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Metroid Prime 3 Multiplayer. Do you think...?


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Do you think that retro will look at what hunters has done and try and improve (if thats possible) or at least mimick the modes and the gameplay style such as the no lock-on system (which is a massive improvment in my view)... i really hope they remove the lock on system! : peace:

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I think the lock on was perfect for GC aiming and jumping around with dual analogue is hard, but with the fhc there's no need for that. So the multiplayer actually has potential.


True, the lock-on was good for GC. I have a 360 and aiming is a lot more difficult than say aiming on a pc or even on first hunt.

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They say competition breeds higher quality products.

Retro will want to 1UP what Hunters DS has paved, while effectively they are Apples and Oranges being on totally different systems with a different range of developpers working on titles.

I expect Nintendo will kinda nudge Retro studios to go in that direction once Nintendo Revolution wifi architecture has been finalised prior to the innevitable success of Hunters DS.


A better question will be which game will get the better reviews. Only time and £250 will tell.

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It wont need a lock on system with the free hand controller, point and click (fire). The free hand controller should just control the big thing on the end of samus' arm, so you can swing with it, shoot, everything it can do.


It needs 16 players at least online at once, a good Match-making system. Choose how many people you want to play with. Basically, they should just copy Halo 2 :)

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16 players for free? Pahahaha, I reckon more like 4 real people man.. It would be nice, but at the end of the day it's too much bandwidth.


Perhaps more like 4 players + 16 bots offline.


We're taking stabs in the dark here but I don't think Nintendo will want such intensive bandwidths for the network. Unless they plan on charging for a premium service as Metroid isn't technically a first party game.

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Because xbox live is a paid for service, and PC/Sony infastructure is based on other people running servers.


Nintendo wifi is a free service for playing people.. Nintendo is footing the bill out of our custom, with the game, the console and other purcahses.


You get what you pay for and I don't expect Nintendo will want to discriminate against those with good internet connections and those with a basic DSL service who can't handle such bandwidth.


Nintendo want it to be simple, safe, free and fast.. I suspect by making it lower than 8, perhaps towards 4 players you can get a good experience for what you pay, which is nothing and at a reasonable economic viability to Nintendo and internet providers..


I never ruled out a premium service as Retro studios is not Nintendo first party, if the developper feels to make the service subscription only to offer that 16-32 player experience possible and by making it free it would be dissapointing it is their call remember.

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They should get rid of the lock-on in multi-player, for the sake of a bit of skill. But it should be optional in the single player mode. I think it's fun trying to gun each other down with aiming in multi-player, but in single player, it always gets irritating for me. Also, they have to remember to keep the adventerous feel of Prime, rather then every room being "SHOOT". That's what I liked about Prime, some adventure to it, and I want more. I don't really like the idea of "enemy, shoot kill, win!". The lack of exploration in First Hunt kind of mafde me feel sad.

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4 players!, if counter strike can manage around 20-40 without much if any lag, and upto 64 (with lots of lag), then surly it could manage around 20 players ok. Of course only people with broad band would be able to play on-line (wouldn't want to think of the lag on a 56k).

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Counter Strike is not a Nintendo product.. counter strike runs on PCs, and runs on private and public servers which are paid for by sponsorship, in game advertisments or the good will of people.


Nintendo wifi will be run from a central server for each game.. it will not have such advertisments, the service cost will be covered and budgetted for in the initial system and game cost.


From a guide aimed at people setting up a counter strike server: High Bandwidth Connection


"The most important factor in how well your server will run is how fast your connection to the Internet is. When people connect to your server to play, you have to share that bandwidth with them. Ideally a server will be running through a DSL or T1 connection. If you do have DSL, we suggest having at least a 512K upload. Anything less than that and you are more likely to have a laggy server with anything more than 4 players."


Now if you're suggesting that Nintendo supplies this kinda of service, to every single person that buys a Revolution and wants to play on Nintendo wifi, which if the DS is any indication will be huge. You're out of your mind.


I think 4 players is reasonable, on top of that with bots it offers an experience that challenges players and allows you to join up with real life friends who you have exchanged friend codes.


So deluded thinking you're going to get above 4 players.. We don't know anything about the game and should not get our hopes up with these ideas that Nintendo wifi will be free and rival xbox live or PC services.

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I think 16 players is a given. For gods sake I can play WoW on a fairly minimal connection, so it can't be all that hard. Do you reacon they will bring any of the other Bounty Hunters into it, maybe as slight references?

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Part of the fun (and horror) of a FPS is the aiming process. That fun kinda got lost in the Metroid Prime series. Of course you could dodge and sidestep, but it lacked some depth to it, if you ask me. Imagine what Zelda would be like without a shield or option to block. It would be fun to see some kind of shield in Metroid, perhaps a energyshield? ;)

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