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With Dragon Quest IX coming out for the DS, Wada fielded a question about this meaning a shift in Square Enix's development strategy towards the platform. This isn't necessarily the case. "Following portable machines, we see the market for the PlayStation 3 and other next generation consoles taking off, so we will develop for that."


In fact, nothing has apparently been decided for the next Dragon Quest. "Aside from the Dragon Quest titles that have been announced, nothing has been decided. We're not thinking about fixing [the series] on the DS."


The Square Enix president seems to have a lot of faith in the PS3. "We have expectations from the PS3. However, it's still early. For us to do business [on the platform], it will take a bit more time."


Wada expects a shift to the PS3 to begin first with a more pronounced shift to high definition television sets. "Once the television environment is in place, at last the true game business will form. I see the PS3 market taking off starting around 2008."


"Some journalists don't understand that there's a difference in the amount of time hardware takes to spread and have taken the tone of 'the world of high vision, high quality gaming has come to an end.' However, once you see the world of high vision, there's no going back."


Closing up, Wada offered his vision for how gamers will split across all the various systems out there. "I believe casual gamers will go to the Wii, DS, or even PSP while those who want to have a fuller experience will go to the PS3 and Xbox 360."


Also seems Blu-Ray movies are taking off quite well with companies, not that I actually care.


The studios in the Blu-ray camp aren't letting up just because Universal refuses to let everyone know when they can expect more movies on HD DVD, well other than it will be during 2007. Disney, Fox and Sony have all announced release dates for Blu-ray titles previously announced at CES including; Turistas (April 17), Chicken Little (March 20), Finding Neverland (March 20), King Arthur (April 3), G.I. Jane (April 3), and The Pursuit of Happyness (March 27). High-Def Digest has already updated their release page which is shows that Blu-ray has more titles with dates for February than HD DVD has for all of 2007.

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Im still not convinced. 360 has better games in my view. Built in wifi is good for PS3 but they're bound to break down in a year. PLus, why change to blu-ray?


Blu-Ray why? because Disney and Sony pictures are backing it simple as if they refuse to release on hd then people will have to buy it.


On to the quote from the guy from sonic team. When was the last 'oh my god?' when was it back in the dreamcast days I believe.


In a couple of years ps3 will be on top.


Disney won't stay if they think they can get more sales and Sony will eventually have to release their movies on HD-DVD if it isn't doing well like how they do accessories for the iPod.


And you guys keep going on about Blu-rays space but if it dosn't load read fast enough their's going to be problems.

Blu-Ray why? because Disney and Sony pictures are backing it simple as if they refuse to release on hd then people will have to buy it.


On to the quote from the guy from sonic team. When was the last 'oh my god?' when was it back in the dreamcast days I believe.


In a couple of years ps3 will be on top.


*Cough* Biased as fuck *Cough*


Domstercool comes across as a bit fanboyish at times, I think, because people almost force him to defend PS3 so often with needless bashing. You however, have made an opinion, and created into fact in your head.


There is absolutely NO evidence whatsoever that PS3 will even be a success right now. You've just decided you don't like Wii, so no matter what now, PS3 is the greatest thing ever.

*Cough* Biased as fuck *Cough*


Domstercool comes across as a bit fanboyish at times, I think, because people almost force him to defend PS3 so often with needless bashing. You however, have made an opinion, and created into fact in your head.


Wow, someone somewhat nearly understanding why I feel the need to defend the PS3. Crazy, thought no one would around here. :D


Although it didn't make a showing for the console's launch Capcom has made a significant impact on the Xbox 360, releasing two new original titles exclusively for the platform. But the publisher isn't pledging all resources to Microsoft - it's merely taking advantage of the full-year head start that the console enjoyed.


Taking advantage of market changes is Capcom's priority over the next twelve months. As Mark Beaumont, executive VP and newly appointed head of consumer software in Europe explains in this exclusive interview, "We're ultimately going to do what's best for the growth of Capcom."


Here, Beaumont discusses Capcom's expansion plans for 2007 and beyond, creating new IP with the help of European developers, the benefits of platform-exclusive titles, the importance of regional autonomy and more.


GamesIndustry.biz:It's a new year, and you've got a new position at Capcom - so what has the company got planned for 2007?


Mark Beaumont: Well firstly we've got Lost Planet. There's not a ton of competition in the next few weeks so we've got a good opportunity to exploit that. We've also got Okami for the PS2 which has done very well for us in North America, and we have very high expectations for that in Europe.


