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Guacamelee! 2


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So I'd been wanting to play this for quite a while as a big fan of the original game, which I actually played through twice, first on PC and a second time on PS4. Anyway, I recently finished a couple of playthroughs of the sequel on Switch and have been blown away by just how amazing this game is! Seeing as there's no thread for it on here though, and how it looks as if not many people have played it, I figured I'd make a post to spread the word. :)


For those that are unfamiliar with Guacamelee, it's a blend of dynamic Platforming and Beat 'em up gameplay in the form of a Metroidvania. It handles all of these different aspects very well indeed, pretty much to perfection actually. Yep, the gameplay is simply top-notch, very responsive and precise with lots of variety. Everything is then wrapped up in a wonderful Mexican-themed presentation, with a soundtrack that masterfully combines Mariachi and other latin musical genres with electronic/chiptune styles. :cool:



The game is also packed full of entertaining references and witty dialogue. It can be very funny and made me laugh out loud on several occasions. :laughing: It takes the piss out of lots of stuff, and there's an especially humorous dig at microtransactions/loot boxes in there that I reckon @Dcubed & @Glen-i would particularly appreciate. ;) One of my personal faves though was this:




:grin: An entire section devoted to online criticism of the first game.

Such a great way for the devs to retaliate. It's up there with the Paper Mario message board thing. :heh: 


Like the first Guacamelee, the game has a substantial amount of challenge to it, especially if you go for 100% completion. My first playthrough on normal difficulty took me just over 17 hours, that was to reach 100% and get the good ending. My second (on hard) took 6 hours, but that was pretty much speed running it for the final achievements:


Anyway, I seriously recommend this game to anyone that's a fan of the genres I mentioned above, but even if you're not and are just looking for a well-crafted game to pick up, you cannot go wrong with Guacamelee 2! It's definitely one of the best indie titles out there and well worth a place in anyone's collection.

I really hope DrinkBox Studios will make another.

Finally, here's the trailer:





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Wow, that trailer looked amazing! I thought this was a mediocre series, but the trailer for the second looked so good I'm really tempted to picking it up right now. And the first is a great game too? I have so many games that needs to be played first, but the Switch works so well with 2D metroidvania games that I might get it sooner than I think.

Thanks for putting up this thread @RedShell, I'm not sure I'd've checked it out if you hadn't put it up here.

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1 hour ago, MindFreak said:

I'm glad that it lives up to the awesomeness of the first.

It really does, you're in for a treat. :)

1 hour ago, ArtMediocre said:

And the first is a great game too?

Yep. ;)

1 hour ago, ArtMediocre said:

Thanks for putting up this thread @RedShell, I'm not sure I'd've checked it out if you hadn't put it up here.

No probs. Would be a shame for anyone to miss out on this gem of a game.

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I'm getting near the end now and have collected the chicken key. I saw the challenge waiting for me on YouTube and just thought no to it. It doesn't look fun at all. 

I find that some of the platforming sections have been really tough as you have to change between so many button inputs to manage it. Change form, change dimension, use directed special attacks and wall jumping all combined. Very satisfying to complete but also very hard. 

Other than that, ai have enjoyed the game most of the time. Battles have been fun and the dialogue is overall great. 

Easily recommended. 

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And done, 11:25. I didn't go around to find everything, I think I needed a couple of heart pieces and a couple of stamina pieces but nothing beyond that. Also did not spend much time on The Crucible. Seems unnecessarily cruel and the reward not worth it. 

Good game, it dragged a bit towards the end but nothing noteworthy. 

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