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GDC 2006


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I'm sure most of you have, but for those who haven't WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!


wowowowowowowowoowowoowow :shock:


And the Sega news is great. I did expect more though, at least stuff on Twilight Princess.



That is awesome, looks like a perfect zelda, top down view combined with a wind waker style. The drawing aspect seems a great idea, when is this coming out?


Just to re-itterate what Stocka said....


You must watch this video



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Come on nearly EVERY developer knows what and how Nintendo attracts gamers and also non gamers. The success of the Brain Train/Age series in Japan speaks for itself. In my eyes he said what every developers already know: Different games can attract customers in the same way like a good sequel of a well known "conventional" game does.


No disagreement there. It's still the first time officially Nintendo stood on a stage to provide background for it. As I said, that is the pendulum swinging in the direction of GDC. That has no basis upon which to criticize Nintendo for not revealing what E3 would reveal. Your criticism is understandable, but you're barking up the wrong tree.


E3 is only used to unveil the Revolution because strategically it is the best timeframe to do so. It is a huge trade show which was manipulated into a big commercial event. Without E3 Iwata had to reveal more about the Revolution today - holiday season, christmas that is very close to E3 concerning a console launch.


I think you replied to your own post there. E3 is the place for what a lot of people (with hype) have been expecting. Strategically too, it makes sense. If you are frustrated today due to lack of E3-esque info, then good! That's what Nintendo wanted, in order to build up towards E3 of biblical scale.


I think the problem is that people expect a revelation whenever Nintendo staff stand on a stage. A recent example was the online webcast of Miyamoto interview. It was in the context of Miyamoto's personal journey following his Knighthood, not a place for him to talk about Nintendo's big deals. Yet people criticized the interview for not being so revealing. Again, that way of looking at it is totally out of context.


Whichever way you look at it, IN CONTEXT, this GDC makes sense bearing in mind E3 is only a month away.

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Flaight i like the way you've put it. But the one aspect we are forgetting is that GDC is open to the press. Am pretty sure nintendo have other messages and ideas that they would prefer to convey to developers but GDC being as public as it is makes that hard to do without that info also being made available to the public.


If anything the real dissappointment should be that they didnt expand upon how exactly they intend to help small development studios and i dont think they pushed the blue ocean strategy as hard or effecitively as they could/should


frankly as has already been said the VC news and zelda DS were pretty big news, if not somewhat unexpectidly expected. The level of dissappoinment just shows how people were overhyping the event


Frankly from all the revelations made by sony and nintendo there is nothing there that can truly disprove bigtac


legend of zelda ds looks impressive

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Frankly from all the revelations made by sony and nintendo there is nothing there that can truly disprove bigtac
didn't he just say that we weren't going to be disapointed? well... we got some news, nothing major but hey, I'm not disapointed...


Anyway... I don't care if he's a fake or not, just leave the guy alone, it's not like this forum spins around him, Matt from IGN said it before: that we wouldn't get dissapointed (blah blah blah) blame him if you will... because if Big Tac was wrong so was Matt.


Anyway... "Megaton" you guys were warned, this was no E3, anyone would be disapointed with those standards of yours.

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Everything they DID announce was great news. Im glad they left out Rev info.


Im wondering if Nintendo went back and acquired proper emulators for all these old consoles. If so the VC library is gonna be enormous. Instead of having Genesis Greatest Hits, they could have every Genesis game, etc with little effort from from the retro publishers. Could be a goldmine for 3rd parties with a big back catalogue.


And a cel-shaded DS Zelda game minus the need for camera control=awesome

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Wow what a day and it's not even over. I'm still got some things to do and important people to see before the weekend. I know most of you including me were a little dissapointed that Iwata didn't reveal more info about the Revolution. I really was expecting at least a more official release date frame and final name. But remember as I told you from an NoA source that Iwata will reveal at least one big thing related to the Revolution and I guess that was the announcement of Sega and TurboGraphix-16 games being availible on virtual console. Shortly after Iwata's speech I got to talk with a few people and I will say that Nintendo's Vitual Console will be the best download service availible and I had doubts about it. NES, SNES, N64, TurboGraphics, Sega Genisis, and also other Sega Consoles. Nintendo titles, Sega titles, and several 3rd parties already. Independent developers can make games for like and small games aka Xbox Live Arcade.

