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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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it is a minutes length of footage, and I am making an educated assumption by looking at the size of the dungeon maps, looking at sea travel(very akin to nintendogs walkie mode).....


I hope I am wrong though, but this discussion should be on the DS thread, not here.

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Can anyone tell me if Minish Cap is worth getting? I might have some money to get a game soon :)


Phantom Hourglass is looking fantastic but I'm still looking forward to TP more. At least after I complete TP I'll have another Zelda to get into straight away (assuming I manage to finish it within a month - also assuming PH has a worldwide end-of-year release)

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can someone tell me what linear means please?
do you know what a line is in maths? it's the union between two points, those being the begining and the end of the line... so it means you start the game, have to do this and this, always following that line till the end of the game... In zelda that's basicaly the main-quest but then you have all the sidequests, you can simply abandon the main quest and go roam in hyrule doing what you want... so it's not that linear although the main quest is linear.


But you could also have a non-linear main quest, if something you did would affect the final outcome or change some thing in the way the story is told.


Anyway... I don't care.

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oh ok. well that doesn't really matter cuz I'm sure the game will rock anyway but listen you guys. I made a neat discovery in Wind Waker today. On the trail you go on to get to Ganon's tower, when you get to the first tree, look up to the left and you'll see some old ruins up on a hill in the background that look just like the ones Link approaches on TP while chasing the Orc general on Epona. pretty cool. this could prove what I think which is this game will take place in the Hyrule shown in the background on the trail on WW which proves this particulair timeline of Hyrule will be flooded in TP's ending! we'll see if I'm right.

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You might have somthing there zeldafan ,havn't played WW in a while,finally someone else has made a post,place was a bit dry.Hopefully we'll get a date at E3 now,not far away



Well if you get a chance to, you should check it out and I'm sure we'll get an " estimated" date for the game, but you know Nintendo! it won't be official until 3 or 4 delays so maybe we'll get it by the holiday season of 08. lol :santa:

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I suddenly stopped caring for Twilight Princess when I saw the Phantom Hourglass trailer.


Now it's back though :smile:


Interesting to see that Phantom Hourglass might be a direct sequel to the Wind Waker, judging by the boat you see near the end of the trailer.

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I suddenly stopped caring for Twilight Princess when I saw the Phantom Hourglass trailer.


Now it's back though :smile:


Interesting to see that Phantom Hourglass might be a direct sequel to the Wind Waker, judging by the boat you see near the end of the trailer.



Yeah that's exactlly what I think! I believe Link and Tetra say New Hyrule here we come!!!!!!!!! in this game :D I'm excited about it.

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Yeah that's exactlly what I think! I believe Link and Tetra say New Hyrule here we come!!!!!!!!! in this game :D I'm excited about it.
it's not new hyrule, it's a new land, the king says it that way "that land won't be hyrule, it'll be your land"... I don't want that to be the "new hyrule" at all... good old hyrule is the best ;)
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I have and have completed both games. Ya see when I was young my Dad had a CD-I and loads of games(including the Zeldas). I used to love them, mainly because of some of the pretty backgrounds and music, it seemed really mystical when I was young. As I've got older though I've realised how poor the gameplay really is, where as I couldn't realise before.


I still have good memories with them though. But yeah the boss fights are a joke. You just need the right item. lmao.

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Guest Stefkov
lol @ that real zelda trailer from youtube. The guy playing Zelda looks so horribly wrong


do you mean Link not zelda, or is there actually a guy playing a girl

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