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Doctor Who


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Knew you'd be in here in a flash, Rokhed. ;)



Although not the first with negative feedback, and not half as predictable as your usual sycophancy.


The next episode looks like a rip off that 80's film which I think it was called Boy at the Window.


And the drawings coming to life thing has been done to death.

Plagiarism really is running rampant.

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And the drawings coming to life thing has been done to death.

Plagiarism really is running rampant.


Its not plagerism (as I'm sure nobody owns the rights to drawings coming to life, I'd imagine stories similar date back to cave drawings.), its postmodernism. I'd say Doctor Who has actually become a very postmodern show.


I thought the episode was okay, the MOW was corny but thats the tendency of MOWs. Watching the ending monologue had me thinking - its like RTD is trying to do something special, profound, a truely epic piece of storytelling, but never quite hitting the note.

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Its not plagerism (as I'm sure nobody owns the rights to drawings coming to life, I'd imagine stories similar date back to cave drawings.), its postmodernism. I'd say Doctor Who has actually become a very postmodern show.


I wasn't just referring to the drawings coming to life.

Plenty of other ideas and concepts have been 'borrowed' throughout the series.

And even if I was, it doesn't really matter how old the source material is, taking other peoples ideas and putting your name on them is plagiarism.

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I wasn't just referring to the drawings coming to life.

Plenty of other ideas and concepts have been 'borrowed' throughout the series.

And even if I was, it doesn't really matter how old the source material is, taking other peoples ideas and putting your name on them is plagiarism.


But who can determ what is taking, and what is influence? Being the Buffy fan I am I could bitch and moan about the influences from Buffy/Angel but I don't. I see it as a compliment in effects. Plus I'm far too aware of postmodernism, its effects and the media environment we're in that I've become non-chalent (which in itself is ironic yet reasonable).

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I enjoyed tonights episode. It was differnet but in a very good way. The Torchwood reference (and Bad Wolf reference) made me sit up and take notice though...



Can you tell me where the Torchwood and Bad Wolf references in the tonight episode was?

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I think the idea of drawings comming to life is very much a classic story concept, a sort of idea that's been with us for ever. It's like giants, for example. You can't plagerise giants, they've part of the very genre that is myth and legend ever since people started having such concepts. I've personally failed notice anything approaching plagurism in the current series. I know people can look at those cat creatures, and school demons and whatever and complain that something similar was in such and such a show or book before, but I doubt that any of those sources can lay claim to creating the concept themselves.

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The episode was different. I quite liked it. Only thing i didn't like was the lame villan (but that what they get for using a crap actor for it).


And even if I was, it doesn't really matter how old the source material is, taking other peoples ideas and putting your name on them is plagiarism.


Welcome to humanity, where that happenes 99.9% of the time.

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Victor Kennedy/The Abzorbaloff was sent from Torchwood and had access to al of the Torchwood files. He had access to the Doctor's but Rose Tyler's files had been corrupted and destroyed by the Bad Wolf Virus. I think Bad Wolf is continuing into the finale and will have something to do with the departure of Rose.

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An 8 year old at that aswell. The competition should have been open to older people who understand Doctor Who more than "ooh that alien was really mean and scary!"

Yeah, but it's a kids show, so obviously the competition is going to be for kids.

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Rose might not even die.


The beast/devil said she would die in battle though, i just hope it isn't reallly corny like her fighting with a sword or something. Maybe her protecing her mum would be a good sent off, i think.

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I thought last night's episode was okay, if very cringe-worthy in parts (e.g. running through the corridors near the beginning). It was a bit different, and definitely not one of my favourites, but it wasn't as bad as some people are making out.


I just wish that Peter Kay's character wasn't a rip off of Tom Hanks from 'The Ladykillers' (when in human form) and Fat Bastard when in his true form. Loved the joke about his home planet, though.

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The beast/devil said she would die in battle though, i just hope it isn't reallly corny like her fighting with a sword or something. Maybe her protecing her mum would be a good sent off, i think.


This is Sci-Fi, nobody truely dies. Regeneration, reanimation, and other words beginning with 're' are all possible.

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This is Sci-Fi, nobody truely dies. Regeneration, reanimation, and other words beginning with 're' are all possible.


Adric did, and if Rose was to die in a similar manner (sacrificing herself for the greater good) and later came back then it would just belittle the whole thing.

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I just wish that Peter Kay's character wasn't a rip off of Tom Hanks from 'The Ladykillers' (when in human form) and Fat Bastard when in his true form.

What? The only similarity that th characters have is a - he has a top hat and beard and b - he's fat. Neither Tom Hanks or fat Bastard share any actual character traits with Kay's character. It's like saying I'm exactly like David Hasslehoff because I have a car.

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This is Sci-Fi, nobody truely dies. Regeneration, reanimation, and other words beginning with 're' are all possible.



I suppose but that made me remember about that Captain jack person but it says hes coming back in the 3rd series.


Has anybody seen this?


Theres going to be a spinoff series off doctor who?


Seems pretty wierd


Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor who :D

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