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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Yes there is too little info. For a game to be released later this year we know little. We only got the opening sequence which was promised only to be a small fraction of the game. Nintendo wants hype and therefore is cutting the information until they decide the time is ripe (which is E3).


I'm pretty confident Nintendo will give us a new trailer in the next 12 hours though, it's GDC after all.

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If theres a trailer it will be when Iwata gives us the speech ,we know some towns,story ,races,the bad guy (possibly) some main characters and why their involved,we know whats happened to hyrule,roughly the amount of temples and few other spoilers,that isn't to little

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Just saw this at nintendojo.com:


Twilight Princess will be "Perfect"


Shigeru Miyamoto and his team at Nintendo have been working on the newest Zelda adventure, Twilight Princess, for over two years. Nintendo has teased fans with trailers and screenshots, and then disappointed fans with delays. But Miyamoto says all the delays are helping make Zelda "perfect."


"Zelda is a project with a huge volume of people and complex game development procedures," said Miyamoto, speaking with Official Nintendo Magazine. "As soon as we decided to postpone the game from last year to this year and make the perfect Zelda, all the team were delighted to have the time to work on many ideas."


Nintendo has said the delays are not a result of development problems or from converting Twilight Princess to a Revolution-only title, but to add content and improve the game. Nintendo has yet to set an official release date, but it is expected the game will launch sometime in November, possibly coinciding with the launch of the Revolution.


(have you read this before?? if so sorry)

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In fact is thurdsday.... (or am I wrong? I think not)

Heh, right, I was wondering where are the GDC buzz was today until I read the GDC thread in the Revolution forums...


I hate Nintendojo (and R-E) for shamelessly hyping this with 'Twilight Princess will be perfect'. Miyamoto clearly only meant that he was very happy with the progress, he didn't claim it to be a perfect game.

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http://zhq2.com/news_3_20_06_2115.shtml and yes it will be perfect. that's quite damn obvious.


not only will it be the best most perfect zelda game ever, it could very well be the most perfect game in history to date, after all, it's got the biggest development team any video game has ever had and is gonna have the best graphics ever seen on any video game console ever. I mean just little details like the sky, one day you see certain clouds there then the next day it's different, it's made to look just like realism. it's perfect, flawless in everyway. I bet everyone of you $23,000,000,000 you won't find a single flaw in this game when you get your hands on it.

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http://zhq2.com/news_3_20_06_2115.shtml and yes it will be perfect. that's quite damn obvious.


not only will it be the best most perfect zelda game ever, it could very well be the most perfect game in history to date, after all, it's got the biggest development team any video game has ever had and is gonna have the best graphics ever seen on any video game console ever. I mean just little details like the sky, one day you see certain clouds there then the next day it's different, it's made to look just like realism. it's perfect, flawless in everyway. I bet everyone of you $23,000,000,000 you won't find a single flaw in this game when you get your hands on it.

do you even know what you're saying?


Zelda TP is not the biggest dev team ever, not even close... EA has teams of more than 100 people making every year a worthless Fifa sequel... also by next gen standards those teams are going to be bumped a lot in working force...


Anyway... RE4 was mabe by little more than 40 people, this generation... what a game needs the most is time to mature and ideas/interaction between the team responsible, the more people you have the hardest it is to trade ideas and make it "perfect" it's not because Fifa has that stupid ammount of people that it beats PES for example...

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http://zhq2.com/news_3_20_06_2115.shtml and yes it will be perfect. that's quite damn obvious.


not only will it be the best most perfect zelda game ever, it could very well be the most perfect game in history to date, after all, it's got the biggest development team any video game has ever had and is gonna have the best graphics ever seen on any video game console ever. I mean just little details like the sky, one day you see certain clouds there then the next day it's different, it's made to look just like realism. it's perfect, flawless in everyway. I bet everyone of you $23,000,000,000 you won't find a single flaw in this game when you get your hands on it.


ANd yet again, Zeldafan surprises me with the amount of stupity/fanboyism/mottness he can fit in one post.


I doubt it'll look better than the likes of GR:AW and Elder Scrolls IV on the xbox 360 or

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ANd yet again, Zeldafan surprises me with the amount of stupity/fanboyism/mottness he can fit in one post.


I doubt it'll look better than the likes of GR:AW and Elder Scrolls IV on the xbox 360 or

well graphics may be a matter of opinion, Zelda TP won't even be the game who pushes more polygons in gamecube, nor more bump mapping nor... well lot's of things... zelda was never a system pusher but it always delivered in some way or another.


Still... TP it's a pretty beautiful game.... OoT has better graphics in my eyes than some games this generation... and it's pushing like? 5 000 polygons per frame? it's a matter of opinion and what you do with that power, really... so I won't attack him for saying that, although the games you mentioned have technically better graphics there's no questioning in that, but that's not all there is to it. :wink:

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What BS, the Twilight Princess team is hardly bigger than the Wind Waker's. The graphics are not competing with the likes of Kameo and Oblivion. Perfect games don't exist, like there are no perfect films and neither is there perfect music.


The worst part is is that you claim it to be absolutely perfect while you are part of the six billion people that could only see three f***ing trailers of it. Think about what you're saying for once.


Twilight Princess is just another one of the other 300 games in development that are out there, only it has the name Zelda in the title. Only judge when you have thoroughly played without your pink glasses on.

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You know, you can't compare games from different generations graphically. It's obvious 360 can do better, judging a GC game comparing it to oblivion or wtvr is idiotic at best.From what I've seen so far Zelda has the best graphics on GC. I don't care if it pushes more or less polygons or whatever, it's the whole of the game that matters. If it's beautiful and looks right that's what matters. Not that I'm defending zeldafan, I mean he's just beyond salvation.

This project is using more resources than WW though and it's quite probable that the team is bigger, but that's hardly the most important aspect. It's quite and ambitious project with motion tracking and orchestrated music and we all know that Nintendo makes great games and Zelda games are always awesome, so it's pretty safe to expect a brilliant game. Best game ever? We'll see...


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