Anyways the new Zelda looks brilliant and the Brain games on the DS are actually quite addicting. Talking with someone from Nintendo I actually suggested that Nintendo get this on talk shows like Oprah, Ellen... Well it probally won't happen but it was only wishful suggested marketing on my part. I have talked with a few developers gathering up info and have had some success already and still have a few more chats I have to do before the weeks finish. They're is already info I have that I can't share with you but I will be able to share something soon hopefully. Got to go. The Revelution system looks amazing but once again it isn't the final version. Changes to the system and controller have been made.

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I'm a bit late but the forums where so slow yesterday, so I thought I'll post my thoughts today.

Anyways I'm quite satisfied with GDC, Zelda DS and Sega and Hudson Classics are really great news, however, something about the shell and a final name for the Revo would have been very nice.

But somehow I'm glad there wasn't a new Zelda TP trailer, because it was so quiet around that title for a long time and not showing it before the full Revo unveiling kind of confirms (for me at least) that it will have Revo graphics.

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Innovance, I don't have problems with what you are saying. My comments so far have specifically targetted those who expected E3-esque revelations.


I believe most of those comments come from those who:

(1) Do not understand what separates GDC from E3

(2) Take hype at face value

(3) Fail to see the strategy from Nintendo's point of view


Any, or all of those.

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I say BigTac smells like a load of bull feces. Patience is a virtue, and may is right around the corner.


Don't dare insult BigTac ,everything he said was still true and has been since C-E,you don't have the right to insult him


I have to say what I've always said and that is that BigTac is not some kind of big industry insider, he's just another guy who likes to pretend he is. I really don't understand the blind admiration he gets from you guys here. It's quite funny watching some of you treat him like this giant fountain of all gaming knowledge, I'm sure he loves it! I mean he makes some intelligent guesses (usually piggy backing off the very strongest rumours going around at the time); some very vague statements (Nintendo may announce something) and you guys believe his every word.


"Everything he said was still true" because what he said in the first place was so vague. And actually if you go look back, everything he's said has not been true at all. In some cases he's just said so much that he's guessed some stuff right and the other is overlooked and in others he's just been plain wrong but covered it up convincingly.


I mean carry on believing his every word if you like but it just astounds me how many of you can't see that he's just another fake "industry insider" that knows lots of "secret information". He's just intelligent enough to know how to handle things so that a lot of you won't instantly start thinking he's a fake.


All credit to the guy for being able to convince so many of you though.

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Yawn at the BigTac debate.. he is just producing sensationalism.. and look at many tabloid newspapers and gossip rags.. they sell 1000s every week despite them offering nothing constructive to the minds of the readers. (on the whole, I know the Sun has some great stuff)


However much you argue.. people will believe whatever he says.. because they want it to be true.. they're just deluded and it's almost a vicous cycle. The more he says the more they want to believe it, because he makes generic and broad educated guesses that are often so broad he's always right.


Of course something was going to be announced at GDC, but nothing huge a monkey with some chalk could have told us this.


Quit arguing and let the people who think BigTac is gospel believe him.. because calling him and idiot or a liar will get your absolutely no where. Just because you don't agree with their rationale doesn't mean you have to duke it out on some internet message board.

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Well the easiest way to find out if BigTac is some industry insider, inform the industry hes giving away secrets. If he comes back to curse at us all for losing his job we'll know. Cruel but the most straight forward way.


(Or possibly ask him for his name and who he works for, and we use our industry insiders to find out if its legit)

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Personally, I recall BigTac as a friendly lad from the days of the old forum at cube europe. So I don't really have anything against him. I do agree tho that he likes sensationalization. I don't know whether that comes from his frustration for not being able to say what he knows. Or he just enjoys it?


If he's bound by industry licence agreements, the bottom line is that he can't divulge anything meaningful. That's the whole point of license agreement. If so, his quasi-Nostradamus posts are naughty. Very Very Very naughty! Might as well not say anything at all.

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The sword action bit felt like Children Of Mana. When I saw that bit I almost shouted "Ahh that bit is identical!". Mana series concept came from Zelda so I guess that's understandable.


Still, I can't help but feel that Phantom Hourglass is a much more complete and varied experience knowing Nintendo. I mean, what the hell is those drawning on touchpad!?? That ship action too.


My god I can't wait :eek:

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