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April Fools


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I remember reading some hilarious.. and just plain suiick ones on a site once.

Couple of my faves were:

Punch someone in the face and then yell "APRIL FOOLS" at them.

Spray paint April Fools all over the school


Sick ones were:

Go into your mom's room at ngiht and pretend to be your dad, then fuck her in the arse

Go into your parents' room in the morning and fuck your mum in the ass, then run like hell...


yeah, a little bit much of the f-word in combination with your mum. but as a good old saying says (f*** it, repetition): wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil. (the one who can read is clearly in advantage). (sorry for my bad english). because he found those on a website and everyone's going off-topic about that. including mods. (yeah, ban me now.)


back to topic:

i hate april fools jokes. some people in my ex-school carried a whole class outside (every desk including the teacher's). that was funny. yee.

i have an audition on that saturday (as a jurymember) and i think about telling them that they're hired. and later saying "april fool's" ^^ ah, no, i wont do that. it's too wicked/nasty/evil (choose the word you like best).:geek:

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Thanks for the mention, WeeYellowBloke. Both forumer Meik and myself put a lot of time into the Woosel gag this year.


Something Awful have something 24 related up at the moment, possibly April Fools-related, I dunno. It's still hilarious. GameFAQs also cracked me up, as did Mr. Odwin's brilliant song.


All in it's been a good April fools.

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Classic just now. Phonecall to my dad.


"Hello is this Charlie?"


"Hi this is Chris Tarrant from Who Wants to be a Millionaire, good evening!"


"Your mate Dave is here, he's stuck on a 32,000 pound question, can you help him out?"

"Go on"

"What day is it today? A. Xmas Day, B. Boxing Day, C. Groundhog Day, or D...."

"Oh no...."


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