And then we've got a full portfolio of products, everything from PSP to PS2 to DS, culminating in Devil May Cry which is coming out later in the year, probably in the autumn, which will be our next real triple-A push.


And then as we roll into 2008 we'll have new versions of existing franchises and new titles that are original IP. We're really starting to ramps things up and become that much more significant in the marketplace.


GamesIndustry.biz: With the all the next-gen consoles out on shelves, is now the time for Capcom to really take advantage of new technology, new opportunities and to capitalise on its position in the market?


Absolutely. When you're at the front end of a hardware cycle, that's the time that consumers will take more of an experiment with the titles they'll try. It's allowed us to bring out Dead Rising and now Lost Planet, and establish two new franchises that we can use for years to come.


We've looked at this statistically over the past years and the best time to bring out new IP is at the start of a hardware launch, or within the first year. Once you get into the back end of a console cycle it's tougher because the audience is looking for existing franchises it's already comfortable with. This has been a great window of opportunity for us.


You've been responsible for a lot of growth in North America. Now that you're overseeing the European region, what plans to do you have specifically for the territory?


What we're trying to do is have a shared vision across the two territories. Strategically, at a high level, we want to look at ways in which we can work with the two groups, the US and Europe, so that there's a common strategy in use.


Having said that, we'll absolutely be doing local market implementation because you can't do things the American way of here in Europe, and vice-versa. Particularity on the marketing side, it's about looking at the types of products and working them locally. But at the high-end strategy - what the positioning is, what the messaging is, things of that nature - we want to do on a more global basis so we can really reinforce our brands across the entire Western territory.


We're also looking to expands our business in both regions by creating Western content above and beyond what's being created in Japan. We've begun an initiative of creating next-gen product for North American and Europe that will show up in the marketplace in 2008.


As your new position is going to be overseeing both the US and European territories, does that mean Capcom Europe is going to become less autonomous?


That's one of the critical points in all of this and the direct answer is no. What we're trying to do is be smart about how we run the business. We're trying to make sure that where we have shared economies we can take advantage of them. Things that have worked well in North America and Japan, we want to exploit that in the European market. And things that work in Europe we want expand out in to the other territories.


But at the same time we are absolutely focused on the European business being a stand alone entity that can be successful in its own right. All of the efforts that are going on within Capcom are looking to allow us to grow in this territory specifically.


Is Capcom still interested in working with European development teams to create new IP?


That is part of our initiative to grow product and broaden our portfolio - working with the best available talent to create new experiences that people haven't seen before. We're going to focus on teams that have core competencies aligned with the type of product that we want to create. Our Western development initiative is not going to focus on horror products, because we already have them.


As we look at new genres for Capcom and other products we want to create, we'll be looking to do that with developers who have really strong skills and a track record in creating that kind of content.


What are the main attractions for Capcom in working with European developers?


You obviously have the cultural difference, but also, speaking candidly, there's economic differences. Working with developers in the Eastern Block is cheaper than working with teams in Los Angeles. Those elements, particularly when you take into account next-gen budgets, start to become a very important factor in how you look at the development teams.


Plus, there's really a lot of incredibly accomplished developers in the European marketplace. If Capcom is looking for the best companies within a particular type of product, then we have to look towards Europe as a potential source for that. Simply put, some of the best teams are in Europe. We're not locked into any hard and fast rules about working with specific territories, we'll go where the best development is.


You've supported the Xbox 360 with exclusive titles. As a publisher, do you still see value in creating exclusive games for a single format?


It's really a question of the window of time, the right content and where we think we can have the most success. Quite honestly, Dead Rising and Lost Planet have come out at the time when that was the only next-gen hardware available. There's other hardware available now but it's only just come out. We tend to stay away from launch windows, we prefer to wait until there's an installed base before we bring the content to market.


There will be opportunities to do things specifically for other platforms. What immediately comes to mind is that if you're gong to create something high-end on next-gen, and you want to create something for Wii, you're really talking about creating two different development projects.


We'll have exclusive content for the Wii because we want to do specific content for the system, and that doesn't translate to the 360 or the PS3. With other products, we'll make decisions on what makes the most sense for the company and the market. For the most part I see Capcom as being platform agnostic going forward, but there are going to be opportunities that make sense for us to be associated with a specific platform.


The nature of the business is that there are times it makes more sense to align yourself with a specific hardware manufacturer. We're ultimately going to do what's best for the growth of Capcom.


