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N-Europe Mario Kart League 2019


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19 minutes ago, RedShell said:

I was just messing around in the last GP, but now I seriously think we need to do a reverse only battle mode theme at some point. :heh: 


Well, I could easily make sure everyone sticks to that rule thanks to MKTV.

I might have to seriously consider that. We shouldn't have the same issue that reverse race had, seeing as you don't need to move forward all the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Righty-o! Sorry for the wait.


In case you haven't noticed, we're in 2020 now. Which means it's time for the final results of not just this second half of the year, but the whole year! But let's not get ahead of ourselves, we gotta finish up here.

3rd Place



38.4 points

Our League room host looked set to take second place at one point, but some unexpected competition knocked him down. Still, 2,650 is the highest total points anyone got in this half. Unfortunately, N-E League is a game of averages. But a very impressive performance, none-the-less.

@BowserBasher is the most likely to complain about Battle Mode, you'd think Mario Kart was some kind of racing game or something...

2nd Place



39.7 points

I don't know what happened there, but @Dcubed came out of absolutely nowhere towards the end of this half to steal 2nd place like the jammy goit he is. He couldn't quite break the 40 point barrier, but with a total score of 1,785 over just 45 GP's, he was remarkably consistent this half.
Way to go, I suppose.

@Dcubed is the most likely to whine about his average dropping, only for it turn out that it didn't really drop that much.

1st Place



43.6 points

It's meeeeee! It was quite the sizable difference as well. Someone should complain to the management or something, I'm sure they'll do something about it.
A total score of 2,488 contributed to that high average, despite not benefiting from the Champion's Bonus.

@Glen-i is the most likely to be the team captain with the fewest willing members joining.

Anyway, here's the league table.


If you take out the people who didn't make the 50% attendance threshold, the table doesn't change that much, except for @S.C.G rising to 7th place. @martinist almost managed to steal 4th place at the last minute with his amazing performance that night, but it wasn't quite enough.

Stick around, there's the still the meaningless awards and the full year final results!

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Hooray! It's the meaningless award ceremony! Way more important than any other crappy award ceremonies going on, and much shorter too. So, let's get started.

The Perfect Attendance Award

This goes to the person who managed to attend all 138 GP's this year. That's a lot of Mario Kart! Here's the certificate I made for you this year.


Yes, I left the incorrect spelling line there on purpose.

Honourable mentions go to @S.C.G and @martinist and @RedShell for acheiving over 90% attendance.

The Blue Shell Award


This award goes to the person who achieved the most second places in GP's. Who can blame them? You never know when that thing will ruin your night.

This year's winner was @RedShell, with 33 2nd places. Congratulations on not getting blown up.

@BowserBasher and @Glen-i got the 2nd and 3rd most, respectively.

The Ultimate Rivalry Award


This award goes to the two people with the smallest difference in averages at the end of the year. Screw the race for 1st place, seeing which one of these guys would triumph was way more exciting.

2019's ultimate rivals are @martinist and @RedShell with a 0.1 difference. Maybe next time, there'll be no difference? It could happen. And I can't wait to find out if it does.

The Balanced Player Award


This goes to the player who managed to not only get more than 10 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements throughtout the year, but also had the smallest difference between all three of those. In other words, a great balance between all their top 3 placements. In the case of a tie, the award will go to whoever got the highest top 3 percentage out of the two.

@BowserBasher wins this one with a difference of just 8. (21 1st places, 29 2nd places and 29 3rd places)

Honourable mention goes to @martinist who also had a difference of 8, but a lower top 3 percentage.

And that's it for the awards, but who are the three best Mario Karters this year. Oh, the suspense is killing... well, everyone else, I already know.


Go go, shoddy MS Paint powers!


Isn't it beautiful? Took me about a minute. I know, you could never tell.


Anyone with less than 50% attendance has been discounted from this table, which means @Dcubed barely qualified and claims his place.

And that wraps up this league, a bit later than usual, sorry. Christmas was hectic.

I'd like to give massive thanks to @BowserBasher for hosting all the rooms and basically being second-in-command as far as this league goes. I really appreciate the effort you put in to helping this train go smoothly.

Also thanks to @RedShell for providing me with this year's very red logo. He's already updated it for this year too.

And finally, thanks to everyone who took part. You all realised that Mario Kart on mobile is no substitute for the nonsense that goes on here, anyway. And special thanks to anyone who managed to qualify for any of the two Leagues.

I think I can say that the Champion's Bonus did help to keep the table more dynamic and it will be returning in 2020, albeit with a slight tweak. I also have a small plan to further help the balance, but I'll go into more detail on that in the new thread.

2020's League will begin on the 30th of January. I'll start a topic a week before hand. I hope to see you there!

Edited by Glen-i
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Wow two awards and second overall in the league. I’d like to thank all the blue shells for the help. All the red shells that found their mark, and all the green shells that bounced off walls to find their mark. You coins though can bugger off, you helped no one. 
‘and of course @Glen-i for continuing to run the league and putting the faith in my internet connection to keep the rooms open. And to all you guys for playing too. We couldn’t have done it without you. 

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On 12/01/2020 at 10:09 AM, Glen-i said:

And finally, thanks to everyone who took part. You all realised that Mario Kart on mobile is no substitute for the nonsense that goes on here

While I definitely do realise that, I still play Mario Kart Tour on pretty much a daily basis, and I hold it responsible for my declining performance in the league. :heh: Have picked up some really bad (not to mention stupid) habits from that game, like thinking item boxes that aren’t actually there will still give me an item, or that every race track has an invisible barrier. :laughing: 

I want to stop playing it, but they keep bringing back retro tracks and I just can’t resist. :D 

Anyway, congrats to all the winners and everyone involved with this league, it’s so great that this is still going strong after all this time. :cool: 

Here’s to another fun year of N-E Mario Kart shenanigans! 


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