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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Will I be matched with hunters that are roughly the same level? Usually I don't like to play games with randoms and it's even worse when they're overpowered.

That will be the case here, at least on the earlier quests. It's one of the downsides to falling behind when hunting with mates. If you don't keep up with each other then sometimes it feels like you get carried through certain quests. It's why I put stupid hours into the games when they first get released so that I never having that feeling. :p It's always best to experience a MH game when they first come out because you are at level pegging with everyone and everyone is still trying to learn the ropes for the new monsters. 

1 hour ago, drahkon said:

I remember having a lot of trouble understanding the inventory/stash system. Granted, I didn't put a lot of effort into getting to grips with it, but still...there were times when I just couldn't find an item that I picked up during a quest ::shrug: Any tips? :p 

Items that you pick up or carve that can't be used there and then won't be seen in the scrolling inventory that's at the bottom of your screen. Only items that are useful out in the field ( potions, whetstone etc. ) are used in that inventory. For things like ores you mine and materials you carve, these are kept elsewhere in your inventory. 

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50 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

For things like ores you mine and materials you carve, these are kept elsewhere in your inventory. 

IIRC I never saw them anywhere ::shrug: Maybe I'm dumb :D 

17 hours ago, S.C.G said:

https://www.thegamecollection.net/monster-hunter-world-iceborne-master-edition-ps4/?sqr=monster hunter&

There's a non-steelbook version or at least there was the other day as it's sold out now and they only have the steelbook in stock. :(

It's £2 more but I don't mind, I'd rather that than have to get the steelbook and then rebuy the game like I did with the Yakuza titles.

Guess what? You were right @Hero of Time it turns out that they either don't have non-steelbook copies, or they sent the wrong one and they are charging £2 more or they were.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I have the steelbook now, it is a nice steelbook, if there were to be any game I'd want a steelbook of then it would be Monster Hunter...

...plus I have empty PS4 cases from old PS Plus subscriptions, and I found a seller selling the pre-order sleeve for a cheap price, which will do nicely for the shelf. :D


There you go, in case that's of any use to you, the picture isn't very good but you can see he's selling ones for the Xbox version as well in addition to other POS game stuff.

Anyway, I have the game now, that's the main thing, I may keep an eye on that seller to see if he's selling a display sleeve for Yakuza Collection nearer the time.

But forget all that... Monster Hunter Iceborne is here! In the month of "buy everything, play everything or give up and sod everything, let's release everything in..." September! :p

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I didn't get around to playing this yesterday, because of course I didn't!

Banjo in Smash, SNES games on the Switch... there's no way I was going to miss out on any of that. :D

Tonight though, I've unsealed the steelbook copy of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, the disc just took 20 minutes to install and now...

...there's another 8GB update which will take another quarter of an hour and that's on a good wired connection. :p

But soon... :cool:

Posted (edited)
On 9/5/2019 at 9:52 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

With you being a beginner I suggest using something that has a block function so that you can at least defend against the enemies while you learn their attack patterns.

Pfff, I'm not a weakling :p I decided to go with the Insect Glaive for now. The heal effect of my Kinsect came in handy during the battle against Pukei-Pukei. What I didn't utilize at all, however, was the "extract" funktion (edit: the German in me came out...it's function, obviously). Guess I have a lot to learn :D 

Spent about an hour with the game just now. 30 minutes in Astera just to take in some more information and then 30 minutes on the hunt for Pukei-Pukei
What a battle that was. Halfway through, a second monster joined the fight...I think it's called Great Jargas? Anyway, they appeared to be screaming at each other for 10 seconds and then immediately ganged up on me. Thank you very much. I ran away and had to track the poison bird again. Managed to find him after a while and was able to take him on without interference. Took a while to beat him, but I did it and I am chuffed :D 

What a game!

Edit: Do all monster appear in free-roam? I.e. can I farm all materials just in that "mode"?

Edited by drahkon
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@S.C.G I was playing the snes games on switchon friday, was playing StarFox for the first time since 1999 when I still had a snes.

Will probably be hunting online tomorrow night or early next week as I have a long download time right now about 27 hours.

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20 minutes ago, Gadwin said:

@S.C.G I was playing the snes games on switchon friday, was playing StarFox for the first time since 1999 when I still had a snes.