Mark Beaumont is Executive Vice President for Capcom Europe, interview by Matt Martin.



Disney won't stay if they think they can get more sales and Sony will eventually have to release their movies on HD-DVD if it isn't doing well like how they do accessories for the iPod.


And you guys keep going on about Blu-rays space but if it dosn't load read fast enough their's going to be problems.


What exactly is fast enough? There's no problems with loading at the moment in the two games I've played. And from experience I've said before RR7 loads faster than RR6.


If companies can use the DVD in a PS2 to run games like God of War and Rogue Galaxy with bugger all loading. I'm sure it can happen to the PS3. I've yet to see games run into problems with it. I think it would be best to wait and see what games come out and then end up fucked up over loading. I've yet to see anything like Smackdown Vs Raw on the PSP, NOW THAT IS FUCKED UP LOADING. :)

Blu-Ray why? because Disney and Sony pictures are backing it simple as if they refuse to release on hd then people will have to buy it.


On to the quote from the guy from sonic team. When was the last 'oh my god?' when was it back in the dreamcast days I believe.


In a couple of years ps3 will be on top.


I highly doubt that. While the ps3 may be better value for money overall, it isn't as attractive to the mass market in terms of hardware or software as the wii. The price will remain much higher than the wii's, which although it maybe good value, not everybody wants all the stuff the ps3 can do, and nobody wants to be set back that much money.


The Playstation 2 read at 24x, PS3 reads at 2x. Massive difference, I take your word that the loading isn't long but I can't see it doing what you said unless the hard drive is used.

*Cough* Biased as fuck *Cough*


Domstercool comes across as a bit fanboyish at times, I think, because people almost force him to defend PS3 so often with needless bashing. You however, have made an opinion, and created into fact in your head.


There is absolutely NO evidence whatsoever that PS3 will even be a success right now. You've just decided you don't like Wii, so no matter what now, PS3 is the greatest thing ever.


Right, watch bonus round.


It'll be wii until end of 2008, and then it'll be ps3 all the way.


If I was biased I would be slaging off the 360. But ps3 has the franchises I am most interested in and I can't help it.


And no the ps3 isn't the greatest thing in gaming right as now, but give them a chance just like people gave time with the ps2. Then it will be.


I highly doubt that. While the ps3 may be better value for money overall, it isn't as attractive to the mass market in terms of hardware or software as the wii. The price will remain much higher than the wii's, which although it maybe good value, not everybody wants all the stuff the ps3 can do, and nobody wants to be set back that much money.


Mass market don't buy game systems at launch, its the crazy hardcore early first adopters that buy it.


Also sony execs are considering a price cut, because it doesn't hurt their profit margins.

Right, watch bonus round.


It'll be wii until end of 2008, and then it'll be ps3 all the way.


If I was biased I would be slaging off the 360. But ps3 has the franchises I am most interested in and I can't help it.


And no the ps3 isn't the greatest thing in gaming right as now, but give them a chance just like people gave time with the ps2. Then it will be.


You have no idea, you're just making this up. Wii until 2008 then PS3 will be on top. How have you worked this out? You even said yourself PS3 has games YOU are interested in. Right now niether has been out long enough to judge.


In fact you can't even judge 360 yet because we've not got anything to compare it to. We don't know how quickly next gen will be taken up, how long PS2 is going to last, nothing. Right now you're basing your opinion/fact giving on nothing other than Final Fantasy 13 and the success of the PS2.


PS2 was awesome because of the GAMES, not because of the Playstation name. PS3 doesn't have the games yet.

PS2 was awesome because of the GAMES, not because of the Playstation name. PS3 doesn't have the games yet.


And with the 360 getting the biggest seller, GTA, early than Playstation 3 it will mean that the "mass market" will be more intrested in the 360


Either way, i think Nintendo have to release a 'big' game on the 23rd March 2007 to take away some of the hype of Sony's big-day.


They won't of course, but it's a good idea.


I don't think they do. I think they need to announce Nintendogs Wii soon, or something to get non gamers really into the system. That's the key to Wii success. People who aren't really interested in PS3/360.


People will buy a console for Mario Galaxy regardless of when it comes out.


If you add up the scores of the retail games on gamepot for both ps3 and wii, it shows the truth:


PS3( 18 games) : total score = 126.2

average score = 7.0


Wii( 32 games) : total score = 206.7

average score = 6.5


I don't think they do. I think they need to announce Nintendogs Wii soon, or something to get non gamers really into the system. That's the key to Wii success. People who aren't really interested in PS3/360.


