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Total smoking ban in pubs and clubs.

Guest Jordan

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Fair point. But I refuse to believe that anyone actually complains about sore eyes and smelly clothes. Particularly not the sort of demographic who'll contribute to this forum. Old people. Delicate people. Yeah. But if you're in the pub long enough for smoke to be a problem, you're only gonna go home, hammered, and take your "smelly" clothes off immediately anyway.


Have you honestly ALWAYS disliked bars because they're smoky? Or, actually, has it never really crossed your mind, until now...




Didnt mean to double post :D

Gotta log.

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Chopper great argument, just needs a few modifications.


That's ridiculous. The smoker has the choice of not being so uptight and not to worry about it. it doesn't matter. If you go out at night, you spend 5 hours in a pub. Max. When you leave, are you really concerned about how much smoke you've breathed in?! Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful not smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?!


That's very clever. It's like coming back with the same insult, cos you're not clever enough to contribute to the argument, cos I'm right.


"You're a tosser"

"Yeah... Well, your'e a.....tosser too"



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yes i've always hated smelling of smoke, and my throat hurting the morning after and i've always known it's the smoke. yes people under 35 ARE gonna care because in general people are finally waking up to healthier lifestyles these days, even if that is only changing certain small things. smoking is one thing a lot of people are cutting outta their lives and it's about time the government realised non-smokers enjoy a drink too.

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Have you honestly ALWAYS disliked bars because they're smoky? Or, actually, has it never really crossed your mind, until now


Yes, I stopped going to pubs and clubs because it annoys me that much. the fact the local ones just suck big time possibly doesn't help, but I don't want to try out different ones further afield because the environment is rubbish.

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well said pestneb :)


as ireland has proved, this ban will not have any long-term detrimental effects. to begin with maybe, but once non-smokers realise it's properly in place they'll just take the place of the smokers, and then the smokers shall return and use the beer gardens etc. simple.


oh, to finally be able to go to a bar and if i meet a girl not have to taste her ashtray mouth! :D

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Have you honestly ALWAYS disliked bars because they're smoky? Or, actually, has it never really crossed your mind, until now


Yes, I stopped going to pubs and clubs because it annoys me that much. the fact the local ones just suck big time possibly doesn't help, but I don't want to try out different ones further afield because the environment is rubbish.


Fair enough. I've never known anyone like you. At the weekend, the thought of someone saying "I don't fancy going out tonight. The smoke irritates me!" is about as alien a concept as any to me.

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oh, to finally be able to go to a bar and if i meet a girl not have to taste her ashtray mouth! :D


Ooh. Lock up your daughters...!


You've got your priorities all wrong when you go out. You think about smoking that much?! It's about having fun with your mates. It doesn't matter who the hell smokes and who doesn't. As long as you wake up with a hangover, you've done alright. Is your group of mates not a mix of smokers/non-smokers? Would you chastize one of your friends for sparking up in the pub near you? Cos that not cool...

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Fair enough. I've never known anyone like you. At the weekend, the thought of someone say "I don't fancy going out tonight. The smoke irritates me!" is about as alien a concept as any to me.



tbh from the way you come across on here, I'm not surprised you don't know anyone like me, you don't exactly seem accepting of anyone with views that don't conform to your own.


and about your earlier comment, I wasn't twisting your words to insult you, nor because I am incapable of thinking myself, I was just pointing out that it works both ways. Just now instead of the majority being forced to compromise, it will now be the minority who are forced to compromise.

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tbh from the way you come across on here, I'm not surprised you don't know anyone like me, you don't exactly seem accepting of anyone with views that don't conform to your own.


Or, it's because my friends have got better things to worry about than smoke when you're out, having a good time. Not ONCE has the smokiness of a pub ever been an issue. It just doesn't cross anyone's mind.

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. Just now instead of the majority being forced to compromise, it will now be the minority who are forced to compromise.




and chopper, yes my group of friends does include both, but the smokers in the group aren't whining about this new law, and when we're together at different people's houses or out in places other than a pub they don't even feel the need to ask, they just go outside to smoke.


it may not be an issue to you as you are a smoker, but the world is changing and it DOES matter to a helluva lot of people who don't want your toxins inhaled into their systems. it's a filthy disgusting habit that harms those around you, simple as.

