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It's the 20th


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Looks like there was some kind of Nintendo DS event with nice surprises today but, you know... the NDAs. :sad:


This doesn't take me any closer to playing those other games, though. I guess it's hard to work up escape velocity once you've fallen into the gravity well of a particular gaming habit (portable gaming in my case). Tonight's not going to help, that's for certain -- Nintendo is conducting a media event which, I'm told, will focus entirely on DS games.


Of course, that begs the question: what DS games can it focus on? Brain Age is out tomorrow, and this is a more E3-oriented event. That leaves New Super Mario Bros., Magnetica, Big Brain Academy and Sudoku Gridmaster, which is a pretty pitiful showing for an event like this. Which leaves the possibility of... new games. Legendary Stafy 4 is, erm, pretty much guaranteed to be out of the running. Phantom Hourglass is a good bet. Maybe Wario Thief? Nintencats? Me, I'm going to shake my tiny fists in anger is there's no Metroid Dredd/Dread/Dred. I know I wasn't hallucinating that pre-E3 2005 release list, dammit, and now that Hunters is they're free to offer us up a real Metroid sequel. Dammit. DAMN DAMMITY DAMN DREDD


Edit: Double-dammity, nothing Metroid at all. However, there were some pretty cool surprises that I'm not allowed to talk about until a very long time from now. Although come to think of it I never actually signed the NDA... but since I don't want to be banned from all future Nintendo events, I think I'll keep the revelations under my hat until the proper time.




Also, some nice words from Game Informer Editor (not sure if posted):


Game Informer editor talks Revolution







First off, I can’t say how proud I am to present this issue to you all. Getting an opportunity to show the first Revolution game to the world is quite an honor. Nintendo normally saves these types of unveillings for its giant, worldwide press conferences, so I wanted to at least pass along my joy and excitement over the opportunity to bring you Ubisoft’s newest game, Red Steel.


But there are more important thing happening here than just a huge cover story. I think this shows that Nintendo is serious about this console generation. So much so that it’s changing the way it deals not only with us, but with its third parties as well. And this change is for the better.


I will admit, when Nintendo first showed the Revolution controller last year, I laughed out loud at the absurdity of the whole thing. I mean, come on. A tiny remote is a revolution? But I’m not too proud to eat my own words. Nintendo is on to something here. And if it can garner third-party support and truly change way games are played, this Revolution will do more than make Nintendo a lot more money for it to store in its vaults. It could change the very way all games are played now and forever.


A bold statement to be sure, but after spending some time with the Revolution and Katana, I can see how this thing could not only work, but blow-up and change the entire face of the video games industry.


I think everyone knows of the mindshare and power that PlayStation holds over the market and the industry, and that may not change with this next-generation of game machines. I know most people believed Sony’s biggest challenger would be Microsoft, myself inculded, but I think there might be more to Nintendo than meets the eye.


Nintendo has gone from a dark horse to a serious competitor in my mind, and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the world reacts to the Revolution.


Because like any revolution, it can either upend society as we know it, or be squashed under the power of the ruling class.


Enjoy the issue.





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Nintendo has gone from a dark horse to a serious competitor in my mind, and I can’t wait to see how the rest of the world reacts to the Revolution.


Because like any revolution, it can either upend society as we know it, or be squashed under the power of the ruling class.


That's brilliant.

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Man, this rumour was made out of pointless hype. Nothing gets released today.

There is no logic behind this, what company would want their secrets spilled before E3? What company would give other companies NDAs that run three weeks short? It's bullsh*t.


People are desperate for E3. Don't believe any rumour until it's the 9th of May.

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Man, this rumour was made out of pointless hype. Nothing gets released today.

There is no logic behind this, what company would want their secrets spilled before E3?


Nintendo usually release some sort of information that could have waited until E3 before E3. Take Mario Kart: Double Dash - people weren't expecting to hear anything about that until E3 2003, and screenshots were released the Easter before it.


I wouldn't be surprised if we did get to learn a bit about Revolution games before E3, even if it's only about 3rd party games. Today's looking less and less likely now, though - I've seen people on other forums saying that their copy of Nintendo Power hasn't arrived today.

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Nintendo usually release some sort of information that could have waited until E3 before E3. Take Mario Kart: Double Dash - people weren't expecting to hear anything about that until E3 2003, and screenshots were released the Easter before it.


I wouldn't be surprised if we did get to learn a bit about Revolution games before E3, even if it's only about 3rd party games. Today's looking less and less likely now, though - I've seen people on other forums saying that their copy of Nintendo Power hasn't arrived today.

The April 20th rumour is a fake.


All NDAs (bar the Red Steel one which was lifted for one magazine) are active until the E3. Nintendo won't release any information either, period. They can't do that to all the NDA'ed companies out there.


You can't compare the meager E3 2003 situation to the situation now. They're releasing a brand new console for crying out loud.

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I guess if there's any news today it'll be in the same ilk as the "Twilight Princess to use Revolution controller features" and how this came about.


We all know this is true now and it wasn't revealed by Nintendo themselves, could the rumours about the 20th be in the same vein as this...


(i'm still not expecting anything though)

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The April 20th rumour is a fake.


All NDAs (bar the Red Steel one which was lifted for one magazine) are active until the E3. Nintendo won't release any information either, period. They can't do that to all the NDA'ed companies out there.


You can't compare the meager E3 2003 situation to the situation now. They're releasing a brand new console for crying out loud.


I agree that the April 20th thing is certainly looking like yet another fake. All I'm saying is that if one company has already released details of a Revolution title before E3, it's possible that other companies may be allowed to do the same thing too. I'm definitely not expecting anything interesting from Nintendo, though.

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