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New images of rev controller


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What are you people talking about? These look exactly like the ones shown on TGS in September and GDC last month, except they're grey. Just the colour changed, the model is the same (except the already mentioned big thing that plugged the analogue stick in and the round pointer, but that hardly justifies such a reaction).


So what do you mean "proper" ones? I, for one, am hoping grey is a launch colour for the Rev cause to me Nintendo = Grey. NES was grey, SNES was grey, the N64 was black but with grey controller, my GC is the platinum one, so almost grey. :hehe: And I hope I can choose the grey Rev, as the white one may look good on advertising pictures but I don't want it in my living room. If no grey, then black is next choice.



1, the official rev colour is now gloss white (a la DS Lite) - if you want a grey one you are going to have to get your marker pens out.

2, the pics above PROVE its the dev controller as it is wired.

3, the dev controllers were confirmed as being grey ages ago

4, the pictures included in the real game informer article had the hue altered to make it hard to tell what colour the controller was.

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Rember the guy from ubi who confirmed the screens of red steal on the ign boards? He also confirmed that the shots of the controller are prototypes strictly used for developer perposes only, and that to the best of his knoledge the final revolution controller disign has not changed since TGS.

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1, the official rev colour is now gloss white (a la DS Lite) - if you want a grey one you are going to have to get your marker pens out.

2, the pics above PROVE its the dev controller as it is wired.

3, the dev controllers were confirmed as being grey ages ago

4, the pictures included in the real game informer article had the hue altered to make it hard to tell what colour the controller was.

They are quite the smartasses aren't them? Didn't they claim it was the final controller by the way?


Doing that when they know it isn't... it's lying.



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Just thought I'd add, there's a shot that isn't here that made the magazine.. someone pointed out that it looked like he was going to kill himself with the controller pointed at his head..


Anyway in the magazine there's another shot of the same guy with a real samurai sword.. that gesture is how you great your oponent and draw your sword in game.


Might not have been covered.. cba to search or anything.

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Smartasses? Are they clever donkeys or something?


So what if the controller looks a bit different at the end? Thats not the bit you see when using it anyway.

I just think they claimed it as final (my apologies if they didn't) claiming it was final when they knew it isn't is a pretty bad jornalism atitude in my book, just that.
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Pedrocasilva: I'm talking about your spelling. An ass is a donkey. An arse is what you sit on. (Well, actually you can sit on a donkey, but who really gives two shits?)


DCK: I hope the TGS 2005 model is the final design, 'cause it looks slightly nicer, and less like a light gun, but I don't really care.

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1, the official rev colour is now gloss white (a la DS Lite) - if you want a grey one you are going to have to get your marker pens out.

2, the pics above PROVE its the dev controller as it is wired.

3, the dev controllers were confirmed as being grey ages ago

4, the pictures included in the real game informer article had the hue altered to make it hard to tell what colour the controller was.



That still doesn't explain the reactions "Oh, I hope that's not final design!!1". Aside from the wire and the colour, the design is the same, get my point already?

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There are just some simple ideas I want to put forward.


1. This is the same controller we were seeing in the Red Steel article.

2. It seems less advanced than the one at TGS.

3. Ubisoft will only have the Dev kit controller, not the porper one.


So this is the Dev kit controller, chill folks. That's even before all the photos.

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Guest Stefkov

dont know if its ben mentioned but he conrtoller has changed, i think i remember reading a post on hee someimte, but heres images to show it: the sensor at the top has changed, well the cover for it has:







or maybe just thinking of it now, maybe that is actually a port for the wire to plug into the rev for devs. maybe those wires we saw were something else, and the sensors/holes on op are acually the port holes for plugs. just a thought

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Iwata has said there won't be a microphone on the controller. I suspect them of wanting to make extra cash on a controller plugin <_<

They'll probably include a high quality one as a nunchucka add-on with the game for free.

They're relatively cheap pieces of hardware and I assume the FHC has the bandwidth to hold up a VOIP signal.


The controller hasn't changed FGS, it's just the developpers hardware.

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Guest Stefkov

oh right. i forgot about hat, but maybe i was right bout it being the plug for plugging it into the rev, they said i was wired. i was thinking why woud they put the wire on the bottom of the controller, going down the persons front when theyre trying to develop. the wire at the front would basically be the wireless signal but in wires.

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From Matt's IGN blog:










Above, you can see that this is the Revolution controller setup that goes out to developers and publishers. Obviously, it's different looking. For one, the white, glossy finish is nowhere to e found. In addition, though, the front sensor is circular, which isn't indicative of the final model.



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