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Perfect Dark Zero : Info


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anyone seen the new perfect dark trailer?


it's a well put together trailer i can say that much, a definate purchase for me!



That looked really great!!


I don't think her voice was the best, it didn't really seem to suit her IMO (but maybe that's because she's quite abit younger).


I notice however that they featured alot on the city levels and less on the jungle etc... levels.

IMO the city levels manage to retain the feel of the original Perfect Dark, whereas a number of the new areas seem to lack that same feel;

i think this is the only problem i have with the game really!

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How do yo uknow this before you've played it.


(I really want it to be an amazing game, but PD on the N64 was such a good game, I just don't think this can live up to it's name)


Well, the graphics are loads better and the new image of joanna dark is cool so there! :p

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So Far this game looks pretty bad. I'd rather stick to PC FPS. :awesome:


Hey Choze? Sony are here with a bunch of pre-rendered videos and they are wanting their weekly penis service.


You're silly MS are using alot more prerendered footage than Sony.

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PDZ is looking like a good game, but Rare have yet to produce anything decent on MS systems. Conker Live and Reloaded was basically a remade version of Conkers Bad Fur Day on the N64 so that game don't count.


Gameplay wise, yes it does look and feel good.

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PDZ is looking like a good game, but Rare have yet to produce anything decent on MS systems. Conker Live and Reloaded was basically a remade version of Conkers Bad Fur Day on the N64 so that game don't count.

Am I the only one who enjoyed Grabbed by the Ghoulies?

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Perfect Dark Zero (AND) PDZero Limited Edition



brand new Movies


X05 Cam Gameplay

Video straight from X05 (QT - 29.5 MB) - (WM - 29.2 MB)


X05 Trailer

Operations control everything (QT - 5.5 MB) - (WM - 5.1 MB)


X05 Cam Gameplay 2

Showdown at the parking garage (QT - 7.6 MB) - (WM - 7.5 MB)


X05 Cam Gameplay 2 HD

Showdown at the parking garage (QT - 26.8 MB) - (WM - 25.1 MB)


X05 Cam Demo

Take cover (QT - 29 MB) - (WM - 29.8 MB)


X05 Cam Demo HD

Take cover (QT - 89.9 MB) - (WM - 87.7 MB)


X05 Cam Trailer 2

X05 presentation trailer (QT - 8.8 MB) - (WM - 9.1 MB)


X05 Cam Trailer 2 HD

X05 presentation trailer (QT - 27.4 MB) - (WM - 26.8 MB)






Click on the image below to take you to Prfect Dark Zero Microsite : web site




Click on the image below to take you to Full Prfect Dark Zero : web site




PDZ.gif: FHM.com Interview


What (virtual) dreams are made of... FHM chats to lithe, leather-clad agent JOANNA DARK


When we peruse the honey CVs for prospective FHM shoots, we usually know pretty much what to expect. A year or so illuminating a grimy soap opera, maybe. Perhaps a couple of number one singles surrounded by a bevy of similarly fit mates. Usually gravity-defying, pendulous norks that prove beyond a doubt that God exists. So we were nothing if not impressed by the resumé of this month’s special cover star, Joanna Dark. No RADA-trained thespian antics for our lass, or weekly whittling down by smug no-marks on some prime time TV pop compo. No, Joanna’s spent the last few years schlepping around the world, first as a freelance bounty hunter and now as a Perfect Agent with the Carrington Institute, going toe-to-toe with the kind of scum the local police prefer to let slip under their radar. And (bear with us here) seeing as it’s the year 2020, she fills her spare time playing the odd, high-risk game of deathmatch – she’s a big fan of the Seattle Slayers – rock-climbing, parkour and grav boarding: a cross between surfing and skateboarding, only hovering slightly above the ground. And a bit more dangerous. But bless her, a life of bullet-dodging and taking down desperados doesn’t seem to have done much lasting damage, in fact quite the opposite, it’s left her pert, cute, and very, very bendy. As good credentials as any to qualify for an FHM shoot. Plus of course, as you can see, a couple of big guns that any man would like to get their hands on.


So first up, what’s been your hairiest assignment to date?


This photo shoot for sure! I had trouble hiding my flashbangs. And surrounded by men under all those lights, damn, I got so hot!


At what age did you lose your virginity?


You know the last man who asked me that question had to drink his food through a straw for six months. Let’s stick to business, okay…


Er, sure. So talking of chaps, what do you look for in a man?


Usually his weakest point – eyes, throat, groin.


Cripes! How would you describe your fighting style?


Keen. I’m always ready to go one-on-one. I like to improvise but I can play rough-and-ready too.


Working these days as a spy, have you ever dabbled in any Mata Hari-style antics?


Well, things are a little different in 2020, but poledancing lessons are standard training for all recruits these days. There was this one time where I had to infiltrate a Caribbean hideaway where they were holding an all-female beach volleyball tournament. One of the girls was there to take out the host, but we didn’t know which one. I had to get to know them personally, go undercover and… oops! I think I’ve said too much. That mission was probably classified.


When you’re off killin’ do you select your undies for comfort, or for effect? You never know, you could get knocked down by a bus...


