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Reggie: Racing Title for Wii to be Shown at E3


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No, I don't want an open mind.

I have been playing racing games like WipeOut, F-Zero and Gran Turismo since the SNES/PS1 days. I will not change. Ever. End of.


Racing games are my favourite genre.. I love Gran Turismo probably more than any other game that has ever existed. I am a member of a Nintendo Revolution forum.. to a certain extent we are all open minded because we're probably going to buy a Nintendo Wii.


So please don't call me closed minded.. As far as I'm concerned Nintendo Revolution will never make ever a vaguely good substitute for a racing game.


The only racer I will try it on is Mario Kart.. because that's a laugh and more about party play and strategy than racing.. but not for any arcade or simulator.

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Apologies Nintendork :sad:


..and thank you Diemetrix.. I forgot to mention that the B-Trigger could act as the brake.. and maybe A as Turbo.. obviously I'm only throwing out ideas here.. but I modified the pic quickly (the X is just showing a sort of pivoting area for what I'm about to mention now), wondering how the controller could handle powersliding.. and then I thought about how tilting it up at one end would be like simulating how the bike would lean over into the corners.. tilt too far and you fall..




..just looking for some opinions.. try it out with a remote you have and see what you think..

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you don't have to use it like a steering wheel either, just thought for burnout just hold it normal use B for acelerator and A for brake and you could sort of flick the bottom of the controller to get the tail of the car to drift, only problem would be boost, but add the nunchuck and thats sorted. Not great ideas but my point is their are lots of great different things you can do.

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Nintendork gots no drivers-licence...

So comón Nintendork, it´s just the same as saying steering with the d-pad and not with the analog-stick is better because I have done that since my SNES...

you really have strange opinions my friend...


The controll-setup above could work ...ExciteBike2.jpg

but i would use a button for accelaration... Ahhhm, you know when you turn your FHC sideways like the NES-controller you get a L and R-button?

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I'm not saying it won't work for everyone.. it will be great fun for Mario Kart I'm sure- but not for a racer.

The FHC controller is small.. it just can't have the accuracy and individuality of that an analogue stick controller can do.


It won't be as precise.


No need to apologise Nando dude.. It's just you drive a car with 2 hands and 2 feet.

It's a pretty complicated process.. and I feel that if a racing title is 'dumbed down' almost so that you can control it with one hand you lose some of that feeling that comes hand in hand (no pun intended) with a driving experience.




I'm not saying I wouldn't use that.. but I certainly won't play any racing game with one hand.

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their are many different ways to use it, if you want the analogue stick for steering then maybe they could use the FHC and nunchuck. Nunchuck used for steering, shoulder buttons for handbrake/looking behind, FHC - A for accelerate, B for brake and use the movement of the FHC to look left and right like in PGR but for a more natural movement, just an idea.

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DCK, imagine holding the FHC.. it's tiny.



Racing lines are a delicate thing to try and control and maintain.. the slightest flick of your wrist could have you spinning out.

Just try it- moving your wrist left to right.


This setup never going to be as accurate as a d-pad or analogue stick because of human error.

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That problem could easily be handled by software - steering guidance similar to auto-aim. I don't see how the horizontal controller is inprecise by its size - horizontally the controller is as wide as a 360 controller. And then there's still that brilliant steering wheel, of course, which is a sure thing to be made.

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Yes but you don't understand what I am getting at.. if you hold a oar:


kayak.jpg with two hands you have a greater degree of freedom to move it around.


The slightest movement will move the wheels as little as a degree, so you can nip that apex.


With the FHC holding it even with your writing hand the smallest movement you can make realistically is going to control the car on screen like 5 degrees of something ridiculous.

It's going to feel like Micro Machine.


Software cannot make up for this at all. It's not going to be practical.

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..and thank you Diemetrix.. I forgot to mention that the B-Trigger could act as the brake.. and maybe A as Turbo.. obviously I'm only throwing out ideas here.. but I modified the pic quickly (the X is just showing a sort of pivoting area for what I'm about to mention now), wondering how the controller could handle powersliding.. and then I thought about how tilting it up at one end would be like simulating how the bike would lean over into the corners.. tilt too far and you fall..




..just looking for some opinions.. try it out with a remote you have and see what you think..


Excitebike + that control scheme? Id buy it

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I was under the impression you would hold the controller with two hands for something like this?

Same here?


If you've ever seen small kids, or people who've never played a racing game before, you'll notice that while they play they will rotate the controller left and right with the direction in which they are going on screen.


I'm sure they wouldn't screw it up anyway Nintendork, they know what they're doing when it comes to controls.

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I don't know about you guys but my hands are too big to be faffing around with 2 hands on that controller.


I was referring to Goku's picture which looks like you hold it with one hand.


That's far too small to do one handed- though I will admit that will offer a much better degree of control. As demonstrated in the picture.




Remember the Japanese have smaller hands than ours.

Can you really see yourself controller a car around New York and power sliding, changing gears and ramming your oponents with that set up? It doesn't do the genre of racing justice and the only setup i've seen as bad as this is Micro Machines when 2 people played on one controller. Up/Down = Accelerate/Brake Left/Right = Steering.

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I don't know about you guys but my hands are too big to be faffing around with 2 hands on that controller.

If your hands are too big for that, they're also too big for the Cube controller. The controller is as long as the Cube controller is wide. I have pretty big hands too and I doubt that I will have problems with it.

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Look at the photo.

The GameCube controller was the perfect size for 2 hands.. this FHC is for 1 hand. Unfair comparison as it had the 'arms' of the controller to wrap the rest of your hand around- The FHC does not have this.


Ergonomically that is lame. (how scientific lol)

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So what abouut the groove under the nose of the FHC? do you rest your fingers there? What happens if you accidentally push the B button underneath?


The controller clearly wasn't intended for intensive use this way.


We'll have to agree to disagree and at E3 when they announce that it follows the control scheme you propose I'll eat my hat.

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I'd have to say that dismissing something without even trying it, hell, without even knowing how they will do it, never seemed to be a sign of openmindedness. But maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm not openminded enough about these things :P

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