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3D Modelling Thread


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I really need to get a proper program for 3D stuff. Besides, all the stuff I've been doing in the last month or so at Art College has been 2D stuff (Painting/Graphics design jazz). Will probably get back into doing it sometime. I just haven't had that much time to get working on it.

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Wooh people are here again! XD


That's a nice ship Cube, could use a bit of work in the texturing department, but, I'm not really one to talk in that department seeing as it's REALLY my week point. lolol


If I haven't made a finished update of my work by monday then assume I haven't finished my work in time for the deadline and I'm screwed. lol


Until then. ;)

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I still cant model well, but im geting good at rendering.


Heres the second one i did. The model was made for a computer game.



That looks really cool, reminds me of the Defiant a bit only with even more teeth. (And for all other to understand the insider quote: Sisko talking about the Defiant: She may have flaw, but she has teeth).



I'm currently going through a tutorial for Blender in hope that I can create such beautiful 3D models as you lot do some day.

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Guest Stefkov

what programs are you lot using and if possible could you tell me where you got them from cos i would love to start 3-d modelling.

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what programs are you lot using and if possible could you tell me where you got them from cos i would love to start 3-d modelling.


I've just updated the first post to include trial/learning editions of any available 3D software.


I ain't been able to update much recently, as I've not had the time to knuckle down and get anything done. But I'm currently building some sort of environment and so far only the modelling is anywhere near complete.


We're also doing lip syncing on a face with a sound clip which we had to record. That should be done by Christmas, as the deadline is fast approaching.


There's some snappy work going on here aswell, and I'm loving your texturing on that rock surface darkcloud. And Cube, your modelling on that ship is brilliant.

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Hehe, thanks! ^^d


It's not really a very complex texture or anything though, and when zoomed in you can tell things are kinda stretched in places.... Oh and the snow.... Ermmm in some places it's a bit, odd........ lolol


Well anyway, I still don't fully understand texturing properly. ;_; UV maps have me a bit like "eh?!?" so yeah..... One day I'll get it. lolol

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Just a mini update, after two LONG days (from 12 in the afternoon until 6am and then 12 in the afternoon until 4am) I finally finished my work and handed it all in today! HURRAY! XD


Well actually I was like 3 hours late but I think I got away with it... You see my scene was still rendering when I woke up today at 9am and didn't finish until 12. ;_; So that was like 8 hours rending for a 6 second animation 150 frames..... >.>


Well yeah the file is 130mb and I wanna upload it, but, yeah not quite sure where I can..... Hmmm what can I use to compress the video? Does NEED to be in perfect quality to show everyone. lol


Anyway, I'll upload some pics a bit later before the video. ^^


Oh and that mountain wasn't used in my final scene as to my horror it contains too many faces to be exported, what kinda retardedness is that? ;_;


Anyway, I'm now exausted, can you believe I was so caught up in my work I forgot to eat anything ALL DAY two days ago? >.> *sigh*






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  • 1 month later...

Ermmm I completely forgot to update this. o.O







Ok so like theres loads of problems with this.... Basically caused by my limited time whilst doing it..... I ran out of time before I needed to start the long rendering period for the video's.... I am going to finish it though by actually adding a streat below instead of a nasty texture and by sorting out some of the kinks in the road.........






Ermmmm, not much to say about this... Looks how I wanted it to. :)

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I'm thinking of trying my hand at 3D design, can someone reccomend me somewhere to start? Software and perhaps tutorials for the very basics with that software (learning the tools etc). My current knowledge of 3D design is... well I don't know anything about it at all.

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Thanks Shino. ^^; I wish I could show the video of it, but, I really need someone to tell me how to compress it first. XD


As for software, there are quite a few routes to go.. I'm using 3DSMax, but, there is also Maya, XSI and many others...... You will probably use other software in conjunction at some point though.... ZBrush being one.......


