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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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wolf link is riding the bird.


and the sence thing is probably some kind of radar. (like in the blizard part)


you can its wolf link because it still has the wolf controls on the side.


and because you can see wolf link.


but why the arrow target thing, maybe the bird has captured wolf link and midna is trying to save him with some type of weapon and you get to controll midna. or mayby the target is for directing the bird and the bird is midna.


i still like that one screen of wolf link walking around outside the twilight realm without midna is cool come to think of it thats in a blizard. (reminds me of the snow mountian level of mario 64.)


oh yeah i just got four swords ad ventures yesterday.


edit: mirror shmiror(sp)

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Hype, hype hype, hype, hype.!!!


They just press the big red button (which every developer has one) that says *warning flips game around incase you want to make the character right/left handed*


Thats how.



I was biding my time before making a final diagnosis. However I think its safe to say that due to all these postponements of Twilight Princesses release and the inevitable high quality of the game that our dear elfin friend and keeper of the triforce, Master Triforce_Keeper, has lost the plot.


Call in the men in white coats, its a go.

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staples is an office supply stor in north america the easy button is marketin thin where people push the button on the comercial and there office supply needs are granted.


you can also buy one for $6.00 canadian.


Ah, apologies for not making the connection for we dont have the program over here... I think. Tell me this though, do you get snow all the year round, eh?! :indeed:


ether that or your tingle in disguise


well his picture is in your sig


Bingo! He's not Link at all, just a wannabe!

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