Jav_NE Posted February 20, 2006 Posted February 20, 2006 Im sorry for your loss MunKy, but as you say she was the owner so was there probably 8 hours a day everyday, or longer, who knows, the general public arn't exposed to passive smoke to that extreme extent.
MunKy Posted February 20, 2006 Posted February 20, 2006 True but the point remains valid. Say if someone were to spend less time a day in a smoky pub, but be there longer over the years, the effects would be the same.
rokhed00 Posted February 20, 2006 Posted February 20, 2006 Bad luck Munky, but that's all it is luck, my grandfather smoked like a chimney for close to 80 years and when he did die it was from natural causes. Cigarette smoke effects different people in different ways, wether or not it effects you in particular is a lottery, but yet people automatically presume it affects everyone the same, it doesn't. Sorry to sound calous, but like I say it's all down to luck, many publicans live a long and full life, so genetics is as much to blame as the smokers.
faz99 Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Chopper said: I smoke. And I enjoy smoking. I also live in a pub. So I consider myself particularly qualified to comment on the subject. My father is a non-smoking landlord, and he's extremely concerned about what this means for the future of the industry. As am I. I hate the thought of groups of smokers going outside for a fag forming seperate cliques of smokers/non-smokers. And obviously the thought of people not wanting to come to the pub, cos they can't smoke, is quite frankly terrifying. I'd be very interested to see how many of you are: a) old enough to buy cigarettes and understand the addiction b) able to understand pub and bar culture, which has run hand-in-hand with smoking since tobacco was first brought to England over 500 years ago! It's totally hypocritical for a non-smoker to enter a pub or bar, and then complain about the smoke. The two do, and always have, run hand-in-hand, and everyone is perfectly aware that with pubs, comes smoke! If it REALLY offends you that much, you wouldn't go in. Would you really be so concerned about smoke if the media hadn't banged on about the dangers of passive smoke so inanely for so long? If you're delicate enough to be made physically ill by passive smoke, you're gonna be a kid, really old, or terminally ill. Otherwise you're just jumping on an anti-smoking bandwagon, cos you're a nob. I'm all for non-smoking restaurants. No-one likes the smell of smoke whilst they're eating. But drinking? Fags and booze are best mates! I'm not massively happy about a bunch of tossers in suits deciding that I can't smoke in my own leisure time. Particularly in clubs! But the kids proclaiming the idea is GREAT!!1!!1! honestly can't understand the situation sufficiently to comment objectively... Ahh, ok lets let you smoke in your lesiure time! Why don't you smoke in Shopping centres, at the hairdressers and in the cinema aswell? Sure we won't go there then because if we don't like smoking, we should just "Not go in". I think that in terms of the ban coming in effecting business is a bit of an inflated view. When it came here, it didn't effect business's as much as people expected. And if you don't want to go to a pub because you can't smoke in it then fair enough. But let's see how long you can stay away.
Chopper Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 faz99 said: Ahh, ok lets let you smoke in your lesiure time! Why don't you smoke in Shopping centres, at the hairdressers and in the cinema aswell? Sure we won't go there then because if we don't like smoking, we should just "Not go in". Well, no. My point was clearly about pubs. I don't smoke in hairdressers or shopping centres, because I don't want to. I'm never in either location long enough to want a cigarette. Plus, it would offend other people. Smoking whilst drinking is commonplace. The two are related through pubs and bars. It's normal. Hence people can't complain about smoke in pubs. That's my point.
Mr_Odwin Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Well, the majority of the country (alright, the majority of a government elected by the voice of the country) now thinks that smoking in a pub is socially unacceptable just like in a shopping centre, or other public places. Everyone's just got to get used to it.
Jamba Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 You guys talk so much crap. It's clinically excepted fact that smoking and passive smoking highly increased the chance of various types of cancer not to mention a bunch of really nasty diseases. For the majority of my life it has been clear and present fact that smoking is bad for you so don't go giving all this "jumping on the bandwaggon" shit cos it's complete cock and balls. It's like saying that any artist who took inspiration from somebody else is just jumping on the bandwaggon, or that cos someone has given you a convincing aarguement to prove a point and you decide that you like what they're saying means you're jumping on too. It just bollocks, pure and simple. Also saying that Pubs and smoking are intrinsicly linked is simply based on a long history of smoking being a good past time. Wake the fuck up! History constantly shows that people argue for something because it's been that way for so many years. That doesn't mean it shouldn't change. It doesn't mean that it should though on the other hand, it's just an opportunity to review things.
