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PS3 to be more than $1000 AUD

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I read somewhere that you'll use the ps3 for 10 years, don't remember where though... so it will give people planty of time to get the money for the ps3!


You cant possibly believe that...

Console lifespans keep getting shorter and shorter

Even if the PS3 is 'future-proof', Sony isnt going to bank on it for an extra 5 years

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At Mike-Zim:


You never really state any reasoning for your loathing of Sony either so it makes you just as bad. Plus you are posting crap all over this forum and annoying just as many people. You are the original pot calling the kettle black.


Most people like the fact that this is a fairly balanced forum in the fact that although it is Nintendo based you CAN appreciate other consoles and talk about that. Everyone is free to their opinions including you but when you start getting all hypocritical it makes me want to end your sorry ass.


if you had read other posts i have made you would know why i have a lesser preference for Sony. where did i say i loathed them. i do not like sony gaming products. i am a nintendo FANBOY so what? and i didn't realise that you were the leader of the union on what people find annoying on this site.


i have posted crap on this site in the past i admit it but no more or less than many others here. i was not the one who put in bold and capital letters GET OUT was i? no i asked a question which could have easily been answered.


back on topic i think a gaming console costing £400+ is a total piss take. Sony is a brand that has a massive audience. christmas every kid will want one (who targets kids?). how many parrents can afford £400+ i can tell you that there arent that many out there. so i do think that sony have lost a bit of their integrity. in the long term if this console will last 10 years ( i highly doubt that with the rate at which technology is moving) then it will become affordable halfway through its lifespan.

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Well come on, most Nintendo franchises ARE kiddy. Mario, Kirby, Nintendogs... But i didn't say they aren't fun or that they're bad, did i? I enjoy playing Nintendo games, as well as Sony, too. It's just that Playstation games are more mature... which doesn't have to mean they're more fun! I hope you now understand what i was saying, and that we're cool ;)

All in all, both Nintendo and Sony consoles/handhelds rule. Both have many fun franchises and that's what's important, not their kiddy/adult look.

BTW. lol no offence, but in case anybody gives a f*ck, Stocka on Serbian is another word for pig :D

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Oh, im sorry, this is a Nintendo forum so i'm not allowed to have an opinion?

This IS a ps3 thread, is it not? I can say what i think in a ps3 thread, can't i?

It's not like i came to the Revolution part of the forum and made a thread ''Revolution sucks, ps3 4ever!!!!!11!!''

You are the one that should get out of here, go back to the Revolution part of the forum and talk about your lovely console there.


And i said i'm pretty sure, not that it WILL be that way, that the ps3's gonna be the best. It will play Blu-Ray movies and unlike X-Box 360, it'll have full backwards compability. Like ps2, ps3 will probably be the console with the biggest number of awesome japanise RPGs that me and many other people like so much. All games will be region-free too (i think...).




I read somewhere that you'll use the ps3 for 10 years, don't remember where though... so it will give people planty of time to get the money for the ps3!

Thats not the point you said yuou would pay the most for the best well we don't exactly know the PS3 will say what it does, therefore not the best.


As we all know if Sony were a political party they woulf be the Nazis with the propaganda they feed us is nearly all lies

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Oh dear, this thread is getting out of hand.


Bottom line is, the PS3 may be good value for what it offers now, but for what it purports to be (a games console) it is horrendously overpriced. It may be affordable midway through it's life (assuming that's 10 years and Sony follows it's lacklustre pattern of minimal price reductions) but the way technology is moving it'll be way out of date by then.

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Why are we even discussing this when we don't know the official price yet? Who knows, it might end up costing the same as X-Box 360 Premium package... not likely though :heh:

But really, since ps3 is probably gonna cost way more than a X-Box 360, it has got be much better than the X-Box 360, otherwise f*ck ps3, i'm getting a X-Box 360 (and a Revolution since we know for sure it's gonna be dirt cheap :))

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Why are we even discussing this when we don't know the official price yet? Who knows, it might end up costing the same as X-Box 360 Premium package... not likely though :heh:

But really, since ps3 is probably gonna cost way more than a X-Box 360, it has got be much better than the X-Box 360, otherwise f*ck ps3, i'm getting a X-Box 360 (and a Revolution since we know for sure it's gonna be dirt cheap :))


In reality the only thing the PS3 has over the 360 is Blu Ray, that's why it's going to be so expensive. If you want to pay extra for a movie format that's not going to be widely supported that's your call, if not you really are better off with the 360.

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I believe that Ps2 as a platform has had more "kiddy" games than the gamecube one.


that being said its better to just buy all consoles, and then u dont have to STAB YOUR BALLS in punishment. lets be frank shall we, we all know how funny it looks when someones brains fall of after punching them in the ass HUH HUH HUH...


WELL i dont THINK SO OK, you all can go to hell, EVEN YOUR GOD DAMN HOUSE....






for shame.

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Guest Jordan

The point is, no one is gunna adopt either HD-DVD or Bluray untill:

1, they stop selling DVD format

2, One of them gives in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

from what i heard from an harvey norman guy the ps3 will be between $799-$999 core system. he also told me that if they were selling it less than $800 they would be losing money. do not know how true this is but the guy was not just BSing out his crack

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