People will buy a console for Mario Galaxy regardless of when it comes out.


Apart from people who detest mario platformers


I know more non gamers who are interested in the ps3, not really for playing games - but because they want a cheap blu ray player.

Mass market don't buy game systems at launch, its the crazy hardcore early first adopters that buy it.


Also sony execs are considering a price cut, because it doesn't hurt their profit margins.


That's why the wii has already captured a ridiculous amount of non gamers, and will continue to do so throughout it's lifespan.


My grandparents have already played each other on the wii and enjoyed it very much, and I highly doubt that they would ever play each other on a playstation 3.

If you add up the scores of the retail games on gamepot for both ps3 and wii, it shows the truth:


PS3( 18 games) : total score = 126.2

average score = 7.0


Wii( 32 games) : total score = 206.7

average score = 6.5


That shows nothing, you didn't even use something like Metacritic which would give a better view. If anything it just shows that the Wii has more games out which will appeal to a wider range of people.


I know more non gamers who are interested in the ps3, not really for playing games - but because they want a cheap blu ray player.


Avforums the biggest audio visual forum in Europe had a poll and more people had bought or were going to buy the hd-dvd add-on for the 360 rather than buy a PS3. Most of this guys arn't gamers and they think the hd add on is better value.

That shows nothing, you didn't even use something like Metacritic which would give a better view. If anything it just shows that the Wii has more games out which will appeal to a wider range of people.


It shows that although the ps3 has half the amount of games they are better.


Avforums the biggest audio visual forum in Europe had a poll and more people had bought or were going to buy the hd-dvd add-on for the 360 rather than buy a PS3. Most of this guys arn't gamers and they think the hd add on is better value.


Better value yes, but the people want POTC in hd, and they need blu ray - therefore they want one.


That's why the wii has already captured a ridiculous amount of non gamers, and will continue to do so throughout it's lifespan.


My grandparents have already played each other on the wii and enjoyed it very much, and I highly doubt that they would ever play each other on a playstation 3.


But yeah well do you have numbers of non gamers who bought the system.


Well my dad loves guitar hero, and also loves god of war - he doesn't like the wii.


He doesn't want to flail his arms around. Otherwise he would just go to the pool to swim. Games are for relaxing, on the wii because of where the tv is we have to stand up to get the sensor bar to work.


On ps2 and on 360 we can sit back and play some games and relax.


Anyway whats motorstorm like - how many challenges are in etc.

It shows that although the ps3 has half the amount of games they are better.




Better value yes, but the people want POTC in hd, and they need blu ray - therefore they want one.


Do you think, for example, a 22 year old woman would rather play wii sports, or yet another game on ps3 where you run around blasting people in super high quality?


Most of the "mass market" you talk about don't even know what blu ray is, let alone have reason to buy one. By the time blu ray is actually worth it, there will be blu ray player cheaper than the ps3.


Also sony execs are considering a price cut, because it doesn't hurt their profit margins.


Is that before or after they made a statement saying their won't be a price cut till 2009?


There will be a pseudo price cut earlier with the introduction of the 20GB model, but it's not a real price cut.

Is that before or after they made a statement saying their won't be a price cut till 2009?


There will be a pseudo price cut earlier with the introduction of the 20GB model, but it's not a real price cut.


I heard it on the hotspot, I believe if a price cut was announced it would be only for america, then at a later date, for us.


Do you think, for example, a 22 year old woman would rather play wii sports, or yet another game on ps3 where you run around blasting people in super high quality?


Most of the "mass market" you talk about don't even know what blu ray is, let alone have reason to buy one. By the time blu ray is actually worth it, there will be blu ray player cheaper than the ps3.


No I believe in the true mass market where as you put it a 22 year old woman gamer would not want to play on wiisports nor on a game where you run around blasting people in super high quality.


They just don't want to play games at all. Most of the mass market do know there are two new ways to watch hd movies, but don't want to know the differences between them.

Well ok people who switched to dvd within 3 years of that coming out.


But you didnt need to change TV's.


Anyways whats the argument about?

But you didnt need to change TV's.


Anyways whats the argument about?


You don't need to change tvs to watch hd content - but it helps.


Plus the whole gotta change my tv before digital switchover means that more people will be switching to hdtvs

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