Migraine Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 This new idea has cropped up on various forums and news sites today (good old april fools day). http://www.revogaming.net/html/modules/news/article.php?storyid=370 Most are dismissing it as an april fool and I'm probably with them... but it's an interesting idea, nevertheless. I must admit i felt it was a little underwhelming at first but once you actually think of the possibilities, it definitely has the potential to enhance the gaming experience in a way similar to the rumble pack on the n64. Imagine the whole room plunged into darkness, then gradually getting lighter as you head towards the cave opening, or a forest clearing. Imagine the room pulsing red in time with a freaky heartbeat if your health is low or if danger is nearby. A pale blue which gets darker as you swim deeper. An orange glow which gets brighter and brighet as samus charges up her plasma beam. Or even... (as the rev can tell the position and angle of the revmote) moving the controller to the left or right to light up the room respectively, as if you were holding a flaming lantern or there was a torch strapped to your gun!! awesome. Maybe i'm just excited cos it's a new idea And i know it's 'just a rumour' and we should 'wait till e3' but i thought it'd be fun to discuss the posibilities of this technology within computer games. Get yer right brains ticking!!
Nintendork Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 I'm not doing the whole news thing today.. I can't be arsed. I hate this whole skeptical I won't beleive anything that anyone says today.. it requires too much effort to think critically about any news at all. So fuck it. I mean.. I believed the Joystiq April Fools that you could buy a little 1UP mushrom.. it looked quite legit and with modern genetic engineering I figured it would be possible. But nay.
Marbles Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 ambx.com ambx.com/resources/downloads/amBx_demo.wmv while i was browsing their site i also came across this. mms://Ntstream2.ddns.ehv.campus.philips.com/efi/86090/3d_tv.wmv "the WOW effect jumping off the screen" mms://Ntstream2.ddns.ehv.campus.philips.com/efi/86090/3D_TV/040524-3dtv.wmv "optical component that u put in front of the flat display and that directs the light from the display into the viewers eyes" sorry about the format the urls. stupid forum doesnt let u post urls unless the have 15+ posts
Migraine Posted April 1, 2006 Author Posted April 1, 2006 Nintendork said: I'm not doing the whole news thing today.. I can't be arsed.I hate this whole skeptical I won't beleive anything that anyone says today.. it requires too much effort to think critically about any news at all. So fuck it. I mean.. I believed the Joystiq April Fools that you could buy a little 1UP mushrom.. it looked quite legit and with modern genetic engineering I figured it would be possible. But nay. I'm not asking for anyone to believe this... i just thought it would be nice to talk about the possibilites this technology may have when applied to gaming. As for april fools day? I think it's hysterical, I got a letter printed in N64 magazine cos i believed the nintedo.com april fools about being able to get the triforce in Zelda: OOT. heheh (Gamespot's World of starcraft one is mean tho!).
Nintendork Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Okay those videos are starting to seem quite legit. Phillips has a stake in room filling 3D technology.. we saw it with their rather expensive scanners for hospitals. Phillips has a stake in this 3D filling the room technology.. is this fake or could those videos be legit technology. I'm not saying they're applied to Revolution- just that it seems pretty awesome.
Guest Stefkov Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 i think this would ctaully be a good way to immerse someone in the action more. i mean we have suround sound, why not surround lighting. also i though aprilfools finishes at 12 on the day, so anything after 12 isnt anything just a practical joke not related to the first of april in any way, but im just passing on a belief by someone else. not sure if this is true
Nintendork Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Has anyone heard of ambx before? I haven't http://www.ambx.com/resources/downloads/amBx_demo.wmv ambx is owned by Phillips and they were at GDC- apparently nobody thought it deserved any attention and all swamped around the Revolution which we've seen before. I'll assume the person hyping this technology in the video from "Revolution Software" is a slight coincidence okay? More about amBX at GDC 2006 here. My only concern is that amBX is before it's time.. and that the Revolution doesn't have the ports and technology to support it. PS. Credit to Marbles for digging this up.