If you get yourself some software and then post again requesting tutorials I can point you in the right direction. ^^;





Just thought I would share the wireframe version of my model and the lighting set up I had. >.< Dunno why, but, it seems like the right thing to do. lolol

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Here's my first 3d model:



Made the model with blender (finally got around to learning it's basic interface)


The texture in the handle sucks, but it's the best I could do without any "real" wooden texture. The knife itself was modelled (poorly) after a knife I got for my bithday. It helped me last year in the army to make a fire out of completely soaked tree branches :)


And the sphere is there just to show off the reflection on the knife. When I get the inspiration I'll probably make a better model of it.

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It would look nicer without the shiny surface under it... Kinda takes attention away from the knife. lol


Otherwise nice work. :)


That's because I heven't gotten into blender that much, tried to make it less shiny, but couldn't find out what was making it that bright.

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Cloud, I'm guessing that you extruded those highways? You make one "hoop" and then extrude it along a given path yeah?


I'm guessing that the city is mostly NURBs too? Sorry I know it sounds like a lot of questions but I'm just picking out the techniques you've used...

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Not exactly......... But similar........... What I did is I made to splines, one for the path and one for the shape (the outline I guess) and created a lofted compound object *Create > Compound Objects > Loft*....... The path adds the 3rd dimention of depth to the shape that you created..... As I still have control of the splines after this I can edit the shape of the eventual object I've created.... This allowed me to make the object change in levels so that I could get it going through the buildings....

This might be what you're talking about, but, I'm assuming you mean extrude along path?


The reason I have a few problems with the road is a) I didn't have enough time to smooth the problems out and b) the sheer scale of things brought my viewport to a crawl with everything displayed, which is really what I had to do at some points to avoid collisions. ; ;


The buildings I created by originally drawing a basic shape of the base of the buildings and extruding upwards for one level..... I then inset and extruded all the windows........ And extruded the window ledges..... Really I didn't use any advanced modelling techniques to make this city as I wanted to keep the modelling simple with such a complex idea like a city. ;)


I could now model and texture a building like the ones in this city in about 20 mins. ;)


Oh that brings up another point.... At first the texturing was VERY difficult, because I was litterally going one polygon at a time in order to label everything for the multisub object texturing method I was using, but, I worked out a more effective method for doing this and things spead up a lot........ It's a shame the most complex buildings are the ones I didn't do this with. lol.... Really I guess the biggest thing about 3D modelling is working this kind of thing out and it just comes with experience, it's just a shame I don't have this yet. XD


Oh and finally, a little piece of information..... If you can see it there is a building that looks like 2 circles and 1 elongated circle put together..... This building (well there are 3 of them) has an insane polygon count... Infact, at first, before I cut out as much as I could, it could cripple my viewport on its own. XD It easilly still has the biggest polygon count of all the buildings (the road destroys it o.O.... I can't export that thing because it's go too many apparently) and guess what... It's one of the smallest buildings in the thing.... Really my reasoning behind saying this is the fact that it was my first building and I had no idea what I was getting into and really it didn't need that many polygons.. What's this to do with anything? Well basically I'm telling you to try to force yourself to use less polygons.... Having a lot of pointless extra poly's makes things a lot harder.. Oh and before you say this is easy, it really isn't... Wasting memory is a lot easier then saving it. ;)




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No worries dude, I do symapthise.


Yeah I was thinking about extrude along path. Btw if you try and use your masking techniques like template and also fully hiding stuff, doesn't this reduce the memory usage? Or were you still being crippled even doing that?


Also did you put the curve in the skyscrper before or after you did the windows? It has quite a cartoony weight to it. I like it a lot. Muchos kudos

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Yeah extruding along path does pretty much the same at first, but, lofting gives you more options to edit it with.....


Yeah hiding stuff reduces memory usage, but I had to have a lot stuff showing so that I could get the road going on the right path...... As getting it going through the buildings/around buildings was difficult...


And yeah the skyscraper was done normally with the windows and then I added the curve. ;)


Also I only technically did 1/4 of the windows as I used symetry to speed things up.

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Been messing around with the material editor on 3DS max, trying to create some interesting materials. Managed to create silk! My only regret is that I didn't use a brighter colour. Also, if you look real carefully, you can see that I completely cocked up the bump-mapping. I won't say why...



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