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Mario blows up city!


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God those Americans are all complete fucking retards aren't they, and it's all George Bush's fault, the stupid fucking **** lololol!!!!!111one! :rolleyes:



Interesting observation: We can say 'fuck' but we can't say the 'c' word. I blame it on the Americans.

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God those Americans are all complete fucking retards aren't they, and it's all George Bush's fault, the stupid fucking **** lololol!!!!!111one! :rolleyes:



Interesting observation: We can say 'fuck' but we can't say the 'c' word. I blame it on the Americans.


I blame it on the big evil anti-american conspiracy. In fact this probably never happened, those evil anti-americans probably made it up in their volcano lair.


Bet the girls who planted those boxes were anti-american. They knew people would think it was a terrorist attack, just like the Omen advertisers! But then the Americans were too smart and so the anti-american media made up this story about them being fooled so that anti-americans could say that americans were stupid on their anti-american message board and be all anti-american!!!111one Antiamericansantiamericanomgantiamericanismoverloadantiamericanantiamsiercana aaarrrrggggtheantiamericansarecomigntogetme b\zzzt antiamericanantieklefoihwou

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If you lump all people who criticise Americans into a single category, does that mean that anyone who hates so-called "anti-americans" (Jesus, has that word ever been devalued over the last 5 years) is a racist? Hey, what if you lump all racists into a category, then if you hate racists, you're a racist!

You sure are a gifted logician. Got me.

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Guest Jordan

It just makes me laugh how a country can ass fuck their own flag so much and have all this "spirit" and they ALWAYS go over the top about stuff and think that their country has the right to invade others for the economies sake.


The US is a twisted place, sure not everyone is retarded there just like in most countries but alot of the citizens are clueless fools.

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Lmao I think Hiyaz was referring to someone saying about terrorists (or however you spell the disgraceful p**i name) but you know what terrorists are dumbasses americans are better than them lol! Oh and i like the mario boxes :P if we hung them up in my back garden my next door neighbers would ring the police, yes they are old people.

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Every country has its conservatives, its reactionaries, its patriots. Every country has inhabitants that struggle with cultural change, with our new liberal understandings. Survey Britain, and you will talk to dullards, to pragmatists, to those with opinions entirely manufactured by a newspaper or a book or a film or their own idiosyncratic social focal point. Not everyone has a global, international, or even nationwide perspective. They may not represent you or I, but they exist, and they are perhaps in the majority. We gaze through a tiny window, and it is important to remember that.

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This is funny news, but if they get charged, then that is against the law I guess. You can't be charged for placing boxes in towns... it's kinda silly. However, maybe they could be charged for littering and desturbing the peace.. would be an extreme measure though...

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In other news, a 6 year old child gets shot while holding a nes zapper pointing it to a policeman saying "I'm going to shoot you". The policeman later found out it was nto a a real gun. He doesn't get charge for murder saying "The fake gun resembled a real gun to too much of a degree."htt*p://img95.imageshack.us/img95/8133/neszapper6lg.jpg


ps. Remove the astrisk. This is fake but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.I am also an american and still think this is the most retarded crap I have ever heard and deserved to be pranked if they are that retarded.

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oh god i've started a riot.....For mister blue star thsoe sort of arguments are one we should leave outside of here and inside a darkened, hazy students loft. or the officers mess at your local barracks.


I stick by my comment on being prejudice against americans is not racism. its still prejudice though.


And blue star have u ever thought people are "anti-american" because "americans", i know i just generalised and i'm fully aware that a massive population of the states are not the people we're trying to target here, are very anti-everyone else.


Now lets move on from this. save the arguments for banter round the water cooler and lets perhaps move back to how rediculous a charge would be against these girls who just put up mario blocks around town...I mean this sort of thing is akin to charging an artist for say, putting plastic cows around a city each one uniquely painted, dressed or covored in waterford crystal.

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I think its great! We should all make boxes and place them around the world! World peace under Mario!


I'm in! I'm going to make some and put them somewhere cool! Infact, that's what I am going to do easter weekend! I'll post the results!

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It just makes me laugh how a country can ass fuck their own flag so much and have all this "spirit" and they ALWAYS go over the top about stuff and think that their country has the right to invade others for the economies sake.


This is just another example of prejudice towards Americans... I spent 6 months in America and I never met anyone who completely loves America, thinks America is superior or goes 'over the top about stuff' (any more than anyone in this country).

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My mate spent 6 months travelling in America recently (not just in the cities either, right out in the sticks at times) and never met a single person who didn't think George Bush was a total **** lugs.


My estimation of the US went up greatly when he returned.


Empty vessles make the most noise, which is probably why people have such a negative view of the US - the idiots bleating about how great bush is, and how everyone else in the world must be an anti-american bigot if they don't like him are the ones that post the most on the net.

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Its ironic that people call the Americans for being stupid. Sure, they have the cretins who are doomed to a life of serving McDonald's, but which country hasn't? England certainly has - just look at the parasites that enhabit the bus shelters of this nation.


Would you call Robert Oppenheimer, James Dewey Watson, Henry Ford. Henry Heinz, Phil Knight, Martin Luther King, Alexander Bell, Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers (to name but a few) idiots?


Considering the USA has only been around for little over 250 years they are doing pretty well in the education stakes.


Sure, the politics seem idiotic to us. But what are we? We are mostly teenagers - we pay little tax and have carefree lives. If a political party promised to save you thousands of pounds in tax rebates - would you vote for them? Many would.


Just don't paint 250 million people with the same brush. Otherwise, you're a bigger fool.

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I play plenty of tax. But under a republican governement, that wouldn't change by a huge amount, seeing as republican tax breaks are aimed at people with 6 figure salaries - ie the people most able to pay tax.


I might pay a little less, but to be honest I don't mind some of my taxes going on things like the NHS to supply health care to everyone, regardless of if they're rich or poor, rather than going in my pocket. Guess I'm an evil commie.

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Would you call Robert Oppenheimer, James Dewey Watson, Henry Ford. Henry Heinz, Phil Knight, Martin Luther King, Alexander Bell, Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers (to name but a few) idiots?


*Cough* Alexander Bell was Scottish, born in Edinburgh, although he did become an American citizen.

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