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3-year old glued to disabled toilet


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I've used disabled toilets; you have no idea how long the line for the ladies room can get sometimes. So then why not have people use that toilet? Especially since there's rarely any disabled people around and if there are, I'm sure they would understand and wait a minute.


Also, does no one like, wipe the seat before they sit down? I always always do that, even at home. Or like, not even sit down when it's a greasy public toilet...


if i really really really really have to use a public toilet, i would lay tissues down on the seats

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the disabled toilets are nicer than the ladies more often than not...


You want to see the mens then...well actually you don't... they are nearly allways extremly discusting.


Thats a pretty horrid joke to play; on a disabled tolit, thefore with aim on disabled people. But I wouldn't sit on a public loo sit anyway, but if I had to I would put toilit paper around it.

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I wipe the seat with toilet paper before I sit. But I don't lay toilet paper around the seat, that's just stupid. I mean seriously, they'll be germs on it still yes - but I'm about to lick my ass afterwards.


Do the people who do this then use toilet paper to open the door to get out - because I bet you there are lots of germs on them handles from people who don't wash their hands!

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Do the people who do this then use toilet paper to open the door to get out - because I bet you there are lots of germs on them handles from people who don't wash their hands!


Ok I have to admit I get parinoid about the germs on the door handle apon leaving the toloit, I have been know to open it using the sleve of my jumper. Sad I know...

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I wipe the seat with toilet paper before I sit. But I don't lay toilet paper around the seat, that's just stupid. I mean seriously, they'll be germs on it still yes - but I'm about to lick my ass afterwards.


Do the people who do this then use toilet paper to open the door to get out - because I bet you there are lots of germs on them handles from people who don't wash their hands!


Some public toilets have these big paper thingies you can put on the seat; really nice. And about the handle, that's why you have to wash your hands after going to the toilet.

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Some public toilets have these big paper thingies you can put on the seat; really nice. And about the handle, that's why you have to wash your hands after going to the toilet.
When I was in France they had a hole in the floor that you were meant to use.. some people missed though and there were cubicles with it on the walls.


We pay council tax to get out public toilets cleaned.. obviously these people aren't being paid enough because there's no pride in their work.


I've been to private toilets that cost 20p a go and they had heated seats and everything was crisp.. I'm quite a lefty and don't like the idea of companies running public services. Especially if you had no schrapnel and really needed a slash..


But public toilets in the UK are about as shit as they get. No pun intended.

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Those French toilets are horrible. I remember that we had to go on one of those ages ago when I was like, five or six. Peed on my pants cause I really didn't know how to properly use that thing. Since then I've always tried to just kind of use the disabled toilet there in France. Seriously I don't get the hole in the ground idea...

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Guest Stefkov

hehe i was in Ukraine and for the toilet i had to get my shoes on and go outside to a small box with a hole cut out of a little box, which you could actually sit on. there was a pile of sawdust at the bottom of the box and i think there was a pile of it outside. ready to cover over any shit excreted in.

if thats a hole in the foor where do you go for a shit? this was both a shithole and a pisshole.

luckily i took my new tiger teddy bear with me to keep me safe.

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I've been to private toilets that cost 20p a go and they had heated seats and everything was crisp..


I went to on some island around scotland, you paid the money, and in side everything was marble, and very clean, it even had showers, which you could pay the ticket person more if you wanted to use.

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