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Blaster Master Zero - Switch Trailer


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Blaster Master Zero is a 8-bit style top-down & side-view 2D action-adventure game that harkens back to the golden age of the NES. Blaster Master Zero uses the original 1988 NES title "Blaster Master" from Sunsoft as a base, with the addition of new areas and bosses, new gameplay elements such as extra sub-weapons, improved gameplay, a more robust scenario, refined and expanded exploration mechanics, and more.



Available March 9th


Blaster Master Zero Official Site



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got it, it's pretty frickin' awesome! :D


It's kinda of a Metroid Zero Mission style remake of the original Blaster Master. Same base level design, with LOTS of changes, additions and tweaks to the point where it's basically a new game.


I've only just started, but so far it's a great expansion of the original, refined in all the right ways. For starters, you have a map! Woohoo! The controls are more polished and refined, with a SM/Fusion/MZM style diagonal strafe shot that you can do by holding down the R button. Both the top down and side scrolling sections are smoother to control now.


The visuals are kind of like a GBA rendition of the NES original, sticking with the same visual style as the NES original, but with lots of nice added touches and visual effects that couldn't be done on the NES (like transparent water and subtle lighting effects).


It also makes really nice use of HD Rumble, surprisingly good! It's used in a subtle way, like how when a boss explodes, you can feel each individual explosion and feel each one increase in intensity as it kabooms, or how you can feel Sophia 3rd's engine revving up in the intro; it's really well done and shows how 2D games can make use of it too!


I've not gotten far into it yet, only just started really, but it seems to be a real winner. The original was a great Metroidvania style game and this re-imagining does a great job expanding on the original in every way. If it keeps up the pace, it's definitely a worthy entry into the series (something that no other BM game after the original really managed).

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Just got it, it's pretty frickin' awesome! :D


It's kinda of a Metroid Zero Mission style remake of the original Blaster Master. Same base level design, with LOTS of changes, additions and tweaks to the point where it's basically a new game.


I've only just started, but so far it's a great expansion of the original, refined in all the right ways. For starters, you have a map! Woohoo! The controls are more polished and refined, with a SM/Fusion/MZM style diagonal strafe shot that you can do by holding down the R button. Both the top down and side scrolling sections are smoother to control now.


The visuals are kind of like a GBA rendition of the NES original, sticking with the same visual style as the NES original, but with lots of nice added touches and visual effects that couldn't be done on the NES (like transparent water and subtle lighting effects).


It also makes really nice use of HD Rumble, surprisingly good! It's used in a subtle way, like how when a boss explodes, you can feel each individual explosion and feel each one increase in intensity as it kabooms, or how you can feel Sophia 3rd's engine revving up in the intro; it's really well done and shows how 2D games can make use of it too!


I've not gotten far into it yet, only just started really, but it seems to be a real winner. The original was a great Metroidvania style game and this re-imagining does a great job expanding on the original in every way. If it keeps up the pace, it's definitely a worthy entry into the series (something that no other BM game after the original really managed).




First impression: it's a blast.

Edited by Sméagol
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  • 3 weeks later...

Review: Blaster Master Zero




After finishing much of Zelda, and dabbling in two enjoyable Neo Geo games, I was ready for something simple-but-substantial in an old-fashioned, console-type way. Step forward Blaster Master Zero!


The plot focuses on Jason as he follows a strange creature into an underground world, and liaises with an enigmatic female character. It combines sci-fi, mystery and romance in a way that only the Japanese can quite master. In fact, the game does a remarkable job of transporting you back to the late '80s/early '90s, whilst avoiding any frustrations console gaming had at the time.


Based on a 1988 NES title, Blaster Master Zero is done in the "12-bit" style, which is to say, 8-bit, but how we always wanted it to be. The graphics are clean and detailed, and are set to some rather evocative music.


The experience is divided into two main gameplay modes. One is a side-on view as you travel in the game's vehicle, Sophia III. This does a decent job of emulating, say, Metroid Fusion. The other mode, and where the game really excels, is the overhead mode when Jason is in a cave/dungeon. These sections feature 8-way control and feel like a combination of Metroid and 8-bit Zelda, yet are refreshingly different to either.


In this mode, Jason has a main weapon as well as a sub-weapon. Both can be replenished with collectibles, but the real hook of this game is keeping your main weapon topped up. At full health you can use the best weapon, the Wave Beam, but take a hit and you might be reduced to a short-range laser. It's an unusual gameplay mechanic, but it works.


