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Boys (and Girls) of Summer


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Looks like it's starting to get a bit more summery and it made me realise that I'm generally a lot happier when the weather is good. Just something about everything being bright, everyone looking happier and everything just generally being nicer.


Even little things like people dressing nicer make summer far better than winter. I don't even mean it in a "see more bewbs" sort of way, everyone just looks prettier


Anyone else feel the same, or is it just me?

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Barbeques, t-shirts, beer gardens, sitting outside to eat/read/work, riding on dry country lanes with max visibility... what's not to love?


Sunburn, insect bites and hayfever. My summer morning routine takes about 15 minutes longer.


I enjoy the summer, but there's plenty for me to dislike (or plenty that dislikes me!)

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I used to hate summer, but my flat is fabulous in the summer, its lovely and cool (on the downside its FREEZING in winter) but i miss having a garden.


But I fear my new bedroom will be too hot, as it has a big south facing window. I can't cope being hot in bed, have to have a cool/cold bedroom. Ugh.


I also sat out for too long on sunday past and got burnt... which is now peeling #foreverwhite

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I love the summer. I was working from home yesterday so decided to cycle up to the gym which has a nice outdoor seating area by the outdoor pool and worked from there all day. So nice to be able to get some sun during the day. Played tennis for 3 hours last night outdoors too which was fantastic.

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