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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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can u confirm the wind wakers spot in the timeline?


from what i hear lttp is set after wind waker.

according to nintendo... wind waker is a alternative timeline...

all the previous games took place after Majora Mask, who never took place in Wind Waker...


but that timeline organization was hinted at before WW even coming out, while I doubt they'd do something like it... they could come and say, "well ALttP took place after WW"... but that's very unlikely.


What zeldafan2020 stated is not official that's just one of the various theories made by fans, I for one don't think it could happen that way.

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If it's an alternate timeline how could they have the OOT in the intro

In the end of OoT... Zelda sends Link back to it's own time, 7 years before,

while she stays in the future to amend for her sins...

WW and TP take place in the land where Hero of Time ceased to exist, and adult

Zelda stayed...


while Majora Mask takes place in the land where the Hero of Time returned to.


I for one think the flooding for hyrule is a alternative setting, in the other reality

it may not happen that way :)


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its all really confusing tbh, i wish nintendo fixed it. i dont mind either way, but its one of the reasons why i live for mgs, the story, the timeline, superb.


but it does make sense since so many zeldas have been made, it would be hard to implement a timeline.


but say ganondorf is the equivalent of sauron, is there a morgoth in the equation? i mean there where do all the demons come from, there must be a dark power coming from elsewhere. has a hell ever been mentioned?

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It's as simple as this: Nintendo don't make games thinking of the timeline, they come up with an idea for a game and build the game around that. Story comes second to ideas. If they can fit it into the timeline somehow to keep fans happy, they will, but I'm 99% positive they personally don't care about it.

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The way I see it, going all "alternative realities" is akin

to George Lucas stating some day that he's going to make

SW7-9 with Darth Vader and DeathStar, because in this

"reality" SW6 didn't really happen.


Same deal. The ending of WW wrapped up Ganon's story. It

was the best ending I've seen this gen in videogames. If

Ganon comes back after WW, I will be pissed, frankly. Jar

Jar Binks pissed.


It's GOOD that things end. It's where we experience

katharsis, to borrow a storytelling term.


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Ah I get what you mean Pedro so there's two different timelines and the Intro to WW was the future timeline and they prayed for a saviour.I thought the Hero didn't arrive because he was in termina but I suppose Link would of returned back to hyrule.So is TP in the future timeline or present cause i've pretty much confused myself now

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The most reasonable timeline I found goes like this:


TMC and FS are the first two games in the series. It used to be OoT, but now it's not. Read this article.


Now keep in mind that this article was made when FSA was the latest in the series, so TMC hadn't been created yet. And any information regarding TP, or TWW 2, as it's called in this article, can be ignored. The important part is question number 6 and Eiji Aonuma's answer. He says FS is first, but most people who have played TMC should be able to figure out that it comes before FS as TMC explains the history and origin of Vaati, FS's main villain.


2. OoT was first in the series prior to that article, so we'll put it at third in the series. The biggest debate about OoT is whether or not it's the "Imprisoning War" described in ALttP. Check section 11 for more information on the Imprisoning War.


3. Now, MM is 3 months after the Child Ending of OoT, but that takes some complicated explanations, and I'm not going to repeat them. MM ends this timeline, but the other one continues. Also, Nintendo confirmed that Link was searching for Navi. He wasn't searching for Saria or the Skull Kid, as some people had suspected.


4. Next we have TP, which relatively little is known about. However, Eiji Aonuma has stated many times that it's between OoT and TWW, and more specifically a couple of decades after OoT.


5. TWW comes next, and takes place hundreds of years after the Adult Ending of OoT, as was stated by Aonuma. Some people thought he said one hundred years after the Adult Ending of OoT, but that was a mistranslation. One big debate in TWW has been over a little Easter Egg left by Tingle in one of the dungeons. "The Legend of the Fairy," which I'll admit I've never read since I only got a GBA recently, talks about events in MM. This lead many people to believe that TWW and MM were in the same timeline, but that's not correct. The Legend of the Fairy is just an Easter Egg.


