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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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I posted it in the wii section but it got locked so i think it's more proper to post it here:

Zelda TP will propably launch near wii's launch date for gc. I 've been thinking what's the point of releasing it on gc. The next-gen will be here and nobody is going to buy a gc just to play zelda. You'll propably say that wii is backward compatible and TP will have some special features on it.But when a gamer sees a next-gen and a gc game at a store which one do you think he will buy?Why not use wii's updated horsepower to polish it visually and the new control scheme for revolutionary gameplay. Many of you will disagree and flame ninty if they do that. But this has happened in the past with many games. One more time doesn't hurt. I hope we'll see Zelda TP as a wii launch title...


what do you think?

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I posted it in the wii section but it got locked so i think it's more proper to post it here:

Zelda TP will propably launch near wii's launch date for gc. I 've been thinking what's the point of releasing it on gc. The next-gen will be here and nobody is going to buy a gc just to play zelda. You'll propably say that wii is backward compatible and TP will have some special features on it.But when a gamer sees a next-gen and a gc game at a store which one do you think he will buy?Why not use wii's updated horsepower to polish it visually and the new control scheme for revolutionary gameplay. Many of you will disagree and flame ninty if they do that. But this has happened in the past with many games. One more time doesn't hurt. I hope we'll see Zelda TP as a wii launch title...


what do you think?


I still think it will launch as a Cube title. I heard many rumours saying that it will launch alongside with Wii meaning a Zelda game for launch despite it being on the Cube. Majoras Mask was late on the N64 and that still done well this game will sell no matter what console its on.

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what do you think?
I really doubt the Wii would add much to it, really. The bigger discs aren't necessary, graphics won't look much better on the Wii and the FHC really shouldn't be that influential yet for a hybrid Zelda. Making it a Cube title would be best.
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Comw on people. Its been a couple of days since anyone posted anything. I'll try and get it started again.


So what would everyone like to see in TP. I mean anything. Like places and people. I would quite like to see Dark Link and LonLon Ranch in the new Zelda.


Sory if you have already discussed this ttopic before .I'm just tryin to get things on the move again.

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I would like different swords/tunics/weapons in general that have quite different qualities, as opposed to just getting a better version. You know like Samus' beam weapons, some were more effective in certain circumstances but all generally about the same power (OK maybe not but you get the idea).


This would mean that you could play Link in quite a few different ways. Hey do you think there will be dark world items for Wolf Link? Get stuff like Iron Claws and stuff?

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The two lumberjacks from LTTP, King Zora (cross-eyed and all) from LTTP, animal people from LA, cooler even more sarcastic Gerudo Warriors.


Quite liked the Bomber Gang from MM too. I'm happy though cos we already know there are MONKEYS!


Navi. If she returned, that would be legendary.


I really liked the 2 from MM. The dark fairy was cool!

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Storyline facts known so far.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be set several decades after Ocarina of Time in the timeline, many centuries before The Wind Waker.


In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Hyrule is under attack by a mysterious force known as the Twilight Realm. The shadowy alternate dimension is spreading throughout the land, sucking everyone and everything in its path through.


Link is 17 years old and lives in a small rural community called Toaru village. He takes care of the cows on his trusty horse Epona and is best friends with Ilia, the daughter of the mayor of Toaru Village. Toaru Village is outside the kingdom of Hyrule, not a part of it. Hyrule is in a friendly relationship with Toaru Village, who sell cows/goats to the kingdom. There are several other villages, and every year the kingdom of Hyrule gathers them all together for a kind of festival where all the villages can communicate with each other. Each year, the chief of the village is supposed to attend the festival, but this year, the chief of Toaru Village has ordered Link to go instead. On the way to the festival, a group of Bokoblins invade the village, which eventually leads him to the main adventure.


Princess Zelda is confirmed to be in the game. She is the cloaked figure seen in videos. She wears this mourner's robe to mourn what she sees as the death of Hyrule at the hands of the Twilight Realm. Eiji Aonuma has speculated that Zelda will also be somehow involved in a battle, yet he wouldn't give out any details yet. What we do know is that Link at some point will save her from certain death.


Eiji Aonuma has been mysterious about the matter of a possible love between Link and Zelda. He does imply that something could happen between the two of them.


Ganon is also confirmed to be in the game, though it is unknown if he will be in human (Ganondorf) form or his monster form (Ganon). All that Nintendo has said for now is that "we're preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect...."


When Link enters the Twilight Realm and changes into a wolf, he encounters a mysterious new female character named Midna. She wears a strange mask and rides on top of wolf Link. The two are, initially, inseparable in the Twilight Realm. At some point, Wolf Link does appear to venture around without Midna. Midna also undergoes a change when she exits the Twilight Realm. "If you go with the strictest definition of exist then yes, she can exist in normal Hyrule," explains Eiji Aonuma. "But there is a certain kind of subtlety to that which I can't reveal at this point in time."



Gameplay facts


Like a true Zelda game, Twilight Princess will be filled with mini-games and sidequests.


Horse battles will make an important part of the game.


The controls and physics (like auto-jump) will be very similar to the button layout of Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker.


" Among Link's moves, we see the long-awaited return of the down-thrust, as well as the spin attack.


