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I work for Argos and my store got over 40 ps3's in for launch, today we have sold a total of 0. Another store in the town center has over 30 in stock and have sold 0, for a console launch this is very weird in constrast to the Wii; as soon as we get any of them in they are sold.


I'm happy with my Wii and 360, in my opinion the psp had a higher demand as they all sold out in my store on launch day.

Sounds good. I'll probably get into the house at around 11:15pm, since I finish work at 11pm. I'll get straight onto the PS3.



Im finished at 9.30 so Ill have a while, Ill be haning around mate, dont worry!!


The Ps3 I was supposed to "get" was preordered by a guy that didn't show up on the preorder list. But he came and showed us a receipt. So we had to sell it to him.


Retail Radar: Katamari PS3 and Wii, Project Silpheed US-bound?

Online storefronts suggest a multiplatform return for Namco's sticky ball, summer release for Square Enix Xbox 360 shooter at a budget price point.


Last week, rumors of an Xbox 360 follow-up to Katamari Damacy started rolling when pictures of a product listing for the game purportedly from Blockbuster Video's internal database surfaced online. Now product pages on the online store of GameStop are suggesting that the unconfirmed game--so far referred to as Beautiful Katamari--is also headed for the Wii and PlayStation 3 in addition to the Xbox 360.


The product listings peg the Xbox 360 and PS3 editions of Beautiful Katamari as late October releases, with the Wii version not arriving until the end of November. A Namco Bandai representative did not immediately return GameSpot's request for comment on the listings.


Meanwhile, GameStop is also taking preorders for Project Silpheed for the Xbox 360. According to the listing, the Square Enix 3D space shooter is being published domestically by Microsoft Game Studios, and is expected to ship in July, with a $39.99 price tag attached. A Microsoft representative said no announcement has been made regarding the game.


Please note, while retailer listings frequently jump the gun on publishers' product announcements, they should not be taken as final confirmation of a game's existence; nor should the absence of a listing be considered as proof that a game isn't coming to a given platform.


Right, so I'm getting a HDTV tomorrow to go with my PS3. I remember some time ago I read that you can get the 007 Casino Royal Blu-ray movie for free, but I don't remember how. Does anyone know?


Hmm... We sold all the Ps3s we got.

But putting things into perspective.


360 launch: 36 systems sold day one. systems remaining

Wii launch: 40 systems sold day one. empty. people still want wii.

Ps3 launch: 14 systems sold day one. empty.

If you sign up for the Playstation Network you are able to get a blu ray Casino Royale. It's something along the lines of that anyway.



Thanks, I'll do that as soon as I'm done downloading the 1.6 update.


Microsoft on the PS3 launch


I'm feeling pretty good about where we are in the business; we've got a great install base, we've got fantastic membership on Xbox Live, we've got a portfolio that's unrivalled and I don't see that changing. It's a great position we're in and we're looking forward to continuing that position.


Do you think the average gamer will decide PS3 is worth the price tag?


McGill: I think there's certainly going to be a few people going out this weekend and buying it as a willingness to fork out that kind of money. If you look at what the difference is between the Xbox 360 and PS3 we're both big power-horses in terms of we've both got a lot of power in the box and we can both do amazing things.


Through us we're putting gaming in the centre and so games are part of everything we do, but we do do a lot of different things; you can play music, you can watch movies and look at your photos and stuff, which actually seems to be something that Sony is really focusing on - they don't seem to be focusing too much on the games.


So if you look at the early reports of people queuing outside of Virgin Megastore - there's another report in the paper today - they're already saying they've got 27 games that are already out but where are the killer games that will drive console sales?


With Blu-ray playback and a hefty hard drive, do you think PS3 purchasers get what they pay for?


McGill: I think it's incredibly expensive and I think that's certainly going to affect their demand. If you look at the difference between Xbox 360 and PS3 we've got a great portfolio, better than the PS3 has right now and we'll continue that.


If you think about service we've got Xbox Live and yes they've been doing but they've been doing online on PS2 for the last 4 years and haven't really got anywhere.


So really the big difference is Blu-ray and that's what you're paying for. I guess consumers have to decide if they're going to swap out their DVD collection and then go for HD movie discs.


Some people definitely want that but we don't think the masses will. Certainly right now the prices are geared to early adopters, so what we're doing with 360 is offering a choice to those people who want to make the leap into high-definition movies.


In the States we're already offering the choice of downloads so you can get tv programs and movies in high-definition straight down your broadband pipe. And as we see broadband around the UK and Europe now at 85 percent penetration and the pipes getting fatter and fatter, we'll be looking at how we'll be bringing that over to Europe.


So consumers have to decide if they're prepared to pay that money for technology they may or may not want.


The general consensus between retailers seems to be that there's plenty of PS3 stock for consumers to pick up. Is this down to Sony providing plenty of units or simply a low demand for the console?


