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3D Modelling Thread


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Nananananananananananah cat progress!

(you know...like the Batman tune?)




Its okay. Obviously not brilliant but its getting there. And it looks kinda like a dalmation but I'm cool with that. It can be a new breed. Only really got tomorrow and Saturday to do it but I've got a 2 hour lunch so taking my slaptop to uni.


Ignore the floating shapes.

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And it's finished.




Today is the last day I can really do anything for it so had to be wrapped up. Had to cut a few corners and what not but hey ho.







He needs a name...


Oh and he has a mouth...its just under the fur of course :heh:

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I didn't spot this until now.


That's really cool Ashley.


I think the thing that stands out the most is the eyes, they could have done with a little more work.


But I know you just said about not having tiiiime anymore so that's fine.


Good luck with your thingie!

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  • 2 weeks later...

*give thread a bolt of life*


So I quickly did a second character today.





I was trying to get a sunken cheeks but it just looks odd.


I dunno.


Any ideas for the faaaace?




Maybe like this...?






Obviously needs work... just not sure if that's the direction I want to go.


Looks a bit odd in places... but maybe once I do that much needed work it won't...


Or maybe the odd bits are more general than that...

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See I have issues with the hair, on the front it looks all well and dandy but on the side, it just looks abit out of place, I think it might need making bigger or repositioning?


EDIT: I would show the work I've been doing for my integrated project, but really the base model isn't my own work so its not really fair to show here.

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  • 2 weeks later...



A quick (about 15 minutes, if that?) thing just because I haven't done anything in ages:






Its rubbish, but I wanted to do something quick and cartoony. And the beak looks rubbish in profile :p

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Something I've been working on.


The original model isn't mine, but were doing characters based on the full monty. Here's gerald. :)


Learnt how to use toon shading, it was actually quite fun, I've not really been up to much modelling recently, need to get back to it.






EDIT: Ashley use a turbosmoother on the body, it'll give it a less jaggid look.

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That's my plan for the summer really, to build up my own models to use on the course. I was speaking to someone currently on the course and he mentioned that they use a lot of pre-build models for the sake of ease but it would be nice if I built my own up...or at least try.


Oh and thanks :)

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  • 1 month later...

Well feel free to give me some feeeeedback about my animation I'm doing. I've left most of it until this weekend which was a very bad idea.


The latest video shows my body animation for the first character so far. The "Blocking" video shows the previous blocking that I'm working from.






Obviously they're not full renders or anything, but any feedback would be swell.


Here's the problems I know I need fixing:

At the start when he slides the thingie across the desk, it looks... odd. I dunno if it's the way the curve is... right now everything is just straight (the curves).

His head is too stationary at points, I'm hoping it'll be less noticeable when his face is animated and his jaw is going, etc.

At the end he holds that pose... need him to change it slightly before the camera changes.


And then the thing that I can't quite put my finger on... is that... I dunno, it seems to go from pose to pose and doesn't seem to flow as such. Maybe I need more stuff moving at different times... and not stuff being key framed all on the same frame, etc.

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You mention the only thing I noticed - the stationary head. His head should 'bounce' to punctuate what he's saying, akin to how you have his finger stamping on the desk. With body language you generally have the head 'leading' before the gesticulation, so if the arms lead lead then it looks robotic, so if it's possible to have the head 'forshadowing' the body's actions (and thus the forshadowing the script, too) then it'd be neat-o.


I remember seeing one of your older designs for this moranis-like scientist. I have no idea what you're doing but it looks good!

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Cheers Jay-to-the-7!


I'm just working on the other guy's animation now (who walks about in the background), hopefully I don't need to spend too long on him because it's mostly blurred out...


Hopefully either tomorrow or Sunday I'll have the chance to fix any problems with the animation so far.


Cheers again, dude!

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Well I don't really understand the whole 'blocking' vid thing so I don't have any comments there for you.


With the box-thing that gets dragged over the desk - the boxthing should offer a resistence initially, so the animation should first be slow... if that makes sense?


I've watched it like 10 times now, and I like the hand movements a lot. The tensing as he shouts "Jenning!" works well, as does the aformentioned finger-tap, and the slight repositioning of the right hand as the left grabs the boxthing.


But yeah, I don't know the process you're working through. It all looks very impressive and I thought I'd lend an eye as you asked in the HWYD thread :)

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