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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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there better be a worldwide release for it!!! we've all been waiting for like 3 years now maybe longer! i know Shigeru Miyamoto said that anticipation of a game is half the fun or something similar to it before wind waker launched. but if we have to wait more than 2 weeks longer then the bloody americans i am gonna go mental!!!

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A release before christmas '06 is a must imho




I didn't know you were gay....



Well it would have been very random and very off topic if I would have just came out and said it out of the blue, but yeah, I am... I'm a gay Zelda fan. str8 guys arent the only ones into games. :P

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Least your open about it and that take's some courage.A release before Christmas is almost definate,especially since it's been confirmed (for Eu anyway) that TP will be out here before the revolution which is out at mid november,so that make's october.

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I really want to see the Zora's aswell and a different town like Hyrule Market just to give us an idea what it will be like.I have a mini spoiler like wolf link will be released.

I don't want to see the Master Sword,Ganon or the Triforce,though I have a feeling the next trailer will show Link pull the sword out for som reason

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To be honest I'd rather they didn't reveal too many new details of the game and story with the next trailer, as there's already been enough shown and what makes Zelda so great is adventuring through without knowing whats to come.

I think they'll focus on showing it being played with the revmote at E3.

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