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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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New Vs Old. : peace:




Right one has to be a "modified" screenshot - resolution looks much higer and there is no menue but even the left one looks awesome. One of my favourite games this year. I just hope the next one is cel-shaded again because then it feel different each time.

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There have been promotion shots in a resolution higher than 480p for Zelda: TP!
yes indeed, but that could be because of the internal resolution it was being rendered at...


It's the same engine as Wind Waker and Wind Waker used super sampling 4x... that means the game was actually being rendered at 2560x1920 and then downscaled into 640x480, that gives out that pastel effect who has no edges at all.


that might be why, but then again it might not aswell.


those higher resolution pics didn't do the game's justice because they made the textures look blurier.

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Dante that's a sick find! Damn look at those lighting effects! Ahh it's gonna be sweet!


Btw at the above screenshots I actually thought that the left one looked better if really low res. Much more atmosphere especially as that dusty kind of filter on the right one looks really faked.

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Really nice sig Hellfire, good job :smile:


It's the same engine as Wind Waker and Wind Waker used super sampling 4x... that means the game was actually being rendered at 2560x1920.

:shock: that takes up 14 MB of the 40 (well, effectively 24) the GameCube has for one framebuffer alone. How'd they do that? If that's possible, why no HD?

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Really nice sig Hellfire, good job :smile:



:shock: that takes up 14 MB of the 40 (well, effectively 24) the GameCube has for one framebuffer alone. How'd they do that? If that's possible, why no HD?

you're confusing things... GC can't output HD not only because like you mentioned it has little eDRAM/framebuffer, but also because it lacks that kind of output in the first place ;)


Super sampling is just a nice way to do something equivalent to full scene anti-aliasing, the game is effectively rendered internally with 4 times the final resolution and then shrunk down, so it really won't take up more memory, the textures quality is still for Standard definition TV sets aswell and the image is shrunk to go into the framebuffer... the only thing you have to watch out is the performance of the system doing all that resolution internally. Zelda WW is not a polygon pusher (infact very blocky/low-polygon at places), the textures are more simple with little detail and vibrant colors thus it takes up less RAM... but it still runs only at 30 frames :p that's the price to pay I guess.


I don't believe Zelda TP is using this though, but in older builds (like last year stills with more than SD resolution)... who knows.

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Will you still be able to play the Wii version with the Gamecube/shell controller? I wouldn't mind playing it as a traditional 3D Zelda game too without having to buy the two versions.


Some people think you can from a Perrin Kaplan quote but it's not been REALLY confirmed yet, the quote is a bit vague. I think it'll still feel like a traditional 3d Zelda with the remote though, the main stuff like sword swinging, moving, targetting and what not is still handled normally, the main change is that the aiming is a lot better now.

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