6. Next, we have ALttP. At the time of its release, ALttP was said to be a prequel to LoZ and AoL, featuring the ancestors of LoZ and AoL's Link and Zelda. ALttP raises many interesting issues, such as the whole Imprisoning War thing, but Impossible II is the resident ALttP expert, so refer any questions on the subject to him. One thing to keep in mind about this game however, is that the original SNES version was translated very poorly. Some passages, such as the one about Ganon being "completely destroyed" are mistranslated. This particular quote led some people to believe that ALttP was last in the timeline. However, that's not the case, so when looking for ALttP quotes, look at the GBA version, or better yet, the original Japanese translation, which I believe can be found on zeldalegends.net.


7. LA comes next, and features the same Link as ALttP. It says so in the LA manual and in another very possibly canon Zelda game, that very few know about. It's called The Ancient Stone Tablets, and it's on the Satellaview system. I'll admit I hadn't heard of either the game or the system until Darken Poltergeist told me about them today, November 2nd. Without going into great detail on the story, I'll tell you that it takes place very soon after ALttP, and you play as some random boy in the land of Hyrule who is on a quest to find eight ancient stone tablets. The key factor is that he can't use the power of the Triforce of Courage, because it already has a holder in Link, and he's away on a quest, which is indirectly said to be LA in the game. Now, Darken Poltergeist knows much more about this game than I do, so ask him if you want to find out more about it.


Now, another common misconception is that this particular part of the series goes ALttP-Oracles-LA, because of the fact that Link ends the Oracle games on a boat, and starts out on a boat in LA. However, that is wrong. Here's why:


1. ALttP Link knows Zelda at the end of his game, whereas Oracle Link doesn't know Zelda at the beginning of his game. Therefore, they cannot be the same.


2. ALttP Link set out on a journey because he wanted to, of his own free will. And it says so in the manual to LA. Oracle Link had no idea he was being sent on a quest when he went into the castle and saw the Triforce.


3. Impa doesn't know Link in the Oracles. If she was Zelda's personal nursemaid, you would think she would know the hero who saved Zelda and Hyrule in ALttP, if those Links were the same.


4. Impa notices a Triforce mark on Oracle Link's hand. ALttP Link doesn't have one.


5. Impa says Oracle Link is fated to become a hero. ALttP Link is already a proven hero by the time the Oracles occur.


6. Zelda did not send Impa to find Link in the Oracles, she sent Impa to escort either Nayru or Din back to Hyrule. Obviously, that plan did not work, so Impa turned to Oracle Link for help, as he had the triangle on the back of his hand.


7. I know that LA Link starts out his quest on a boat, and that Oracle Link ends his quest on a boat, but the boats do not look like they are the same. LA's boat is longer and the sails are placed more towards the front of the boat. I think if the creators intended LA and Oracle Link to be the same, they would have made sure that Oracle Link's boat looked exactly like LA Link's boat.


8. Next in the series comes LoZ. Ganon actually dies at the end of this one, although he may or may not have died at the end of ALttP.


9. Finally, we have AoL. AoL's manual talks a lot about Ganon's minions trying to sacrifice Link to revive Ganon. It also explains why the series is called the Legend of Zelda, instead of The Legend of Link, as many people have wondered about. When the events described in the manual took place is up for debate, but they are explained nonetheless. There's an AoL FAQ/Walkthrough that takes the AoL opening story straight from the manual. This is the link to it so check it out if you want: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/zelda_ii_e.txt


(It's a good walkthrough as well.)


Now, AoL would seem to be last because of the closure it provides. Ganon is dead and gone, and the Triforce is finally fully assembled.


10. So, to summarize, the order of the games whose placement has been all but confirmed looks like this.




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that article is pure speculation... all we know in that matter is:

NP: Where do all the Zelda games fall into place when arranged chronologically by their stories?


Miyamoto: Ocarina of Time is the first story, then the original Legend of Zelda, then Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, and finally A Link to the Past. It's not very clear where Link's Awakening fits in--it could be anytime after Ocarina of Time.


that and that Nintendo was to release a real timeline at some point in time...