Ashley Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 I doubt its true, but its a nice concept, although not one without its flaws. You would first of all have to blacken your room and I don't fancy doing that all the time, and some rooms will be hard to blacken out (eg my friend's room doesn't have curtains). Plus opticianists generally dislike people watching TV/playing games in the dark.
Marbles Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 ambx sounds good in theory but when u look at the pix and the amount of additional add-ons required to have it running at it full potention, its just not do-able. plus it also looks extremely daft.
Nintendork Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Nah man, I disagree.. sure the technology is premature. But we've already got most of the kit.. Revolution will play DVDs, games and CDs.. we've got the big TVs and some of us have surround sound already. All we need is the lighting tech and support in game.. personally I think the idea is the future.. sure it's not ready yet. And they are being realistic by saying "From 2007" I'm a little skeptical of whether the fans and the heat controlled room are really necesary in games.. it seems gimmicky. Imagine listening to music and setting your visualiser to fish bowl.. how relaxing would that be to have your room all deep blue rippling lights. This is freaky cool and has far more application than just PC games.
Demuwan Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Its that riduculous fan idea that soes it for me. Definite April Fools.
Ashley Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Wouldn't it be excessively noisy. If you're playing games late at night (presuming there are others in the house asleep) the sound of a fan/heater and lights would be a pain.
Nintendork Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Demuwan said: Its that riduculous fan idea that soes it for me. Definite April Fools. It's not an April Fools.. these people were at GDC. it's a real technology launching in May.. The fact that it is so Revolutionary and popped up on the boards is just made everyone sketch out. Read amBX.com if you want.. Phillips have been peddling the tech for a while These are already on the market, you might have seen the adverts 'Ambilight televisions.. Sense and Sensibility' We're not saying it is in the Revolution.. just that it would be rad. Ashley I think you're right.. the idea of a fan and heater is a bit stupid, but the idea of a rumble pak probably was before they did it. I don't actually want a heater or a fan- seems like more of an annoying luxury than immersive, but I really want that lighting after seeing the video with how immersive it can be with the lightning and junk.
AshMat Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Could be what the blue light on the disc drive is for?
Ashley Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Nintendork said: Ashley I think you're right.. the idea of a fan and heater is a bit stupid, but the idea of a rumble pak probably was before they did it. Well a rumble pack doesn't make any (well much) noise, not as much. Plus its far less space consuming, and energy bill...causing (this language needs more verbs)
Nintendork Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 'kat fair doos.. you raise a good point, fans and temperature really don't have any place in home cinemas- maybe in cinemas like that 3D disney shizzle. lighting is no more space intensive than speakers though.. i mean with wireless we're not far from having our 7.1 surround sound mounted on the wall and powered by rechargeable batteries and the system syncing the sound over the airwaves. the same could be applied to the ambient lighting.
Mokong Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 It's most definatly a good idea and would be great in some games, and the idea of having the controller have lights is very good also, though it would only make sense on a Metriod game EDIT: ok just watched that ambx video, looks very very cool i'll give it that, however i really don't see that being one of Nintendos "hidden" Revo secrets. The main reason being, the cost. Now nothing was said in that video but i can only guess it would be a fair chuck on wages to get all that (even if it was just the lights). Nintendo want the Revolution to release as cheaper than PS3 and Xbox360 if all that was added in there's no way they could keep the price down low. Also there's the question of room, not many people live in big houses with a big living room that could fit all those lights, fans, heaters without the room looking cluttered and messy. Good idea, if they could make the equipment cheap, and small we'll most likely see it implamented fully in 10-15 years.
mario114 Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Nice idea and all, but i'll wait untill the 2nd before I discuss it (april fools and all).
xernobyl Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 There are already many tv's with that. I guess it would be cool if you're a person that plays in the dark...
mario_jr Posted April 1, 2006 Posted April 1, 2006 Yeah TV's can do it, but this is fake. The Revo won't be able to do this. TV's can because it just sends out the light that it senses coming out through the screen. In order for the Revo to do this it would need to be more powerful and the disks would need to have larger storage capasities to store the data needed to tell the Revo when and what light to send out. The Revo would need to be more powerful then the PS3 for this to be possible.
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