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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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Besides, it would just be plain confusing for some people if the console was given different names in different countries. The gaming community is a global one, so a single brand/identity is best.


You mean like the Famicom wasn't called the Nintendo Entertainment System, or the Super Famicon the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, when it was released in the USA and Europe?

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The name will not change... i dunno if it will be on the front of the console thou. Apple haven't slapped 'ipod' on the front of their product (on the back isn't it?). I would think the big N will have it on the side like the second 'Nintendo' logo is (embossed is it?)

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You mean like the Famicom wasn't called the Nintendo Entertainment System, or the Super Famicon the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, when it was released in the USA and Europe?
it just wasn't in the same age as we are now...


It's all about globalization now, online, no zone lock, etc... Are all concepts from the same bag, the path they are taking is the right business decidion to make in the word of today.

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You mean like the Famicom wasn't called the Nintendo Entertainment System, or the Super Famicon the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, when it was released in the USA and Europe?


I remember that, but remember the Internet was still the preserve of PC techies and university professors back then? The international gaming community was nowhere near as connected as it is now.


Nintendo has just published the new name to the whole world. If they were to change it, then it would probably be a waste of all the free publicity they got on news sites like the BBC. As you know, the internet is a very powerful way to spread word.


Right now, everyone is talking about Wii. It's been branded on everyone's brains, it's on everyone's tongues. Money can't buy that kind of publicity. One name means everyone will be calling it the same name.


I don't think I explained it too well, but I'm in the middle of some maintenance work so

my brain is a bit muddled at the moment. :D;


EDIT: Yeah, pedrocasilva explained it a bit better.

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I don't like the name. And the whole 'we' concept only applies in English, as obviously other languages have different words for it. It will be interesting to see how it is marketed, but the name of a product can make or break it, and most people on here who are actually nintendo fans have made fun of it, so the non fans will do the same and probably more. And the name doesn't have to be global, there are many products known by different names in other countries, for example Lynx is known as Axe in North America.


Nintendo have been very secretive about the whole console, and they need to make it simple as possible at E3. It's already hard to explain how the controller works to someone who hasn't read about it, and those i've told don't get too excited. Nintendo want to make it different from the rest, and I think it will either sell really well or fail miserably. They can't afford another flop like the cube, if so we may see them do a sega and just become a games maker. As much as I like nintendo games I won't be buying a new console just for them, the gamecube generally was a disappointment and in my opinion the n64 still reigns as nintendo's finest console.

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I remember that, but remember the Internet was still the preserve of PC techies and university professors back then? The international gaming community was nowhere near as connected as it is now.


Nintendo has just published the new name to the whole world. If they were to change it, then it would probably be a waste of all the free publicity they got on news sites like the BBC. As you know, the internet is a very powerful way to spread word.


Right now, everyone is talking about Wii. It's been branded on everyone's brains, it's on everyone's tongues. Money can't buy that kind of publicity. One name means everyone will be calling it the same name.


I don't think I explained it too well, but I'm in the middle of some maintenance work so my brain is a bit muddled at the moment. :D;

EDIT: Yeah, pedrocasilva explained it a bit better.




Double Post:nono:

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Guest Stefkov

after having the internet down for two days this was a hell of a shock. im not sure if i like it or not. its ok, i said wtf whe ni read it, but it may grow on me. i know for sure thst some people will go ' o it sounds like wee haha its called teh nintendo piss!'

oh well in a couple of days ill get used to it....probably

im not bothered really that its caled this, would rather have had revolution but its about the games etc. so everyone who moans, its the same machine, i think they got a bit inspired be the ipod with the i's

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A product's name subconsiously creates an image for the product. Calling it Wii, or something less stupid, does not create a good image for it, and it will definetely hurt sales.


I think they could only have made it worse by calling Pii straight away, but this is the second worst scenario.

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EDIT: Yeah, pedrocasilva explained it a bit better.
I liked your explanation though, the point got across.
A product's name subconsiously creates an image for the product. Calling it Wii, or something less stupid, does not create a good image for it, and it will definetely hurt sales.


I think they could only have made it worse by calling Pii straight away, but this is the second worst scenario.

They have a goal to use Wii, and it's not about that... that are lots of stupid names out there...


But still it's marketing the idea that matters in the end and "Wii" was made from scratch for that.. Marketing possibilities, I'd be glad as a publicist to work at Nintendo now...


It's not like they don't know what they were doing, they expected all this, that's why they let it go before E3... It's simple really:


If they revealed it at E3 people could coment for it over the games and detract from the attention... So... they knew about all this, so why choose it? because of the idea they have, that is a good one: "we"


I believe it'll be good in the future if they play their cards right.

