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Borderlands 3


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If it really is Borderlands 3 that's getting announced tomorrow (alongside a remaster of the first game) then please, please don't let it be a live service game. That's all I ask from Gearbox. Make it just a newer, prettier Borderlands title with couch and online co-op for 4 players but without the need for an always online connection. If we get that, then I'll be happy as it's been too long since the last game and it's something that's been missing this gen (even with the Handsome Collection, it was still a case of wanting something new).

Looking forward to seeing the mayhem tomorrow. Just a shame that with TellTale shuttered, a new Tales from the Borderlands won't be part of it.

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Trailer looked great. When I saw they were going to go into detail on April 3rd, I was expecting a short teaser again to set up next week not a near on 4 minute trailer. But looks like good ol' Borderlands and that's only a good thing. Spotted Rhys from Tales from the Borderlands in the trailer (and Vaughn was in the teaser) so in spite of not getting a second season of that, it's nice to see them tying that in.

Excited to see more next week and hopefully get a release date, which I'm guessing is going to be fall this year.

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I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it looks great, and they look to have addressed one of my main critisisms of the last two games, which was a lack of different environments. Really hoping the guns are more like 1 than 2, since all the guns in 2 seemed the same.

On the other hand, my main gaming partner and I haven't been able to have a session in months, and I really don't think we'll be able to find the time for this. Really don't think it is the same playing online with randoms...

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Rumour is going round that the release date will be Sept. 13th after the official Twitter posted and then deleted a tweet with the date in it. It is also April Fools day so could be complete nonsense but what better way to put out a release date and have no one believe you with the whole "Oops, delete that tweet" thing. We'll find out on Wednesday as I suspect the release date will come then and that it's coming this year.

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Now confirmed to release on September 13th for PS4, Xbox One and through the Epic Game Store on PC (exclusive to the EGS till April 2020). New trailer as well:

It looks fantastic. Looks as though I'll probably be playing a siren again but I'll be there day and date.

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