McGill: I think it's a mixture of both. I think they're certainly going to sell a lot this weekend but obviously it's a marathon not a sprint. We've got a great install base, Nintendo has done really over Christmas so it's up to Sony to raise its game and deliver what the consumers want.


We're going to see some good numbers coming out of Sony next weekend and next week for sure but that's down to the fact that they've held their launch for so long. And if you think about it from a European gamer's point of view they've been penalised for having to wait for so long for a console that some of them want.


They've obviously focused on the Japanese and American markets which is something that we didn't want to do, we want to make sure that all gamers are equal around the world and got it as quickly as they can. Obviously this meant for us shortages at launch which we addressed as quickly as we could but Sony's certainly taken a different approach.


I'm a little bit disappointed as a gamer myself, looking at the portfolio of killer titles they've got most of them are all available on 360 already and few of them are compelling me to go and think about PS3 especially if I've got a 360 already.


So in hindsight you think launching Xbox 360 with shortages rather than delaying the European launch ala Sony was the right decision?


McGill: It certainly had its challenges but yes, absolutely we knew that was the right thing to do; to try and get it out to as many people as we could as quickly as we could, rather than try and do region by region which from Sony's point of view means Europe came last yet again for Sony.


It seems to be a quiet week on the Xbox front with none of the launch 'spoilers' that were rumoured to be in the works. Is that deliberate?


McGill: It's not really intentional. There's naturally going to be a lot of focus on Sony's launch and all the launch titles and stuff. There are some great games that have come out recently; one of our own, Crackdown, has done phenomenally well.


I think people will go in to stores to see what PS3 is all about, realise the price and then go and buy an Xbox 360 and all the great games that are already out there. We've already got 160 games out there at retail and we've got loads on Xbox Live.


Does Microsoft welcome the arrival of competition? Will this spur you to step your game up?


McGill: I think we're going to stick to our own game plan - we're not going to be distracted by what anyone else is doing. We just need to make sure we keep our eye on the ball and make sure that we're focussed on delivering exactly what people want and in a really compelling way in both a games point of view and in a service point of view.


With Xbox Live you see us regularly keep that up to date with new features and great innovation and that will be no different over the next few years. And then from a games point of view we are the only platform where you can play Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV.


Our portfolio's good now but as you come into Christmas I think you'll see our portfolio expand to over 300 titles with all the biggest franchises that everyone will want.


We'll keep an eye on the competition but we're going to play to our own game plan.


Backtracking slightly, what's your response to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimes' recent comments claiming that the Xbox 360 is only selling well in the UK and not the rest of Europe?


McGill: Well I think Microsoft already responded to that saying he's obviously not sure what he's talking about.


We've got a 10.4 million install base around the world and while we don't release country by country specific statistics it's clear that the UK phenomenon of Xbox 360 has also been a success around all of the European territories.


We've got a great portfolio of games for kids, families, mums and girls. If you look at the PS3 line-up it's quite heavy in shooters and drivers so I'm pleased to say that our portfolio is quite appealing to the masses. :rolleyes:

Another shop near me got 28 PS3's in and have 1 left.


Yeah it aint selling.

To be fair, your anecdotal evidence is worth no more than anyone else's.


And then from a games point of view we are the only platform where you can play Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV.

That isn't the first time I've heard someone from Microsoft talk about GTA4 like it's an exclusive. Although judging by that last bit they clearly don't know that much about their console, or at least its software library.

To be fair, your anecdotal evidence is worth no more than anyone else's.



That isn't the first time I've heard someone from Microsoft talk about GTA4 like it's an exclusive. Although judging by that last bit they clearly don't know that much about their console, or at least its software library.


True, but well, i aint lying...haha i dont really know what to say.

True, but well, i aint lying...haha i dont really know what to say.

Oh, I'm sure what you say is true. It's strange, I've heard that a few places have near enough sold out, and then there's others that haven't so much as sold a single unit. It's all rather inconsistent. I suppose the fact that places like GAME and GameStation have been so well stocked is taking a lot of potential business from 'secondary' retailers like Argos, etcetera, as people don't need to shop around.


Has anyone downloaded the Folding@Home program? Seems it's doing well:

Not even a full day after the release of the Folding@Home client for the Playstation 3, the total computing power of a mere 6,860 Playstation 3 systems has surpassed that of a vast 158,806 Windows computers! The Playstation 3 systems are calculating at a total of 168 Teraflops per second, whereas the Windows machines are calculating at a total of 151 Teraflops per second.

Went into HMV today looking for PC games, and they had a PS3 on display on a beautiful TV. The PS3 is unbelievably big, it almost looks threatening. But i really want the TV it was on. There didn't seem to be anyone buying one when i went in, either and they were still in stock by the look of it. But that's just a guess.

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