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Every day, theres something new to convince me that our world will turn actually become the word in Demolition man, making laws against stupid things life profane language, smoking...(I just hope they dont bring in the 3 shells)


Seriously, a pub owner should have the right to say whether smoking should be prohibited or not in his property. That way, people have the choice and will know which place they can smoke in.


I dont smoke, but jesus christ, give us some freedom!

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Or, it's because my friends have got better things to worry about than smoke when you're out, having a good time. Not ONCE has the smokiness of a pub ever been an issue. It just doesn't cross anyone's mind.

I've never worried about tax when I get my paycheck, its not an issue, I don't think about it.

why? because I expect it. it doesn't mean I like it, nor that I would not benefit from being exempt from tax.

same with fag smoke. as I said, the pubs and clubs round here aren't my cup of tea.

the tax of fag smoke is greater than the paycheck of fun.

maybe you just have better clubs and pubs in your area.

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Every day, theres something new to convince me that our world will turn actually become the word in Demolition man, making laws against stupid things life profane language, smoking...(I just hope they dont bring in the 3 shells)


Seriously, a pub owner should have the right to say whether smoking should be prohibited or not in his property. That way, people have the choice and will know which place they can smoke in.


I dont smoke, but jesus christ, give us some freedom!

I think you have to put it in context. some laws are put in place to promote a change in society. this one hoping to promote an end to smoking. why not ban it outright? look at the back lash from some here. this way hopefully the numbers of smokers will reduce enough to have it die out naturally. then in time the law will be seen as redundant, and removed in a couple of centuries time (if they bother to get round to it)

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and chopper, yes my group of friends does include both, but the smokers in the group aren't whining about this new law, and when we're together at different people's houses or out in places other than a pub they don't even feel the need to ask, they just go outside to smoke.


it may not be an issue to you as you are a smoker, but the world is changing and it DOES matter to a helluva lot of people who don't want your toxins inhaled into their systems. it's a filthy disgusting habit that harms those around you, simple as.


Well you have to argue in context. I mean, obviously I wouldn't smoke in someone's house. Smokers aren't fucking junkies. But I can guarentee your smoking mates aren't particuarly happy about it...!


And whilst, I'm not happy about the new law, purely for selfish reasons, it's not that I'm "whining" about. It's the mindless chastising of smokers that's taken place, as a result of the ban. By people who've never given it a second thought in the past. i.e. alot of the people on this forum. Evidently not including you. Read my previous posts, and you might just get it...

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That's ridiculous. The non-smoker has the choice of not being so uptight and not to worry about it. Unless you work or live in a smoky environment, it doesn't matter. If you go out at night, you spend 5 hours in a pub. Max. When you leave, are you really concerned about how much passive smoke you've breathed in?! Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?!


No, I don't think 'Holy crap, I'm going to breath in so much smoke tonight, this will kill me eventually. Actually maybe I wont go out.' I still go out, have a good time with mates and get wasted and I don't worry immiediatly about the effects passive smoke, but at the same time this does not mean I love the smoke. I tolerate it because I have to and don't have a choice in the matter, I either stay in and be bored out my skull or go out and breathe in other peoples shitty smoke, and lots of other non-smokers are in the same boat. So yeah, I am fussed about it and I will get on my high horse because in the end smoke affects me, my body.

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Evidently not including you. Read my previous posts, and you might just get it...


i'm glad you understand that it is something that i have thought of before and that i am not just reacting to the ban. however, can i just ask a civil question...? do you get where i am coming from? you keep asking me to understand your opinion and i do, but i just feel it would be wholly unfair not to have this ban in place, with some smoking bars/clubs available too. people should have the choice whether they mind breathing it in or not. at the moment, that choice is not there.


and my smoking friends, not one has complained, they honestly do not mind the ban as they are used to it with so many of us not smoking anyway.

