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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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translation (but it's a rough one) :

EDIT : Oh CRAP. I started at the second batch of scans. But hey, it's the interview !

page 1

pic1 : A bird? A UFO? No, LINK! In wolfskin link can jump through the air.

pic2 : SHORTER. Before our interview we assumed the game had 100 hours of gameplay. Now it's 30 less.


In the red part :

Interview withEiji Aonuma, director of The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess


>> Twilight Princess promises 70 hours of gaming fun! <<

At E3 The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess was first presented in playable form. Which influence did the feedback from gamers have on further development?

Like you have noticed when you played, we reworked the controls after E3. The reason was that a lot of [E3] visitors wanted a control method that better suited the Wii controller. We got suggestions to swing Link's sword with the wiimote - before you had to press the B button. Through this change the player can identify with Link better. You'll have surely noticed that you hold the wiimote in your right hand, and imitate Link's swordmoves. That's why Link in the Wii-version of Twilight Princess - contrary to previous episodes - is right handed.


Can we look forward to seeing the obligatory fire- and watertemple? Which new dungeons will there be?

Our goal was of coarse to have as much temples in Twilight Princess as possible. As for how many I can say that we plan to have as much as there were in Ocarina of Time (red: the game had 9 temples). Regardless, I think that the gamer will notice a lot of similarities with Ocarina of Time and other Zelda games, when he visits a temple in Twilight Princess. But there will also be dungeons that will distinguish themselves from the ones that were in the previous games. Every Zelda fan who's played Ocarina of Time and all the other parts can expect a whole new experience in Twilight Princess!


Can you tell us about the gametime, including all sidequests?

I can't say with 100% certainty, but Twilight Princess promises about 70 hours of gametime.


Are there plans to support WiiConnect24 in some way?

Like you know, The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess was originally made for the GameCube. We had, because of the conversion, not enough time to include WiFi functionality. Maybe this will change in the next game, but we didn't manage it this time.


Continued on other page ... but Dante didn't put the pages in order.

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Summary of all the news in that scans:


The game will last 70 hours if you do all the sidequest.

There are nine temples in the game. Some will be similar to existing temples but some will be entirely new and feature things that were never seen before in any Zelda game.

N-Zone start their game in a Goron Mine :yay: and the Scarecrow from OoT appears there too.

They didn't have time to implement any features for WiiConnect24.

The horse will be faster than Epona. You'll have it soon after the beginning, after some time you'll loose it and get it later again. You can give the horse a name.

You assign items to the B-Button with the D-Pad - for instance the bow.

When aiming with the bow you can only aim within the big orange circle. If the circle isn't positioned correctly you can correct it with the joystick.

Link can do shield attacks when you slightly move the nun-chuck forward. You don't have to push it too hard but you won't trigger it accidentally during a fight.

Often used items like the iron boots can also be assigned to the D-Pad (unlike OoT where you had to use the menu all the time to put them on and off).

The wiimote speaker is of good quality and useful for some quests. For instance when they had to wear the iron boots they heard Midna laughing.

Wolf-Link has better senses for instance his smell is more advanced to find hidden things.

There'll be a grown up girl that will be very helpful to Link.

With a creature on his back Link will be able to fly.

Midna will be the link between Link and his mission because she can't do it on her own.

Aonuma hinted that maybe there's another princess besides Zelda, so it could be that Zelda isn't the Twilight Princess.

There'll be many shops that will have different prices for the same items.



Not many interesting news in there actually but I found it interesting that it's also Midna's task to save Hyrule.

And on another note: I suppose assigning an item over the D-Pad to the B-Button works more like this. You push the direction on the pad, then the item is activated and the B-Button will trigger an action.

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OK, I finished the second page of the interview. Even though konfucius did a summary I'm sure there are some people who'd like to read the full interview.


The world in Twilight Princess is said to be huge. Can we get an impression of its size? How long does it take to cross the land on a horse?

To answer the question about the exact size, I haven't yet tried to cross Hyrule completely on foot. But what I can tell you now is that there will be a horse that's faster on its hooves than Epona in Ocarina of Time. Even when you're not busy with the main mission, you can, at any time, take a trip through Hyrule - it's very important to explore the huge land of Hyrule and its many areas. You will be thrilled by the size of the land!


Will the horse be available from the start or does Link have to free it like with Epona on the Lon-Lon-Farm in Ocarina of Time?

As Link is a cowboy instead of a fighter this time, he'll get a horse early on in the game. But suddenly strange things happen in Hyrule, and Link is involved in it, causing the separation of the horse and its rider. But during the game the two meet again and the player can even name the horse.


Why is the speaker in the wiimote so important for the game experience?

