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No BIA3 or Multicore Wii


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So I was watching the IGN Weekly (Episode 9) to see discussion on E3 and I found something interesting in the first part (good thing they don't let you fast forward, I guess). After a Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway trailer thing (Yay! Another WWII shooter... oh wait) the guy being interviewed about the game said:


"To really harness the power and see what we’re going to see in next generation gaming… it’s not at launch, it’s after launch, it’s actually when we’re able to harness all of these processors. It’s going to get better and better and better and we’re going to do that on all the platforms. I mean all the platforms have multi processor capability..."


Now that means one of two things, either there will never be a BIA3 for Wii (my personal thoughts) or Wii has a multi-core processor. I realize that most people don't think that BIA3 is coming to Wii (1up confims this) but I just wanted to let you guys know. That and I'm trying to singlehandedly get rid of all those locked discussions on the front page (it would be ironic if this thread got locked).


What do you guys think?

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Just simple as that. Brother in Arms is coming to Wii and it's confirmed by me :grin: . Please don't start usual posts like well I'm not sure, or I don't believe it'll come to Wii etc. It's coming and it's a launch title.

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I know everyone else is sick of WW2 shooters, but us Nintendo fans have had what? Allied Assualt and CoD (and I only played one)? Something a visceral as BiA would be most welcome. I certainly hope the Wii gets it.

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Im a bit sick of WW2 games, but I have to say the thought of one on Wii is quite appealing. I seriously think this game is achievable on Wii, if the big developers spend some time optimising the UnrealEngine3 for use on Wii they will have that version of the engine to be used on all Wii games, just because epic wont do it doesn’t mean the large studios won’t spend the time and money to do it! It will benefit the companies who want to port over there UE3 games to Wii!

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I severely doubt Wii has a multi-core processor, as we would've known by now since we know the specs of the system. By "all" he probably simply means PS3 and 360 because those are the only systems developers are classing as "next gen". When they think of Wii, they either think of it as being "new gen" like Nintendo try to push or just an extension of current consoles. I don't know the situation with Brothers in Arms 3 but if there's a current gen version of the game too, that's the one Wii will get, slightly upgraded.

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I would be very surprised. A multicore processor in the Revolution would mean that IGN is entirely wrong, something I don't believe.


The multicore would be against Nintendo's philosphy of a nice and clean architecture, too.


I guess we are thinking too much about this simple statement. I bet the version Brothers in Arms for the PC/360/PS3 is not the same as the Wii version.

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I mean all the platforms have multi processor capability..."

Doesn't that kind of end the discussion? Even though, it's not very correct, no platfrom has multiple processors, just multiple cores.

EDIT: Yeah, I doubt Nintendo wants multiple core, since it's not very easy to program for them. Besides, If you read it carefully, he says that they're not harnessing the power NOW. BIA3 is being made NOW, so that doesn't mean no BIA for Wii. Honestly BIA3 can perfectly be ported to Wii.

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Unless the developers don't actually have final final Dev Kits and Nintendo just wants to hold them back so that it makes Develpers less likely to use ported games. Ya never Know.


Off Topic Slighly:

Nintendos newconsole I think is fake and their going to release a diffeent machine in its place.

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Off Topic Slighly:

Nintendos newconsole I think is fake and their going to release a diffeent machine in its place.


Are you actually being serious? Yeah and Nintendo is happy with wasting money advertising a console that's actually fake. I do wonder about what goes through some people's heads sometimes. Rise of the Idiots indeed.


Have you said this before cause I remember writing something like this before?

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To Mr. Inc... I mean BigTac... I mean Insider:


Sorry if I don't believe anything you say, but it is difficult when just a few days ago you said:


"Is there an official confirmation for BIA for Rev. Cause in the latest interview I've read they said it wasn't coming to Rev."


Then there's the whole using BigTac to prove you're an insider when BigTac himself is full of crap. Maybe you should just... I don' t know... post your source?

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To Mr. Inc... I mean BigTac... I mean Insider:


Sorry if I don't believe anything you say, but it is difficult when just a few days ago you said:


"Is there an official confirmation for BIA for Rev. Cause in the latest interview I've read they said it wasn't coming to Rev."


