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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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Is there some Keynote Bill Gates speach tomorrow or something?

Because if he announces the details of the 360 v2 then I might just wait...although I'm hideously impatient...


Seriously, go buy one. Now. This second. Or else.


And I've just discovered an absolutely brilliant game, and it's been sat on my Xbox hard drive for months. How fucking good is Geometry Wars! I've just spent the last 15 minutes getting that bastard pacifism achievement. Was damn hard.

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Seriously, go buy one. Now. This second. Or else.


And I've just discovered an absolutely brilliant game, and it's been sat on my Xbox hard drive for months. How fucking good is Geometry Wars! I've just spent the last 15 minutes getting that bastard pacifism achievement. Was damn hard.




Seriously on Monday when my account gets a fix on a wad of cash...and then does anyone know how long it takes to get delivered from Gamestation?

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Gamestation? Go in and buy one?


I don't live that near one! I suppose I could go to the one in Putney but does it make a real difference, apart from time? I mean do they have the same console bundles and software prices?

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Think my mic is broken. Fails on me half way through a match :(.


Mine kind of is, after I threw it across the room. I suck at games... I also hate americans on Xbox Live. They just talk shitloads, and take the piss.


Another great game tonight though. Was hilarious Zygomatic Ape took on 4 of us by himself and still won....


Back to Geometry Wars.

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I went on Xbox Live at my friend's house and yes, the Yanks are very annoying. Especially the ones that are white yet think they are black and talk in all this gangsta lingo. One started singing while I was on Saint's Row, I told my friend that the guy that was singing sounded drunk, then he began to unleash a verbal assault on me. Goddamn Yanks.

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Guest Stefkov
Mine kind of is, after I threw it across the room. I suck at games... I also hate americans on Xbox Live. They just talk shitloads, and take the piss.


Another great game tonight though. Was hilarious Zygomatic Ape took on 4 of us by himself and still won....


Back to Geometry Wars.

God who was that high pitched American boy on our game? He annoyed me.

I cant believe Zygo took us all on and won....bleedin hell. I wanted to chainsaw him and he was running, then he tunred annd sniped me in the head. Damn that was annoying.

I hate Americans on live, but europeans are alright, whats up with that?

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Think my mic is broken. Fails on me half way through a match :(.


They're cheap pieces of crap, both of my 360 ones are broken and the original Xbox ones break when you pick them up.



Is anyone here getting Crackdown so they can get a chance to get into the Halo 3 beta?


* US players (and other territories too – see your local Xbox.com website for more info) would have to play a total of three hours of games on Xbox Live between 12:01 AM (EST) on February 1, 2007 through 11:59 PM (EST) on February 3rd, 2007.


* According to the press release, if you play three hours of games during this period, you then go register via http://www.halo3.com for a chance to become a beta participant.


* Specifically, you have to play those games and then be among the first 13,333 players to register at the site, so a spot is NOT guaranteed.


I hope you find out if you've got a spot in the Beta before you buy Crackdown, which comes out on the 23rd.....

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I'm not really sure if the admins will approve of this (and if they don't, sorry and feel free to delete this post and I apologise again!!!:o )


Basically if you look at the bottom of my signature there is a referal link. (which says something like 'get your free console') If you click on this link you can then sign up an chose any console you want and they will send it to you when you fill up the referal quota! This actually works because my friend did it. After you sign up you need to take part in an offer. Take part in the LoveFilm offer because 1.)Its free 2.)The trial allow you to rent 6 DVDs for free (after which you can cancel your account:wink: )


So if you want to help me, GREAT!

or you just want a great deal on films to rent then please use the referal link at the bottom and help me out!: peace:




Thanks for you time!!! Cos i REALLY want a XBox 360!!!

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Guest Stefkov

About that Halo 3 thing, it seems a bit of a hassle. Doing all that to play a Beta.

What is Crackdown? I read about it somewhere is it like GTA?


Actually it sounds really cool.

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Guest Stefkov
Well its like GTA/Saints Row but its in the future and things like cars morph and its online co-op and your a semi superhero cop who can pick up cars and throw them and scale buildings etc.

Sounds pretty cool, anyone else gonna get this? Or peopel gonna wait for reviews.

In general Americans are alot more competitive hence all of the abuse and stuff that happens on live. Either that or they are just morons.

I think the latter, or maybe thats me just generalising the American population. That little high pitched voiced kid last night though, annoyed the hell out of me.

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Sounds pretty cool, anyone else gonna get this? Or peopel gonna wait for reviews.


I think the latter, or maybe thats me just generalising the American population. That little high pitched voiced kid last night though, annoyed the hell out of me.


Yeah, that was him the tosser. I'm not sure if Americans are just louder than us quiter Europeans. Every time I go on I have to either listen to some 12 year old American whose voice is yet to break desperately asking to speak to girls, 2 people who are really good and feel the need to have a big conversation about Gears of War and how others are playing, generally being really big headed about the whole game, or people who just feel the need to shout down the mic telling people who can't hear them what to do.

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Some of my experiences with Americans on Live are quite funny. One time on Halo 2 two yanks were going at each other about who had the hottest girl friend, one said he was dating some beauty queen which explains why he was sitting playing Halo 2....


Another time on GoW while waiting in the lobby 2 were arguing about who was making the most money and who had a bigger house/car etc. Crazy fools.

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speaking of arguements had 2 guys argueing on texas holdum yesterday after someone won a hand.

He was celebrating down the microphone going "YESSSSS come on!!"...the other guy was confinced he was gunna win but didnt and took it real hard as the guy had just won over $1 million in one hand.


They were swearing at each other down the mics for ages threatening each other and asking where the other lives what the hell.

me and 2 others were saying to shut up and be quiet but they just kept going *mute*

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