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i'm glad you understand that it is something that i have thought of before and that i am not just reacting to the ban. however, can i just ask a civil question...? do you get where i am coming from? you keep asking me to understand your opinion and i do, but i just feel it would be wholly unfair not to have this ban in place, with some smoking bars/clubs available too. people should have the choice whether they mind breathing it in or not. at the moment, that choice is not there.


and my smoking friends, not one has complained, they honestly do not mind the ban as they are used to it with so many of us not smoking anyway.


Well, obviously I know where you're coming from. I just don't see it as a big problem, like you do. It's something I've never considered. Pubs have always been smoky. It's a typical characteristic. I've been going to bars and clubs for about 6 years now. When I first started, it might have crossed my mind. But probably not. Cos I've always lived in a pub. I never thought of it as a problem. I'm not concerned about the dangers of passive smoke, because as an average punter, soemone having a fag next to me is not gonna harm me in the long run. I just don't care. I never have. The smell of cigarettes has never offended me, even before I started smoking. And I don't know anyone, apparently apart from yourself and Faz, who has a problem with it.


I just couldn't care less about smoke, when I'm out on the razz with my mates. It doesn't matter to me. I'm more concerned with how full my pint is, how funny my mates are and who I'm gonna try and pull that night.


Now this ban's gonna come into play, and it's gonna change everything. In that I can't sit in my regular, and have a fag with my drink. That, to me, is ridiculous. Especially considering neither I, nor my local landlord, had any say in the matter.

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Now this ban's gonna come into play, and it's gonna change everything. In that I can't sit in my regular, and have a fag with my drink. That, to me, is ridiculous. Especially considering neither I, nor my local landlord, had any say in the matter.


but that's my point, us non-smokers have not been able to have any say in the matter ever! and i feel it's more important for those concerned about the effects this has on their systems to be able to have that freedom, than it is for those who smoke to pollute those around them.


it's something we're never gonna agree on, i understand that, we're both at pole opposite ends of this, but there are compromises that can be found, say if a certain number of pubs in each area were allowed to remain smoking bars... but if new york and ireland are anything to go by, the economy won't suffer and may infact increase trade as there are more and more non-smokers these days, and they'll all start pubbing it more.

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The smell of cigarettes has never offended me, even before I started smoking. And I don't know anyone, apparently apart from yourself and Faz, who has a problem with it.


Thought someone else on here also complained about it. No one complains about it there, because they are used to the smell. Once the ban comes in, they will notice when they go foriegn that their clothes STINK. I never minded it before, but now its like yuck.

I'm always around at my friends getting stoned and in a room full of smokers anyway.


tbh from the way you come across on here, I'm not surprised you don't know anyone like me, you don't exactly seem accepting of anyone with views that don't conform to your own.


Yeah, your right, i know loads of people like you.


Anyway, the ban is coming in right? So lets just sit back and watch all the smokers go crazy, while nothing much changes in our lives, but a little smell and clear air. :]

Oh and the fact that passive smoking seriously effecting our health has decreased.

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Nearly everyone I have asked about the smoking ban has said it's a good idea. With most smokers even saying it'll make them cut down which they all agree is a good thing. I personally think it's a good idea, I hate the smell of smoke and it makes me feel a bit ill if I smell smoke and then get in a car. I get the same feeling from smelling perfume and getting in a car.

I have always had travel sickness and this makes it worse.. that's besides the point anyway

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A little late giving my opinion on this.


I'm very pleased theres a smoking ban. However i feel for the people who do smoke purely because i know this is going to be a little hard on them!


I won't miss a smokey enviroment while eating in public places though, thats a BIG plus. Oh and smell on my clothes.

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I'm a bit pissed off with my mte now.. ok more thana bit. We were walking back from school and one guy was smoking. So my mate who's taken pulls before (i think to look "hard" in front of him) and he was really trying to get me to try it, and i know a pull isn't gonig to give me cancer but i really don't plan on doing it and my mate should respect that and not force them on me.

I think the smoking ban will be good for non-smokers so they won't get tempted to try one.

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