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There was something about tonights one i didn't like, i just can't put my finger on it. However overall it was good.




My thoughts exactly.


Hated the "drums" music towards the end, totally killed the scene for me. When the Teletubbies came on, I must admit I did laugh out loud during that scene. Thought the whole "Doctor getting old" thing should not of had been done. Seemed like something they cut out of the Lazarus episode, and the "killer balls of doom" don't seem to be a great enemy for a series finale in my opinion. Thank god for John Simm who saved that episode for me.

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To be fair, it's been a while since the US of A was flavour of the month.


All the more reason to not submit oneself to it. I would hope Davies had more to him than shamelessly assimilating what is or is not the flavour of the month. I don't know if I should expect more... silly, really. Spoiled the episode.

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My thoughts for the next episode


The tardis is now a "paradox machine" meaning (i think) that it can create things that shouldn't exist. My thought is that maybe the master is trying to bring back the timelords from un-existence by using the earth as fuel/hosts. All those flashbacks to Gallifrey makes me think that they wouldn't show that stuff unless it was coming back.



Oh, and that "here come the drums" music was badly judged.

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Shameless anti-American chauvinistic tripe toward the end from Russell Davies but enjoyable until that point.


I liked the anti american stuff, i think if anything similar to that was happening, america would demand control since this administration are knobs.

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sorry if this has alrady been discussed.


I haven't watched any of this series. I don't know why really, I think its that for one I missed the first ep or it and never got back to it and then the fact I hatesd that billy piper left.


Is the new sidekick worse/the same/better(if its possible) than rose?



and does anyone know when the new series of torchwood is coming? (waits for rockhed to complain about torchwood in some way)

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My thoughts for the next episode


The tardis is now a "paradox machine" meaning (i think) that it can create things that shouldn't exist. My thought is that maybe the master is trying to bring back the timelords from un-existence by using the earth as fuel/hosts. All those flashbacks to Gallifrey makes me think that they wouldn't show that stuff unless it was coming back.



Oh, and that "here come the drums" music was badly judged.


I found it rather funny ^_^ in keeping with the young gun styles of the doctor and the master.

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I liked the anti american stuff, i think if anything similar to that was happening, america would demand control since this administration are knobs.


That was not what this was about, and as much as I hate to debate someone writing on an Apple laptop, you know that.


Chiefly, this was Russell Davies taking a cheap shot at American foreign policy, and I dare venture that he does not have a grasp on it.

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That was not what this was about, and as much as I hate to debate someone writing on an Apple laptop, you know that.


Chiefly, this was Russell Davies taking a cheap shot at American foreign policy, and I dare venture that he does not have a grasp on it.


I consider myself to be very pro-russell, so i'm probably not one to talk about this. lol


It's doesnt mar the episode for me, and makes me laugh for the reasons above. I LOVE russells sense of humor, especially in Dr Who, it makes the show feel more . . . alive i suppose.

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Well, I think it is all fairly ridiculous to start with, but I am not a Who fan so I will leave the floor to you. This new series, that is to say all that is written by Davies, at least, has a sense of self-ridicule about it.

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You'll be pleased to know Davies is leaving after 'The Last of the Time Lords'.


Going back to write gay things for the nation *sigh*


It was his wet dream to work on Dr Who, and now he's going bye bye *sigh sigh*

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I liked the episode, and I thought John Simm was fantastic ("Because of the gas!"), but what the hell were they thinking with that music? They've blatantly lifted that concept from the last series of Battlestar Galactica, but they totally missed the mark. A shame, cause it spoiled a nice scene.

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You'll be pleased to know Davies is leaving after 'The Last of the Time Lords'.


He's not leaving just yet. He's got the same duties for Series 4, Executive Producer and Writer for 3-4 episodes.


Just thinking that maybe they'll re-do the tardis interior for the next series; it's just been buggered about with by the master and it's due for a revamp.

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Yer i enjoyed this episode, can't wait to see the next...and last of the series. :sad:


I find that drum beat quite catchy... I found myself doing it last night after i watched it (i can only watch the repeat on bbc3 as in work on sat night) and i was just doing it then...

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