Then there's the whole using BigTac to prove you're an insider when BigTac himself is full of crap. Maybe you should just... I don' t know... post your source?


He won't have a source cause he is an 'insider' isn't he.

We don't need insiders any more, just patience.

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BigTac also said a lot of things that didn't come true, and the things he said that did were so vague that anyone could have said them. He just said them with authority (kinda like Mr. Inc).


BigTac says he is a journalist most of the time, but one time he said:


"I couldn’t stop myself from posting this. I’d like to tell you all we’ve received newer development kits a lot earlier than expected. These are pre-final development kits though. However they are an extreme improvement compared to the last one and include new prototypes of Hollywood and Broadway. I can conclude for sure now; don’t worry about the graphics, Nintendo will deliver again this generation! Not to mention Nintendo included amazing use full tools and a library of tech demo’s which are very use full in the progress to implant the third revolutionary feature in No End Soon.


"In other news we’ve managed to create build 1 and get it running at the previous development kits. It’s all very basic but some things make use of the controller already! More about this when we’re fully back."


Now first of all, "No End Soon" was Mr. Inc's craptastically fake game, and second of all why would a journalist be sent a dev kit or create a "build 1?" It is easy to not notice all the fake things someone says when you are desperate for something to believe in, but now that we have real information I think we should drop kick BigTac's fake butt outta here. He's already said that he's conveniently not going to be at E3 this year, and that he will be getting a job as a developer in July or August (why would a journalist be hired on as a developer anyway?!), so he won't be able to provide anything new.


Sorry to burst your bubble.

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MunKy- looking back on that one he probably was just quoting Mr. Inc, but it would be hard to believe anyone who thought Mr. Inc was legit. There were also things like that Nintendo told him back in January that everyone would love the new Revolution name, etc. but that's kinda getting off topic.


The reason for this thread in the first place was to say that the president of Gearbox stated that "all the platforms" have "multi processor capability," which either means that Gearbox is not developing for Wii or it means that Wii does have multiple cores or processors in some way.


While either could be true I have yet to find anything on Ubisoft or Gearbox's forums or news releases that states BIA3 is even being considered for Wii (or Revolution, obviously) only things saying it isn't. Rather than saying "it has been confirmed by me" or "by Gearbox" it would be nice to actually provide a link to something real, or at least say where Gearbox confirmed this as it obviously wasn't on their forums or websites.

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I mean all the platforms have multi processor capability


is that really what he said, im sure he said "coming to all platforms" then he paused and as if to correct himself and said "all platforms with multicore"


I took that too mean PS3 and 360 only.

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To Mr. Inc... I mean BigTac... I mean Insider:


Sorry if I don't believe anything you say, but it is difficult when just a few days ago you said:


"Is there an official confirmation for BIA for Rev. Cause in the latest interview I've read they said it wasn't coming to Rev."


Then there's the whole using BigTac to prove you're an insider when BigTac himself is full of crap. Maybe you should just... I don' t know... post your source?



But I didn't denied that it would eventually be released : peace: ! Search my post with the code letters and ya'll see that there's the first letters of Brother in Arms title. I'm very careful with the way I post/answer every time and I don't have to apologize for anything.

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So I guess we'll just have to trust "Insider" on his statements, no sources or links or anything.


Although it is unlikely, "multiple processor" might mean CPU + PPU, which would explain why Randy didn't use the term "multi-core." Either that or he was just tired or distracted or something. I'm sure he has better things to be thinking about than an IGN interview.

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First of all let me say tat Insider does know things. Thats all I will say about him.

Also I never said that Mr.Inc was real. Only that whether he was real or not some of the things he had said were real.

Regaurding Ubisoft and their Revolution projects. Yes I did state that a Brothers in Arms title was coming to the Revolution, along with some others. Look back at that list. That was back in January. In early March I believe that I said mentioned here that some of Ubisoft's plans have changed as I was informed. It may seem strange but that what happened. NDA's have me bound so I can't discuss exact details on titles involved. All I can say is wait until E3.

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