We've already heard how Link will spend a lot of time growing up and riding around on horseback, but Eiji Aonuma also confirmed that the horse-riding element will allow for a much bigger world open to exploration, in a similar manner to the huge open sea in The Wind Waker - although, this being dry land, it will probably have more activity and sights along the way.


When Link enters the Twilight Realm, he automatically changes into a wolf. This is not something the gamers will be able to trigger upon request. According to Eiji Aonuma, humans cannot exist in their current form in the Twilight Realm. When they cross over, they change into animals, which can exist in the alternate dimension.


Link is able to communicate with many different animals. Not only in the sense of talking, but also being connected with them.


Controlling the horse is just as simple as it was in Ocarina of Time - you point and tap the A button to select a speed, you fire your bow from a first-person perspective and now you can also swing your sword. The demo has shown the horse gameplay is one of the best horse gameplays ever seen in a videogame.


Though we will have to wait untill E3 to experience the Wolf Link-gameplay, Nintendo has put a lot of effort into making it just as good as the horse gameplay. Nintendo has used motion capturing to ensure that it will feel very smooth.


When in wolf form, Midna will define Link's attacks. She will be the only character to ride Link, though later on in the game you will be able to power-up and change her attacks.


Link can use a canoe to cross water.


Chicken gliding is back!!!


Fishing!!! We all loved it in Link's Awakening and Ocarina of Time and it returns in this game. You will be able to get in a boat and just drift around the lake doing some relaxing fishing.


The development team promises that the monsters in Twilight Princess will ensure it will be the greatest Zelda game ever made.


Link will be able to combine items in the game. He combines bombs and arrows to create bomb arrows in an older trailer. Link also carries around oil, which Link uses to refill the lantern.



Technical facts


The game is 2 to 3 times bigger then Ocarina of Time, with an expected of over 100 hours of solid gameplay.


The graphical style will be more like Manga then the "puppet-like, personality lacking" (-Eiji Aonuma) Link from the Spaceworld 2000 demo movie.


The graphics engine makes it possible to show many different kinds of emotions, just like in The Wind Waker.


Twilight Princess will use the same sort of day/night cycle system as we have seen in Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker.


When it is dark in the game, be it in a cave or at night, it will be very, very dark, to the point that, without a lantern, you can't see as you're walking around. Really give it the idea that it's not safe to go out alone at night, especially if you don't have a lantern to guide yourself.


The game will feature no voice acting.


There has been no GBA connectivity confirmed so far, though Nintendo is testing out things and leave a connectivity with either the GBA or the Nintendo DS open as a possibility.


The game will run in progressive scan and Dolby Pro Logic II, but not 16x9 widescreen mode. Besides that, the game will feature orchestrated music as well as MIDI songs.


There will be more dungeons and boss battles in the game than in any other Zelda. With 12 dungeons in A Link to the Past, that means we can look forward to exploring at least 13 dungeons!


Link will gain more weapons and items than ever before. Some will be returning weapons and items while others, like the Gale boomerang, will be brand new to the series.


Eiji Aonuma says that with Twilight Princess, locations -- presumably structures and temples -- will be enormous, truly dwarfing Link in scale.


When Link clears an area in the Twilight Realm, it changes back to normal Hyrule and he returns to human form.



Release facts


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be released on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2006.


Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that when this game will be played on the Wii (Nintendo Revolution), it will have special revolutionary features. To which extend these features will be implented is not yet confirmed.


There is no (official) releasedate yet. Releasedates by retailers are pure speculation.




Character list



Wolf Link

Princess Zelda



Twilight Princess



Residents of Toaru Village

Major Bo









Zora race

Goron race

'Doshin the Giant' (huge tree-like creature)



Link's hawk

Link's pet bird


Forest Temple baboon

Forest Temple monkeys

Toaru bees






Enemy list





Armos Knight






Deku Baba (5 species of which 2 appear as regular enemies)

Flying dragons

Ghost Rats

Ghost Soldiers (alliance {good or bad} yet unknown)

Twilight Realm creatures (1 flying, 1 walking)

Odd forest creature

Skull Kid 'puppets'



Boss list


Deku Baba (5 species of which 3 appear as bosses)

Possessed baboon

Bokoblin leader


Fire troll

Skull Kid



Weapon and item list


Fighter's Sword

Wooden Sword (only used for practice)

A third yet unnamed sword

(it has the exact same hilt as the Master Sword, though it is to vague to speculate about it yet)

Gale Boomerang

Bow & Arrow


Bomb Arrows


Lantern Oil

Musical reed (picked at specific places, can't be carried around)


Red Potion

Milk (healthy, like Lon Lon Milk in Ocarina of Time)



Attack / move list


Down-thrust attack

Spin attack

Roll parry attack (from The Wind Waker)

Shield parry attack

Horseback sword fighting

Jump slash


Vertical slice

Thrust / Stab

Grab (goat wrestling)

Call (calling the hawk / Epona)

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No offense dante but what was th point in that.
Well I thank him anyway for the info, it obviously gave a lot of work... he did it in order to get the discussion running about some points I think, and also a "all we know" before E3-2006 checkpoint... Thanks Dante.
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