…Or attacked by dropship or chased by jetpacks, yeah I know. With all the kit I have to carry, I find underwear gets in the way. I go commando.


Brilliant! Describe your personal style for us…


Dress to kill.


So what sort of thing makes you grumpy?


I don’t know… running out of ammo? Taking two shots to drop someone when one would do?


Do you believe Elvis is still alive?


Sure! He’s alive and singing with the aliens isn’t he?


Wasn’t Roswell a failed attempt to abduct The King?


The guy who first photographed Elvis took the photos of the alien autopsies, that’s no coincidence.


What car do you drive?


I used to drive a dataDyne G-Class, y’know the VTOL version with the dropfoils, but I lost it when I had to ram-raid my way into a target’s penthouse suite. No one ever called me subtle. I’m big into classic cars. Right now I’m driving a Porsche Carrera GT. Of course I’ve made a few modifications, but that’s classified. If you see me in the rear view mirror, get out of the way sharpish…


What’s your favourite gadget?


My locktopus – I take it everywhere with me. It’s great for picking locks and generally getting me in all sorts of trouble.


Nice. What heat are you currently packing?


My Magsec for comfort, but out of everything in my armoury, you can’t beat the Shockwave. It’s one hell of a rifle. It’s got an X-ray scope, from a click away you can see every last bone you’re about to break.


Who’s the sexiest woman in the world?


You’re looking at her! Okay, I’m kidding. But I’ve made the cover of FHM so I must be in with a chance!


Finally, what’s your dog of choice?


Why, you wanna be my bitch?


Kinda. FHM





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As a - still avid - fan of the original, I have to say I'm absolutely gutted just by watching the trailers & gameplay mpeg's.


They've americanized the franchise... Gone is the British accent, gone is the suspense... Say hello to Halo clone no. 196875436... "only this time... it's personal"... really hurts my heart to laugh...


Even though it'll probably (or at least hopefully) have some of the gameplay grandeur of the original, let's face it: Rare isn't as "rare" a developer as it was back in the days.

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I may have to change my mind on this game!


After watching this very cinematic-trailer-like movie i thought the game looked really good ( http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=7973&type=mov )!


However after watching some more gameplay movies, i'm not liking it at all;


- 'showdown at the carpark' -

I didn't think it was possible for Rare to make the game so far removed from the original, but this was absolutely shocking!! Joanna looks terrible, the clothes, the setting, the games over brightness (the original was dark and moody), this whole scene with the punks on motornikes! This isn't Shenmue!!


Also i watched the advert for the game and that's terible too!


What is with Joannas cartoon like look?? it makes her not really fit in with the rest of the game! and the settings and overall wierd colours and brightness of the game aren't good!

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How can you guys say this game dsnt look that good!, this game looks like a halo beater for sure and the graphics are twice as good as half life 2! the atmosphere is there as well i cant wait!


Graphics don't make games. It might look like a Halo beater, but until we've played.

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How can you guys say this game dsnt look that good!, this game looks like a halo beater for sure and the graphics are twice as good as half life 2! the atmosphere is there as well i cant wait!

Have you watched any of the gameplay movies that have been posted in this thread?

In some of them the game looks simply terribly and NOTHING (NOTHING) like the original!

Just watch 'showdown at the carpark'!

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Have you watched any of the gameplay movies that have been posted in this thread?

In some of them the game looks simply terribly and NOTHING (NOTHING) like the original!

Just watch 'showdown at the carpark'!


URGH! I shudder at the thought of watchin that vid again! :(

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Have you watched any of the gameplay movies that have been posted in this thread?

In some of them the game looks simply terribly and NOTHING (NOTHING) like the original!

Just watch 'showdown at the carpark'!


Nah i kept my eyes shut on them :s, course i have and it looks amazing!, the game play looks class! and the way she can peak round corners is a nifty little thing to, i personally think it looks amazing.

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Well IGN have posted more gameplay impressions




Overall the graphics were solid though there were the occasional framerate hiccups. The controls remained tight, the reload animations very flashy, and the sounds immersive. This launch title is definitely looking to be a first rate game, we'll have more as it comes.


Gametrailers also have a couple new vids up, one of a multiplayer battle and another single player. Both looking very nice may i add!


Any doubts about this game have been put to bed now, Rare may well be back! MUST-HAVE!

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Kameo Elements of Power


X05 Trailer (QT - 6.60 MB) , (WM - 6.07 MB)

One of the best looking games on XB360.


X05 Cam Gameplay (QT - 34.8 MB) , (WM - 34.6 MB)

Monsters and more monsters


X05 Cam Gameplay HD (QT - 110 MB) , (WM - 101 MB)

Monsters and more monsters


Perfect Dark Zero


X05 Multiplayer Cam (QT - 14.6 MB) , (WM - 15.5 MB)

Duck and roll.


X05 Multiplayer Cam HD (QT - 47.0 MB) , (WM - 45.8 MB)

Duck and roll.


X05 Cam Gameplay 3 (QT - 47.4 MB) , (WM - 49.5 MB)

Just around the corner...


X05 Cam Gameplay 3 HD (QT - 148 MB) , (WM - 145 MB)

Just around the corner...



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