This feature is very, very important. When I first heard of the fact that the wiimote would have a speaker, I wondered what uses it could have. When I started experimenting with it, I noticed that it intensified the gaming experience. When you're in a noisy enviroment, it might be hard to hear the sounds from the controller. But when it's more quiet, and you hear the sounds of the controller, you feel like you're really in the game.


How difficult was it to map the controls for the Wii controller, considering the game was designed for the GameCube?

It's right that we developed the game for the GameCube. When we finished programming the foundation, we started with the conversion for the Wii controller. Here, the question was, how to make the game perfect for the Wii controller. It was a very exciting possibility to make everything more intuitive. At that time the controls were ready and we had to search for a way to map the complex controls on the wii controller, even though the controller has less buttons. The conversion at this point wasn't easy.


To be continued...

(but I'm going to take a little breather now)

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Ok now some facts about page 16 - thanks Dante and Pedro for finding the scans btw.

The upper shoulder button on the nunchuck (C-Button) is for an ego perspective to look around - that wasn't implemented at E³.

You draw the sword with the A button.

The lower shoulder button (Z-Button) is for locking onto enemies.

And after hectically swinging the Wiimote for 30 seconds the arm still didn't feel tired.

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OK, here's another page.


Was it hard to insert the controls for the Wii afterwards?

At the start was the GameCube version, which we finished almost completely before we started optimising for the Wii. At first we had difficulties estimating how much time that would take. After we recently changed the controls again, we can now fully concentrate on the finetuning.


Did Shigeru Miyamoto have any doubts about the controls?

Mr. Miyamoto didn't have to approve everything at once, rather one thing at a time. Our mission was to design every part of the controls so that at the end each part would fit together. Shigeru Miyamote more or less represented the player who plays The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess for the first time. Thanks to his excelent analytic ability on how to improve games, he was a real support in the day to day production.


Link will be able to turn into a wolf. How does this fact influence the gameplay?

After transforming into a wolf Link can use a lot of the abilities of this wild animal. A lot of them will be very important throughout the game. For example when he's transformed he'll have a stronger sense of smell. This way the transformed Link will be able to find hidden things that he wouldn't be able to find in normal form.


In The Wind Waker you built in a personal relationship(my german is slipping here) with the "King of Red Lions". Are there similar scenes in Twilight Princess?

As we worked on this game, I became a father for the first time. In The Wind Waker Link was a child, and I absolutely wanted to include a sort of father figure into the story. The King of Red Lions accompanied Link on his adventure and put him in the right direction. This time I didn't create a specific person to have a personal relationship with. This time Link is like a friend to the player and has a lot of friends in the game. Amongst others there will be a grown up girl that will prove very helpful to Link.


In the demo Midna plays an important part, as she explains the controls to the player. Can you describe her role in the finished game?

Midna will play a key role in Twilight Princess, that much I can reveal. She is the link between Link and his mission to save the land, because she can't do this by herself. Link is responsible for that!


I'm going to turn in for tonight.

If nobody continues the translation, I'll do some more tomorrow.

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Oh what the hell. I saw that it was the last page of the interview and thought that this was a bad moment to stop translating :D


Who is the Twilight Princess from the title? Will it be Zelda?

Well, it could be that there's another princess...(laughs)


While playing we encountered the typical Zelda rubies. Can you describe in short what you can buy with them?

Of course there will be countless shops that offer wares. A few items will only be available at certain merchants and for example not in the dungeons - no matter how good you look. By the way, it pays off to compare prices between shops. You can really get a bargain, because some merchants are real money grabbers!


Which minigames will there be besides fishing? Can you give us a real example?

You've already used the canoo when you went fishing. I can reveal that this means of transportation will also be available further in the adventure and some other minigames will use it too. I can't give you an example though.(laughs)


That sounds very interesting. Are there other secrets that you'd like to share?

Have I already told you that Link is right handed this time? (laughs) But I've got one secret for you. Only on the GameCube will the protagonist be left handed. So if you want to play it like you're used to from the previous games, you'll have to get the GameCube version.


Currently people are working on the DS on another Zelda episode. Is there a connection between Phantom Hourglass and Twilight Princess, concerning the story?

Phantom Hourglass is often looked at the sequel to The Wind Waker - that's not quite right, as there's only a similar graphics style. And because of the different settings there's also no big similarities between Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass. The extensive Hyrule prairie contrasts with a huge ocean. They are simply different gaming concepts. That's why we didn't forsee any way to connect both games.


Thank you very much for your extensive answers and good luck with the finetuning!




There! Now you have the complete interview. Now I'm really going to bed.:zzz:


Oh, and if anyone else who understands German thinks I've misinterpreted something, feel free to point it out. Neither German nor English is my native language, so mistakes are likely to occur.

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I would like to give myster0n thumbs up for being such a nice guy and translating all that, it was a quite arduous task.


Hype is building up in me again!! Everything seems so epic. This game must not disappoint.




Sorry sir, but I believe that's impossible.

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