Jav_NE Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 I think someone should go light-up in the houses of parliament, that would be sight.
Jamba Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 They're part of the problem. And you can smoke in there, just like you can serve booze there without a licence because the building is counted as a Royal Palace in legal terms.
MoogleViper Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Jamba said: You guys talk so much crap. It's clinically excepted fact that smoking and passive smoking highly increased the chance of various types of cancer not to mention a bunch of really nasty diseases. For the majority of my life it has been clear and present fact that smoking is bad for you so don't go giving all this "jumping on the bandwaggon" shit cos it's complete cock and balls. It's like saying that any artist who took inspiration from somebody else is just jumping on the bandwaggon, or that cos someone has given you a convincing aarguement to prove a point and you decide that you like what they're saying means you're jumping on too. It just bollocks, pure and simple. Also saying that Pubs and smoking are intrinsicly linked is simply based on a long history of smoking being a good past time. Wake the fuck up! History constantly shows that people argue for something because it's been that way for so many years. That doesn't mean it shouldn't change. It doesn't mean that it should though on the other hand, it's just an opportunity to review things. Well said.
Chopper Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Jamba said: You guys talk so much crap. It's clinically excepted fact that smoking and passive smoking highly increased the chance of various types of cancer not to mention a bunch of really nasty diseases. For the majority of my life it has been clear and present fact that smoking is bad for you so don't go giving all this "jumping on the bandwaggon" shit cos it's complete cock and balls. It's like saying that any artist who took inspiration from somebody else is just jumping on the bandwaggon, or that cos someone has given you a convincing aarguement to prove a point and you decide that you like what they're saying means you're jumping on too. It just bollocks, pure and simple. Also saying that Pubs and smoking are intrinsicly linked is simply based on a long history of smoking being a good past time. Wake the fuck up! History constantly shows that people argue for something because it's been that way for so many years. That doesn't mean it shouldn't change. It doesn't mean that it should though on the other hand, it's just an opportunity to review things. I'm aware that there are dangers of passive smoking, but they are blown wildly out of proportion. Unless you work in a pub, a non-smoker will rarely be in a situation where the passive smoke around them is dangerous. And by jumping on the band-wagon, I was referring to the kids who know little or nothing about smoking, and will only now speak up and say the ban is a good thing, cos they can. The sort of people who know nothing about passive smoke and who the past-time of smoking never occurred to them. They are the people who have no business arguing for the smoking ban. They're idiots. You seem alright. You at least agree that drinking and smoking are linked. And have been for about 400 years! Granted the opportunity arose to review things. That's fine. That's what happens. But I'm pissed cos my nights out and stuff are now gonna be a lot more stressful! And it's a bunch of blokes in London who made that decision. Not my local pub. Not my parents. I couldn't possibly protest. That fucks me off.
Lammie Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Face it, you smokers are a dying breed, if it's not throat cancer, mouth cancer, or lung cancer or any other smoking related cancer that does you in, it'll be us nay-sayers stopping you from going anywhere fun.
rokhed00 Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Lammie said: Face it, you smokers are a dying breed, if it's not throat cancer, mouth cancer, or lung cancer or any other smoking related cancer that does you in, it'll be us nay-sayers stopping you from going anywhere fun. That's what you think. They can make all the laws they like, doesn't mean they will be followed. Plenty of pubs flaunt the licensing laws and if the majority of their customers are smokers I can see them doing the same thing with this law too.
knightendo Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 "smoke nazis", "jumping on the bandwagon", "poeple who've never considered it shouldn't argue against it" - what a load of rubbish, i'm sorry but it has to be said you're acting like victims. you chose to smoke, if you wana inhale toxins into your own body that's fine, but you have no right to inflict it on others. passive smoking kills, it's a proven fact. faz99, is the smoking ban in ireland just in pubs and clubs? or is it any public place, like even outside on the public street like it is in new york? and why should non-smokers be made to stay away from pubs? like i said you chose to start smoking, there should be smoking bars and outside designated smoking areas in non-smoking bars, keeps everyone happy. and if there's a group of friends made up of both parties then work it out amongst yourselves, each to their own and all that but people who wana breath in fresh air like we were born to do have the right to go wherever they want without passive smoking if they so please. a ban should be put on "smoke breaks" in the work place too! a lot of places don't allow them already and you can only smoke on your designated breaks, but the offices in the railway allow their workers to take as many as they want. so smokers get to work less for the same pay... now THAT's unfair.