All this was before Nintendo unvieled WW and it's alternative reality... why putting aLttP where it doesn't belong? the alternative reality was used solely for WW instead of going for a real sequel in the main storyline...


as I see... WW sequels will be on handhelds as it's not even the main story, from WW end on... it's not even a mainquest Zelda with Ganon, there's really no point in ressurecting him...


also... Four Swords is undoubtly the eldest game in the series...


GI: How do the Links in The Four Swords Adventure relate to the overall story line? Or is it just a subchapter or something like that?


Aonuma: The GBA Four Swords Zelda is what we’re thinking as the oldest tale in the Zelda timeline. With this one on the GameCube being a sequel to that, and taking place sometime after that.

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200405/N04.0517.1915.59084.htm


that article is pure wishful thinking... the guy who wrote that even ignored some information floating around, that or... he simply wasn't aware of it... that doesn't make of him much of a expert right...

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Nice find's but im not gonna think of the whole story till tomorrow
sorry, I forgot to answer :P
Ah I get what you mean Pedro so there's two different timelines and the Intro to WW was the future timeline and they prayed for a saviour.I thought the Hero didn't arrive because he was in termina but I suppose Link would of returned back to hyrule.So is TP in the future timeline or present cause i've pretty much confused myself now
TP takes place in OoT's adult ending, a few decades after it... it's like filling in the plot-holes between OoT and WW and explaining how it happened. as said recently... TP's ending ties in some way with what happened to Hyrule...



perhaps it ends with hyrule flooding


Also a few decades after... it's not thousands of years, I wonder if OoT's

Zelda is still alive


As for Hero of Time... he isn't in Termina, he might have returned to Hyrule, we don't know...


The thing is, Nintendo doesn't care about a timeline. Zelda stories are like legends, some details might be lost with time and some things twisted, so i't up to us to speculate. That's why I like it.
Me too :D
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Makes us think,which I like.But confuse myself sometimes :P


Yea it could have a sad ending that's my I might go 'NOOOOO'


Wonder how much our views will change after we complete it.I don't want to see the ending for various reasons

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Makes us think,which I like.But confuse myself sometimes :P


Yea it could have a sad ending that's my I might go 'NOOOOO'


Wonder how much our views will change after we complete it.I don't want to see the ending for various reasons



Of course it will have a sad ending. it's gonna be the darkest game in the series so far, then after TP, I just wonder what rev Zelda will be like and what new characters we'll see.

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Changing the subject about the timeline, who here would actually be happy if Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass were to be released on the same day? I certainly wouldn't.
I don't care either way...


but I think they shouldn't be released on the same day... it would put both competing for sales, thus... probably condemning PH to poor sales at the beggining, the thing is... I will only play one Zelda game at a time, and that if I have two of them to choose from... the obvious answer will be TP...

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I'm with James McG here folks. There is no timeline, there never will be one. The only reference that are made to the other games are far too vague to actually mean one in particular. It is a general formula that plays out using different themes and ideas.


The only things that I could say are linked are LTTP and OOT.





Gannon gets sealed in the void at the end of OOT, which could be the Golden Land, refered to in LTTP.




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Nintendo needed to call it something but I was thinking about that too and well there are adventure of link and link's awakening, so the name link in the other games is to make the things simple. But I'm always wondering that too...

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The name "Link" was apparantly meant to symbolise the link between the gamer and character on the screen.

I wouldn't look too deeply into the Zelda timeline theories though, you'll just get a massive headache.

I don't think there will be a timeline... but OoT has a relation (being a prequel) to aLttP, and then everything evolves from that, all newer games must have some kind of relation with OoT, and I hope it'll stay like that, it helps to situate the games, although I don't really want to situate LoZ and AOL for example.


Anyway... storyline is important nowadays, Zelda leaves some loose ends intentionally to have plenty to expand for, but the mainquest games will always have a relation to some existing game, from now on...

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I don't think there will be a timeline... but OoT has a relation (being a prequel) to aLttP, and then everything evolves from that, all newer games must have some kind of relation with OoT, and I hope it'll stay like that, it helps to situate the games, although I don't really want to situate LoZ and AOL for example.


Anyway... storyline is important nowadays, Zelda leaves some loose ends intentionally to have plenty to expand for, but the mainquest games will always have a relation to some existing game, from now on...



I totally agree with you.

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