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The name has grown on me a bit, it's still fairly odd though, it will sink in eventually.


An Englishman, Irishman and Scottsman find a magic slide. A genie appears and tells them "go down this slide and whatever you shout you will find at the bottom". They think this is great, so up steps the Englishman*. He leaps onto the slide without hesitation screaming "monnnnnney!!" as he falls, sure enough he lands in a huge room filled with crisp, new £50 notes. Hearing his friend's screams of delight the Irishman* steps up, throws himself down the slide screaming "women!!!" and sure enough lands in a room surrounded by the most beautiful women he has ever seen. Overcome with joy and excitement the Scotts man* steps up and leaps down the slide screaming "weeeeeeeee" and sure enough crashes in to.......... a fucking Nintendo console....... brilliant.


Variation on an old classic for you there, bit of humor. Maybe help any pain sink in...


*substitute the order or nationality of the men to avoid offence, hell use animals or fruit if you like


I can;t believe the level of fanboyism in this thread. Anyone who sees the name 'Wii' as anything but a cock up of monumental proportions is naive.

I agree with Dabookerman, I'm really starting to like the name.


If you like it fair enough, i think it wasnt meant to be liked, it was meant to attract attention...


i mean who likes ipod as a name, not the brand but the actual name


well maybe a few, but i think u can see my point.

I can;t believe the level of fanboyism in this thread. Anyone who sees the name 'Wii' as anything but a cock up of monumental proportions is naive.

Yeah, he's right, I mean, opinions? What the fuck is that?

I can;t believe the level of fanboyism in this thread. Anyone who sees the name 'Wii' as anything but a cock up of monumental proportions is naive.


Or maybe people are more accepting. To be fair, you've named yourself after grass.

I can;t believe the level of fanboyism in this thread. Anyone who sees the name 'Wii' as anything but a cock up of monumental proportions is naive.


Speaking of naive.....

I can;t believe the level of fanboyism in this thread. Anyone who sees the name 'Wii' as anything but a cock up of monumental proportions is naive.


I kinda like it. If they keep it, good for them! If they change it back to Revolution (which they won't) i'll still like it!


It's simple and easy to remember.


To add to Virgin, iPod, Google and all the other example of silly/weird names; the nicely named stationary company 'Rapesco'. Weird at first but you get over it.

I just lost my respect for penny-arcade...It gives me the urge to ask how "penny" in their name stood vertical at the end, you know? because to me penny reminds me of pennis, or simply like as in "little money/small ammount" so, as in... poor.

Or you could just go with the whole thing of "Spending a penny" :smile:



Also how many of yours have Wii in your msn screen name, own up, its gonna spread like wildfire

I DO!!!!

It's "'Ello Ladies; Wanna play with ma lil Wii?"



At least when you're having a slightly drunk gaming session you can say "I'm just going for a Wii/Wee" about 5 times in a few hours :heh:


Strange how this name was revealed the day I had dreams of something bad coming out for it, and when we were doing the Excretory system in Science. So there was a link!

It shows the ignorance of the English speakers that just because a consoles name isn't in English it's "stupid" though.


Pardon my ignorance, but under what language does wii have a meaning? Other than meaning we, but spelt in a way to look cool. Hell if they wanted, why not call it We. At least people will get the meaning.


It's name not being in English doesn't concern me, the fact that casuals won't consider giving it a sniff because it sounds like toilet slang. And the company going down the pan (pun intended) concerns me.

The name has grown on me a bit, it's still fairly odd though, it will sink in eventually.


An Englishman, Irishman and Scottsman find a magic slide. A genie appears and tells them "go down this slide and whatever you shout you will find at the bottom". They think this is great, so up steps the Englishman*. He leaps onto the slide without hesitation screaming "monnnnnney!!" as he falls, sure enough he lands in a huge room filled with crisp, new £50 notes. Hearing his friend's screams of delight the Irishman* steps up, throws himself down the slide screaming "women!!!" and sure enough lands in a room surrounded by the most beautiful women he has ever seen. Overcome with joy and excitement the Scotts man* steps up and leaps down the slide screaming "weeeeeeeee" and sure enough crashes in to.......... a fucking Nintendo console....... brilliant.


Wait a second?! You guys make the Scottish guy the idiot? We Scots make the Irish person the idiot! This is outrageous! Exclamation mark!


Anyway, I still like the name, still pretty cool, simple and nice. Sums up the blue ocean strategy.

If you are still complaining about the name after E3, well, you're just a little wanker.

Yeah i agree with you, once you get used to name you'll end up liking it now that i've heard it a couple of times since last night it's actually allright.

But it was something that i didn't expect. Anyway all these Wii jokes are now old news so please be mature about this and get over it its only a name the console hasn't changed it will still be Revolutionary.

Wait a second?! You guys make the Scottish guy the idiot? We Scots make the Irish person the idiot! This is outrageous! Exclamation mark!

And us Irish people make the Englishman the idiot - It's a vicious cycle really!:p

The nome doesn't need to have a meaning, that's the point it of it all!


That'll be the first word without one then. Even names have blooming meanings.


The point I meant to make in my previous post is that wii is not a word from any language (wii of the same spelling that is, feel free to correct me and make me feel stupid if I'm wrong).

That'll be the first word without one then. Even names have blooming meanings.


The point I meant to make in my previous post is that wii is not a word from any language (wii of the same spelling that is, feel free to correct me and make me feel stupid if I'm wrong).


Siemens (dont think that's a word)






And even if you were right, so what if it doesn't have a meaning? Does it have to? Is that a problem? In portugal we use an expression ("bué") that made absolutely no sense and now it's in the dictionary.

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