The only part of the game I wasn't so keen on were the bits when Jason has to leave Sophia III, but still navigate the side-on world. In these moments, Jason is only a few pixels high and is almost defenceless. It's particularly annoying when you have to jump onto ladders.





Blaster Master Zero is very generous with the amount of dungeons each area has to explore, and normally rewards you for your troubles. You never know which kind of upgrade you will receive after a boss fight, but it's always worth it. In fact, I did miss out on some important upgrades, which thankfully were not a nuisance to go back and obtain. The game has a very addictive way of keeping the progression going. It's a great example of how you can keep a game non-linear but fast paced.


With nine Areas (the 9th presumably being the "Zero Mission" addition to this title), Blaster Master Zero keeps going long enough, but doesn't outstay its welcome. I found it a great little Metroidvania, and good value too.










Edited by Grazza
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've put a fair bit of time into this today and just reached the 6th area. Love it.


I had to laugh at the opening cutscene. Jason loses his frog and decides to go look for it in a tank! Seems like a little overkill. :D


I do enjoy exploring the world in Sophia but I love the overhead sections when playing as Jason. The music in these sections is especially good. I didn't really get the weapon mechanic when I first played it the other day. I kept wondering why I sometimes had weapons and why I was picking up pink collectibles. @Grazza's review helped clear things up! Cheers.

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I do enjoy exploring the world in Sophia but I love the overhead sections when playing as Jason. The music in these sections is especially good. I didn't really get the weapon mechanic when I first played it the other day. I kept wondering why I sometimes had weapons and why I was picking up pink collectibles. @Grazza's review helped clear things up! Cheers.


Yeah, it's somewhat confusing. You basically get given the best weapon from the beginning, and don't even need to consider what the lesser versions are until you take a few hits. Although the Wave Beam is best, the others aren't quite as bad as they seem. Flame is very useful in specific situations later on, for instance, and though weak, Penetrator is good for going through walls.

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Yeah, it's somewhat confusing. You basically get given the best weapon from the beginning, and don't even need to consider what the lesser versions are until you take a few hits. Although the Wave Beam is best, the others aren't quite as bad as they seem. Flame is very useful in specific situations later on, for instance, and though weak, Penetrator is good for going through walls.


I didn't really start playing around with the different weapons until I reached the stage with the waves. I knew there was a way to get rid of those funny looking blocks! :D

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So one character is free from 4 - 17 May and the other is free from 1 - 14 June? Not bad!


I quite like how they are going about this. It encourages people to buy the game sooner rather than later.


I put a bit more time into this last night and managed to clear another area. The flame weapon came in very handy when exploring all the ice areas.


I'm going to try and get it finished soon and then i'll be free to crack on with a new playthrough once Gunvolt is released. I'm keen to see just how differently the game plays with him.

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I'm going to try and get it finished soon and then i'll be free to crack on with a new playthrough once Gunvolt is released. I'm keen to see just how differently the game plays with him.


It actually looked remarkably like they've managed to transfer the Azure Striker Gunvolt gameplay into this game, which surprised me.

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I made it to the 7th area last night, before calling it a night. I'm not keen on that area at all. It seems very big and has a load of multiple paths that can be taken. It will probably take me a while to get through this area in comparison to the others.

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I completed it again last night too.


Admittedly, it's quite an easy game for the most part - it really struck me that the new hard mode might make it more exciting for skilled gamers. However, I do genuinely believe the last part of the game is a medium-level challenge.

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I finished it 100% this morning.







I started the Gunvolt DLC this afternoon. The exploration gameplay is pretty much the same but the combat system when playing as Jason/Gunvolt is very different. It took me a while to get used to not have a wide range of weaponry at my disposal.


Just a heads up that the time limited free DLC is available to everyone, even if you have yet to download the game. It's worth downloading now, just in case you may pick the main game in the future. There's also a demo now out on the eShop, for those who want to try before they buy.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I finished my Gunvolt playthrough, last night. It was great, especially as it was free. It's a shame there isn't a new ending screen or final shot of Gunvolt. :(






I loved the special moves and animations that occur when using them.





I ended up finding another special move that didn't seem to appear on the map. It's an amazing move but it uses all 3 of your special meters. I used it against one of the more tricky bosses and ended up killing it in one shot with a well timed use of this move. :D


That's the game done and dusted, at least the next character is available to download in June.

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