mike-zim Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 i agree. smokers have a choice. at the moment what choice does a non smoker have? breath the second hand smoke or just dont bother having a social life?
knightendo Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 mike-zim said: i agree. smokers have a choice. at the moment what choice does a non smoker have? breath the second hand smoke or just dont bother having a social life? precisely. there should be designated smoking areas, not non-smoking areas, it's simply unfair. this new ban is just and fair imo, and about time.
faz99 Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 knightendo said: faz99, is the smoking ban in ireland just in pubs and clubs? or is it any public place, like even outside on the public street like it is in new york? Pub, clubs and other public venues. Outside you can smoke as much as your like. I think there is a hotline for you to call if you see people smoking in a pub. So they get busted. And here there is always checks, if they find butts in the toilet, pub screwed.
knightendo Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 faz99 said: Pub, clubs and other public venues. Outside you can smoke as much as your like.I think there is a hotline for you to call if you see people smoking in a pub. So they get busted. And here there is always checks, if they find butts in the toilet, pub screwed. cool. yeh there should on the spot fines and stuff... although that never caught on with the littering thing, shame really as alongside chewing gum cigarette butts are the worst offenders for littering our streets.
faz99 Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 knightendo said: cool. yeh there should on the spot fines and stuff... although that never caught on with the littering thing, shame really as alongside chewing gum cigarette butts are the worst offenders for littering our streets. I remember people tried to not let it get implemented, so one pub said NO, and more said NO. Sure they were all shut down for awhile, and the people that smoked in them got fined, along with the owner.
Chopper Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Nah. I refuse to believe that smoking in pubs offends anyone below the age of 35. I simply cannot imagine anyone leaving a bar, because there's people smoking in it. I've simply never seen it happen. If you go out, with the intention of having a good time, because people have always smoked in pubs, it doesn't even cross your mind. Unless you're totally precious and lame.
faz99 Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Chopper said: Nah. I refuse to believe that smoking in pubs offends anyone below the age of 35. I simply cannot imagine anyone leaving a bar, because there's people smoking in it. I've simply never seen it happen. If you go out, with the intention of having a good time, because people have always smoked in pubs, it doesn't even cross your mind. Unless you're totally precious and lame. Once it comes in, bringing it back will be hard. Because when it does come in, and person X goes to Spain, and person X doesn't smoke, he/she will realise that they're throat is fucked the next day because they are no longer used to it, their clothes stink, and they're eyes were probably sore when they were out. Before i didn't really think about it, but if they brought it back now, i'd be like NO WAY. Wayy better now than ever.
Chopper Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 mike-zim said: i agree. smokers have a choice. at the moment what choice does a non smoker have? breath the second hand smoke or just dont bother having a social life? That's ridiculous. The non-smoker has the choice of not being so uptight and not to worry about it. Unless you work or live in a smoky environment, it doesn't matter. If you go out at night, you spend 5 hours in a pub. Max. When you leave, are you really concerned about how much passive smoke you've breathed in?! Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?!
Pestneb Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Chopper great argument, just needs a few modifications. That's ridiculous. The smoker has the choice of not being so uptight and not to worry about it. it doesn't matter. If you go out at night, you spend 5 hours in a pub. Max. When you leave, are you really concerned about how much smoke you've breathed in?! Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful not smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?!
Chopper Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 faz99 said: Once it comes in, bringing it back will be hard.Because when it does come in, and person X goes to Spain, and person X doesn't smoke, he/she will realise that they're throat is fucked the next day because they are no longer used to it, their clothes stink, and they're eyes were probably sore when they were out. Before i didn't really think about it, but if they brought it back now, i'd be like NO WAY. Wayy better now than ever. Fair point. But I refuse to believe that anyone actually complains about sore eyes and smelly clothes. Particularly not the sort of demographic who'll contribute to this forum. Old people. Delicate people. Yeah. But if you're in the pub long enough for smoke to be a problem, you're only gonna go home, hammered, and take your "smelly" clothes off immediately anyway. Have you honestly ALWAYS disliked bars because they're smoky? Or, actually, has it never really crossed your mind, until now...
faz99 Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 Chopper said: Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?! Jesus, your fuckin opinion is annoying. Stop going on and on about bandwagon and all this bullshit. He has an opinion he said it, you said this one around 3 times by now.
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