I read "pii" as pie. I think most people will read "Wii" as "why"

Indeed... we aready read "wi-fi" as "why-fi" or something.

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despite what nintendo say i think this name has been directed by japan...


'wii' would be phonetically 'we' over there... whereas 'wee' would sound like 'way'


anyway, i like it. so ner.

Well supposedly kaplan was working in the name for a year, with ideas... I think it was more like a cooperation trying to reach a mutual liking for both... Of course in Nintendo Japan the idea/sound of the console probably got a better reaction than it got in US, but still it's not like they didn't conduct studies over it first (before revealing it, that is).


people chill out, it's all good. Wii

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The only thing that's making me dislike the name are when people refer to it as "wee" or "urinating."


Now, i don't know about you, but "we" is a common word in the English language. You probably all use it everyday without noticing.

The console is named the Nintendo Wii. Wii as in We. We as in Us. Not as in urinating.


Now, don't tempt me to start deleting posts or editing posts. This whole business over "ahah, weeeee" has gone too far and is just tedious, boring, and immature. Quite frankly, i like to think that this board has intelligent discussion.

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The only thing that's making me dislike the name are when people refer to it as "wee" or "urinating."


Now, i don't know about you, but "we" is a common word in the English language. You probably all use it everyday without noticing.

The console is named the Nintendo Wii. Wii as in We. We as in Us. Not as in urinating.


Now, don't tempt me to start deleting posts or editing posts. This whole business over "ahah, weeeee" has gone too far and is just tedious, boring, and immature. Quite frankly, i like to think that this board has intelligent discussion.


you would think that linky, but the truth is this place is full of fanboys who are at the moment full of shame as they dont have a name to boast at the sony or xbox crowd.

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Wii makes me think of the 'i' in iPod, iMac etc. wiiNintendo, or something like that. The name fits with the console very well, the name is small, simple but original in it's own way. Just like the console it self. And people who are screaming bull like 'I'm not buying that' should think again, at the end it's about the games and the experience, not about the name. Right? And besides that, I will just say 'Shall we play some Nintendo?' Or something like that, no matter what the name wiill be.

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I just lost my respect for penny-arcade...
What names were rejected, that something like Wii remained vertical at the end of it?
It gives me the urge to ask how "penny" in their name stood vertical at the end, you know? because to me penny reminds me of pennis, or simply like as in "little money/small ammount" so, as in... poor.


Before criticising others they should look into their own name... for god's sake!


So you know what I see? lots of fanboys who have nothing else to do besides bashing and going for the easy joke... It's not beautiful, it just shows they shouldn't even be called gamers, seriously.



Yes Yenrug we get it, people don't like the name.
It's not about not liking, it's that people are not open to it, because they were expecting something else... but I for one am here to be surprised by Nintendo, not to go against them...


As I said atitudes like this is why this is Nintendo, and we got Nintendo Wii controller in the first place... just like we had a console without CD's who was able to do Ocarina of time without going into hyrule field and stopping every time the game loaded a tree... the reason why we got Wind Waker, and much, much more...

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I guess the problem with the name for me is the whole urinating thing.


We do use 'we' every day of our lives, but that is always in the *plural*. eg. We ARE, we WERE etc etc. If 'we' is *singular*, eg. We IS, we WAS, then we must be talking about a noun, ie. 'wee', or urine. Since most people will only own one Wii console I suppose we;ll all be talking about our consoles as 'wee' rather than 'we'. Which is why I just don't like it.


Still, on a more interesting note, Nintendo have explained what the two 'i's represent. What do you all think the 'W' represents?



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Pedrocasilva, please, don't be so ridiculous. It's people's good right do dislike the name, or not being 'open' to it (because then we would all like it right?).


The name's a rat's ass to pronounce, especially with that focus on the double i'ed 'wheee' sound, which is just painful for my Dutch tongue. The name doesn't look right when written either, no matter how much philosophy you throw at it. It screams bad image, uncoolness, and stupidity - you can't expect everybody to go 'oh whatever about it', especially not in a business like the console business.


It takes getting used to what Nintendo's doing, and that's hard on people. Nintendo is not being easy on us, that's for sure.

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Still, on a more interesting note, Nintendo have explained what the two 'i's represent. What do you all think the 'W' represents?



Dunno but W equal's 2 V's and V means 5, also this is the fift console Nintendo releases... then, I guess, It's all about being similar as in "VVii"


I like to see the name as a whole... as a "logo", and it's really clever that way, reading it is not importante... it's not Wii... it's "We" it just has a diferent logo...

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