get to normally unreachable areas. She also has a magical claw/hand that protrudes from her helmet, that can pull off some powerful moves. Is she Zelda? I'm not answering that! And no, the kids from the village get kidnapped.


Q) Who the hell are those clown (camp) fellows and why the hell are they in the game?

A) Sorry, the answer is a definite spoiler. Let's just say they represent a very cool section in the game.


Q) What's the fishing like? Is there any new things to do?

A) By the looks of things it's actually deeper than I thought, but at the time I had the option to spend a few hours with fishing or see another new dungeon… the decision wasn't hard.


Q) Is the music orcestrated?

A) No. I'm torn on this subject. I have a lot of time for midi music, especially when it's done as well as this, but there are definitely moments when the synth strings just don't have the depth or separation they need. I bought the Final Fantasy III DS soundtrack while I was at TGS and some of the stuff on there (especially the theme tune) is spectacular… really emotive. I think TP could've done with some of that. Don't get me wrong though. There are some great tunes in the game.


Q) I have one of those smaller televisions in my room i have my gamecube on it and that works fine but ive heard that the Wii is widescreen does this mean that i will only get some of the picture with bits cut off or does it automatically set itself to the screen size?

A) No, you'll get a letterbox picture I'm afraid.


Q) Is the game subtitled (like OoT), subtitled but characters do weird sounds (windwaker) or is there actual speech? If there is, is it like Final Fantasy 10, where only the main characters can talk.

A) There are subtitles… but I don't seem to remember any speech at all. Sorry, I don't have my camera with me so I can't check all the footage.


Q) Also, is the rumble feature used alot, or only in battles?

A) No, it's used loads. I remember thinking it was going to run the battery down but I played for 34 hours with rumble and speaker sounds all the time and it was still going fine. That's quite impressive, I think.


Q) I think this is a stunt to get us to buy Twilight.

A) Yeah, cos obviously I get a percentage from every copy sold…


Q) Also, will you do a sound track for a cover gift?

A) Of course, we would love to. Life isn't quite that simple though…


Q) Is the speaker on the Wiimote low quality or are the sounds good enough? Does the Wiimote speaker give a little sense of surround sound?

A) Yeah, it does give an impressions of surround sound and it definitely makes you feel part of the action. The sound quality is fine when you're playing but if you actually concentrate on the sound you'll realise that the speaker quality is by no means perfect and certain frequencies aren't great. But the old 'you opened a chest' chime and Midna's laugh sound great.


Q) I have never played a Zelda game. I like platformers and , to a lesser extent, the action-adventure genre. Should I get this game?

A) I can only really answer that in a mammoth review.


Q) In addition, for COMPLETELY rubbish gamer like me, how much time do you think it will take to finish (a rough estimation please,not including sidequests). Thank you.

A) A long, long time. You won't need to buy another game for months.


Q) On behalf of all left handers who miss link's left handedness, can you switch what hand he holds his sword in ????

A) No


Q) Is the remote or nunchuk sensitive enough to interupt the gameplay (unwanted sword movements etc)?

A) No, and I think it would be a bit rubbish if that were the case. Honestly, if it were that sesitive your brain wouldn't be able to keep up with what you're doing.


Q) Which number is it in the series if all the titles were in cronological order?

A) Geez, that's hardcore. I don't know right this second, I just like playing games!


I'm sure someone else can answer that though. To be honest with you all the timelines don't really fit together if you consider the physics of time travel and what characters should and shouldn't know, so I'm not sure it matters.


Q) Are there any annoying characters (like Tingle etc)?

A) Colin is no.1 on my list. But no, not to Tingle extent


Q) Did you ever dream that one day you would be one of the first people in the world to play a new zelda game?

A) Trust me, at times like these I'd much rather be in your position. You really do lose a lot of the magic doing it this way.


Q) Will the Wii version have FULL voice Acting, including the option of subtitles during the cinematic cut-scenes?

A) It's as far from full voice acting as you can get.


Q) Apart from hitting an enemy, will the game sometimes lag, or will it maintain a 30 fps frame-rate throughout?

A) I saw one or two insignificant drops when the camera panned out over a huge area in a cut scene. But it never dropped to 'ooooh, that's bad' levels. I've never seen it drop in gameplay.


Q) Could THIS be the Nintendo Game of the Year once we get it into our hands?

A) Could it be? It is. Even just for the first five hours.






Some of the non spoilers impressions.



Simply amazing. I mean, Zelda always has great music, but every now and then a tune will play in the background and you’ll be like “I’ve got to stop playing cos that tune is just something else”. There’s one in the first area that’s based on an older Zelda tune but it’s remixed and is just divine. There’s plenty more to say on the subject but I won’t because some of the enemy sound effects and the Twilight Realm tunes are really ominous and it would ruin the surprise if I talked about them. It’ll definitely be worth buying the soundtrack though.


Q) Is the music orcestrated?

A) No. I'm torn on this subject. I have a lot of time for midi music, especially when it's done as well as this, but there are definitely moments when the synth strings just don't have the depth or separation they need. I bought the Final Fantasy III DS soundtrack while I was at TGS and some of the stuff on there (especially the theme tune) is spectacular… really emotive. I think TP could've done with some of that. Don't get me wrong though. There are some great tunes in the game.

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