Will probably be hunting online tomorrow night or early next week as I have a long download time right now about 27 hours.

Hey there @Gadwin I thought you'd be pleased with the SNES games as well, I'm glad to hear that you got some play time in with them, som great games on there. :D

I only just got around to playing Monster Hunter World: Iceborne late last night by the time it had finished installing, so I have started but I'm only one quest in. :smile:

That download time sounds painful :p 27 hours... I hope it speeds up for you at some point but we'll be sure to play some games online once it's installed and you're ready. :peace:

From what I played last night, the story is cool, you don't have to start it until you're ready either, it is like a proper expansion, you get a title update and all the items etc.

Once you start Iceborne, any 9* quests are then marked as "complete" but you can still tackle them as it will add then as a duplicate "Optional" quest.

This only applied to two quests for me, I'm HR 33, that's where I left it at... you get M Rank for Iceborne which seems seperate from your other rank and the HR cap is removed.

Just from completing that first quest, I went from M1 to M2 if that's any indication, and while I won't spoil anything, the story is cool, the new location is amazing and it's all just really fantastic as the improvements really make a difference, it feels right carrying on from the base game and it has enough things in there to aid newcomers as well.

I can't wait to play more of it. :)

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I now realize what the main thing was that made me stop playing the game at first: I thought that you needed long play sessions to make progress. I was wrong, at least in the early stages of the game (no idea if it's different later). I played for an hour now, finished one investigation, a main quest, upgraded my weapon and crafted a new armor. :peace: 

Yup yup, I can see myself spending many hours with this :D 

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Can I just say: I'm impressed with how polished this game is. So many little details, so many things to do...it's insane.

Still don't understand a few things. For example: My kinsect can do some poison thingy, which I can then hit to release poison. However, monsters don't get poisoned? Am I doing it wrong?

Also: Is it necessary to switch weapons for different monsters? Do I need to get used to different types of weapons in order to deal different types of damage (e.g. blunt, etc.)? Or can I pretty much just use one weapon throughout the game with no problems?

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23 hours ago, drahkon said:

I've reached HR5 in 10 hours of playtime in a week. Looks like it's a nope from me :D Adding to that, I don't even own Iceborne.

Given hunts are usually about 50min allocated and you're new to it I wouldn't say thats horrifically ridiculous as you slowly get used to things; it also has certain quests that stop your rank going up(even tho it is behind the scenes with optionals etc) until you complete those etc.

I don't have Iceborne myself but interested as a few folks I know are likely to; however I've only just got help with Tempered Kirin and got end game options etc to do and probs shit to collect so if folks are getting back on for a roam and a chuckle message me on psn - Rumdumcious

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Capcom reports that Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has already shipped a whopping 2.5 million units -- a figure that includes both digital numbers as well as physical. Put simply, it's been a huge initial hit, especially since Iceborne requires players to complete the base release.

[via pushsquare.com]

Insane numbers. But apparently deserved.

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24h mark reached. High rank hunts are now available to me and so is better equipment. I feel like the game has now truly opened up :D 

Didn't enjoy the quests involving the Elder Dragon, I have to say...they were quite boring, to be honest. They don't take anything away from the game's awesomeness, though. It's unbelievable how much there is to do and see.

There are so many details, it's astounding. The devs really put in a lot of work. And it shows. You can feel the passion that has been put in by everyone who worked on Monster Hunter World. It's amazing :peace: 

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Posted (edited)

Is there anything special you need to do in order to get a monster's gem or is it simply praying to RNGesus and hoping for a drop?
Edit: Nevermind. Just slayed Kushala Daora and got its gem by carving :D I guess, it's RNG then.

Edited by drahkon
  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Is there anything special you need to do in order to get a monster's gem or is it simply praying to RNGesus and hoping for a drop?
Edit: Nevermind. Just slayed Kushala Daora and got its gem by carving :D I guess, it's RNG then.

Yep, it's the good old Really Numbing Grind to get what you want in Monster Hunter World. :D

Luckily, the grind is fun most of the time. :smile:

Over the past week or so, this is the only game that I've had time for, I'm still managing to spend an hour or two in the evening at least making some progress.

Instead of going through the Iceborne main quests, I've actually been back-tracking and am going through all the optional quests I missed so I can get all the Astera upgrades.

These range from more ingredients for the canteen, extra capacity for the laboratory and more besides, really helpful stuff.

