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Good move to place the fan at the back, it's looking elegant.

I like that the console has rubber feet both ways, and that the powersupply is located at the bottom of the console when stored horizontally so it wont be top heavy.


It's a good design.. at least now we can conclude that the USB ports are placed at the back and that there is something else under the hatch at the front.


The connection really baffles me though, we've been told the system will connect to a standard television internationally.. which is why there is one proprietary output which will ship with an international connection for TVs and computer monitors.


That port though, very confusing. I'll do a little research later and see.

it uses the same tv output (or input?) as the cube, 64 and snes. nice


Are you sure? To me it looks a lot different. It seems to be a bit thinner and the shape is entirely different.


the other socket must be for the sensor you place on the TV for the controller!


the AV connector is very similar to the GC's but not quite the same.


Plus thats one big looking expansion port on the bottom.


Probably an expansion port for the Blu-ray drive :woops:


Nah, I'm 99% sure it's the port for the controller sensor, like monkeyDluffy said.

Is this a real picture? If so then it has the same power socket as the cube right? it looks like it so no worries about importing


It is from the EU patent/trademark database so I guess it is pretty much true. There are many more pictures which are nearly similar - I guess concept designs maybe.



Yeah I think it might be the DVD dongle or something.


Co-sign, DVD dongle in the bottom.. I hope this thing doesn't cost much and come bundled with a crappy ass remote.


Using the revolution controller in a circular motion would be so rad to fast forward and rewind in real time

Guest Stefkov
Maybe it's where you plug in the DVD add-on.

im sure there isnt an addon, but a function inside, you need to unlock the function first or something i remember hearing.

i agree with what was said before, ity could just be the plug for the sensors for the controller.maybe it has one wire which then splits in two, then you can put 2 either side of the tv.


does the dvd dongle thing connect to a usb port? (at the back) or is the port for it located at the front under the mysterious flap?


i thought i read somewhere (prob ign) that the 'real' revolution is behind the flap..... i'm sure it was when they first saw the rev in the private guarded room. I could be wrong thou.


is it just a slot for SD cards behind the flap? :wtf:

does the dvd dongle thing connect to a usb port? (at the back) or is the port for it located at the front under the mysterious flap?


i thought i read somewhere (prob ign) that the 'real' revolution is behind the flap..... i'm sure it was when they first saw the rev in the private guarded room. I could be wrong thou.


is it just a slot for SD cards behind the flap? :wtf:

For SD cards,where did you get these desisgns from must see more,gotta do some research


I found what i was talking about on http://www.pressthebuttons.com/2005/05/


May 24, 2005

Revolution's Revolution Is Covered By A Flap

Spong claims to have had a chance to paw the Nintendo Revolution prototype box. Items of interest from this fondling session include the discovery of one flap that conceals four Nintendo GameCube controller ports and another sealed flap that apparently hides the revolutionary aspect of the Revolution.


Another flap, the important and ominous-looking one on the front, would not open."There's a clue there," we were told by senior Nintendo staff today as we pawed the hardware, which we could power on and off and fully examine. "That's the Revolution, right there."


i doubt the sensors will require wires, when everything else is wireless, having wires dangling over the back of your tv will be messy, and they've already stated that the DVD dongle would fit inside the machine out of sight completly. saying that, last month's edge stated that DVD playback had now been built-in.


Dam can't tell if power socket is GC or not,in some of the pics it is and others its not.Gotta wait for more screens of the back of the rev.Spong were wrong,its just where the SD cards go.There was a discussion a while ago that some of us had.It could be where the sensors are.But the SD cards do go in there,thanks for the links monkeyDluffy


SD is not a revolution though.

the DVD dongle is 100% confirmed as internal, so it should slide into the bottom of the console as we suspected earlier.


I really think it's something crazy in there.. it could well be sensors, I think it's something more.. perhaps it's wireless electricity!


I don't think we can discredit Spong, they were there.. they say they've touched which means they've spoken with real Nintendo staff and have been given the 'revolution inside there' treatment.

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