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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Ahh Link is right-handed! Big blow for the left-handed race (which includes me) but I guess it's a sensible move, it would seem very weird for you to be swinging with your right hand and Link swinging his left. Hopefully you can have the choice of which hand you want to use.

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Ahh Link is right-handed! Big blow for the left-handed race (which includes me) but I guess it's a sensible move, it would seem very weird for you to be swinging with your right hand and Link swinging his left. Hopefully you can have the choice of which hand you want to use.

I would assume you set it to your handedness (is that even a word?)

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Sensory-motor-orientation? Sounds better? :laughing:

We'll go with that.



What's the deal with that? Link was THE LEFT HANDED HERO and now he's just a hero? WTF!? Someone should sue Nintendo!

Link IS left handed!

The controls should be for left handed people!

Miyamoto is left handed too! How can he let that happen? :(

It will most likely still be able to change to left handed.

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"Today was a good day for Wii news. There was an abundance of information on the system's release date, price, and launch games, and the Wii's multimedia functions were revealed and displayed in video form on Nintendo's Web site.


While future Wii owners celebrated en masse, the GameCube faithful hung their heads. The most anticipated game for the current-generation console, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, has once again been delayed.


Thankfully, the postponement won't be as torturous as last year's lengthy delay and will instead be limited to just a few weeks. Originally planned to launch alongside the Wii version of the game with the next-gen console's launch, Twilight Princess for the GameCube is now slated for a December 11 release.


Nintendo did not mention a reason for the game's delay, but the timing is a bit odd. The GameCube version was announced in 2004, but the Wii version was revealed long after the current-gen version had already been in development. Though logic would presume that the GameCube version would be finished well ahead of the next-gen version, this simply doesn't appear to be the case.


A fairly polished version of the GameCube version was on display at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005 and drew hours-long lines from hordes of Zelda fans. At this year's E3, however, the GameCube version didn't even make the trip to Los Angeles, and the hours-long lines at Nintendo's booth were for the Wii and its roster of games, which included the next-gen version of Twilight Princess. "



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Nintendo did not mention a reason for the game's delay, but the timing is a bit odd. The GameCube version was announced in 2004, but the Wii version was revealed long after the current-gen version had already been in development. Though logic would presume that the GameCube version would be finished well ahead of the next-gen version, this simply doesn't appear to be the case.





the delay is obvious as they want the hard core to purchase the wii and not make do with the GC (like me). Sometimes fanboy journos forget that nintendo is a business first.

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