Using the clutch claw on earlier monsters from the base game is a real game-changing mechanic as well, I was blitzing arena monsters in 5 minutes flat. :p

I know I'm going to have to get on with the Iceborne quests soon and get better armour etc... I am looking forward to it as well but also, there's no rush. :peace:

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is a game I can see myself returning to for a long time yet, at least well into 2020 with any luck. :)

3 hours ago, S.C.G said:

Yep, it's the good old Really Numbing Grind to get what you want in Monster Hunter World. :D

Wouldn't want it any other way :D 

3 hours ago, S.C.G said:

Luckily, the grind is fun most of the time. :smile:

It is indeed. I'm farming Nergigante right now to upgrade my weapon. Need its tail just one more time. :peace: 


I'm really tempted to get Iceborne as soon as I'm done with the "story" of the base game. 

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Posted (edited)

After 31 hours the credits roll.

What a game. Except for one or two quests I was having fun the entire time. :) 

Now...I probably won't play this for a while since I want to focus on Tales of Berseria but sometime in the not so far away future I will buy Iceborne and keep chugging away at quests from the base game and the expansion :peace: 




I probably won't play this for a while

Hahahaha, well that was a fucking lie :D Lots of new quests opened up. Guess I'll keep playing this then...

Edited by drahkon
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I know I'm pretty much talking to myself in here but I just have to gush :D 

Reached HR35, a couple more new quests opened up, which I didn't really expect. Also found a weird material (Streamstone) which I have no idea how to use ::shrug: Guess there's still a lot to explore :D 

The "cameo-quests" are also available now. Seeing Geralt in the New World was weird :laughing: Haven't done any of those quests, though.

Been doing a lot of SOS requests and it's so much fun teaming up with other Hunters. It's incredible how in sync people can get in a fight with pretty much no communication. So much fun.

Decided to not buy Iceborne right now because I'll be busy with the base game for a while and I don't want new content to distract me from the shit ton of stuff that I have to complete.


Oh, and FUCK YOU, Nergigante. Why won't you give me the final gem that I need to complete the armor set :( 

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So...that Behemoth. That is one bad ass monster :D Kicks the crap out of me everytime. ::shrug: 

Anyway, after using the Insect Glaive for my now almost 50 hours of playtime I want to switch to something else. Either Dual Blades or Heavy Bowgun. Haven't quite decided, yet.

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3 hours ago, drahkon said:

So...that Behemoth. That is one bad ass monster :D Kicks the crap out of me everytime. ::shrug: 

Anyway, after using the Insect Glaive for my now almost 50 hours of playtime I want to switch to something else. Either Dual Blades or Heavy Bowgun. Haven't quite decided, yet.

My guild card on Monster Hunter Generations reads "Dual Blades for Life" so you know what I'm going to recommend... ;)

...the Heavy Bowgun of course! :grin:

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

...the Heavy Bowgun of course! :grin:

I'm actually heavily in favour of giving the Heavy Bowgun a chance. The Insect Glaive was a pretty cool starting weapon for me, but I've had my close quarters fix and now I'm ready to fight from a distance :D 


@drahkon my favourite weapon is the Charge Blade, it’s such a technical weapon. Once you get used to hitting guard points you can really dominate monsters and feel godly doing so... can’t recommend it enough!

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1 hour ago, Kav said:

@drahkon my favourite weapon is the Charge Blade, it’s such a technical weapon. Once you get used to hitting guard points you can really dominate monsters and feel godly doing so... can’t recommend it enough!

I don't recall asking you, though. :p Just kidding.

Charge Blade was the weapon I used during my first 2 hours. It was quite possibly the worst choice because I was overwhelmed :D Might get back to that weapon at some point, though. 

Right now the Heavy Bowgun is growing on me. I was a little confused with the fact that you can't deal a lot of damage from a distance, but then I realized: With the way the battle system works, being able to deal full damage from far away would be OP. It's kind of obvious, really :D 
Love the different choices in ammo you get. 

Playing with the Heavy Bowgun changes battles completely. It was quite surprising. I guess most weapons play very differently from each other?

Anyway, I'm farming Lunastra to craft the weapon variant I want. I don't really understand the Heavy Bowgun's stats and what synergises with it, but that's the beauty of this game: It's awesome to try and find out :peace: 

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