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Damn, I completely forgot that was even possible. :blank:

Will have a few more goes later on, and then try to summon help if I still can't beat him.


I often managed to get to the point where his balls drop :heh: and he starts freaking out, but that's also when the increase in attack speed really messes with my stamina management. :hmm:


What stance do think is best for this particular fight, or do you actually switch during it? That's something I really can't get my head around in the heat of battle though, so prefer to just choose one and stick to it.


I began the first half of the fight blocking one attack and then dodging to avoid the second swing that he would do. Blocking 1 attack takes a huge chunk of stamina.


When the balls drop :shakehead blocking tends to lead to death so I focused on evading everything and learning all attacks but stayed in mid stance with dual swords, baited the double swipe to belly flop, dodged and then went to town on him. After the double fist slam, you can get attacks in then too.


Don't forget to invest points into magic or w/e the stat is as that increases damage against yokai massively and made a difference to for me. Also you can invest in a passive in the onmyo (sp?) tree too to increase damage against yokai.

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I finally beat that boss! :yay:

Well, with some help... Quite a lot of help actually. :heh: But yeah, glad to have made it. Especially as it revealed a couple of really awesome things:




That was the moment I first encountered a ninja, and it was fucking brilliant! :cool:

This game is shaping up to be a masterpiece. icon14.gif




Get in! :bouncy:


Was freaking out when I killed that thing, wasn't sure if something else was gonna jump me or not. :laughing:

On to the next (and I assume last) Beta mission.

Edited by RedShell
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Really enjoying this. The only thing I hate is that the levels reset when you leave them. I really wish the shortcuts would stay and you could choose a shrine to jump to.
I never noticed this on the first mission or sub mission (pretty sure the sub mission only had 1 shrine anyway). :blank: But does that mean I'm gonna have to work my way back to the shrine that's near the last boss on the 3rd mission? :shakehead
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I never noticed this on the first mission or sub mission (pretty sure the sub mission only had 1 shrine anyway). :blank: But does that mean I'm gonna have to work my way back to the shrine that's near the last boss on the 3rd mission? :shakehead


It does indeed. If it's any consolation – and I doubt it is – I'm in the same boat as you.

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Had the bitch at 50% health, but her draining all my damn stamina, combined with my tactical mistake of backing into the wall messed me right up. :grin:



BTW, @Daft @drahkon, I didn't start back at the beginning of the 3rd mission! Was at the exact same shrine as the last time I played, near the boss. :)


Guess it must be some kind of random glitch then. :hmm:

Hopefully I'm still there next time too.

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Had the bitch at 50% health, but her draining all my damn stamina, combined with my tactical mistake of backing into the wall messed me right up. :grin:



BTW, @Daft @drahkon, I didn't start back at the beginning of the 3rd mission! Was at the exact same shrine as the last time I played, near the boss. :)


Guess it must be some kind of random glitch then. :hmm:

Hopefully I'm still there next time too.


Orly? That's...interesting. Maybe it only resets when you complete the level?

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When I quit the first stage I had just unlocked the shortcut to the very first shrine, so when I entered the stage again I spawned back at that shrine.


The shortcut, however, was reset...


Maybe you start at the shrine you last used but the shorcuts reset? Or maybe it was a glitch...

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So this happened last night:

Anyway, I then tried summoning help again. Used all 4 of the cups I had at my disposal... all 4 were a disaster.


The first 2 helpers were worse than me. :heh:

The third one brought with them immense lag, making it impossible to hit the boss. :nono:

And the fourth one didn't get a chance to help me, as I stupidly got killed by the fat enemy just before the boss! :laughing:


Was very close to calling it a day at this point, but knowing I'd been so close meant I just couldn't give up, I had to try one more time...


And somehow, against all odds, without any help (and mainly by using cheese :D) I did it! :yay::bouncy:



Very nearly didn't happen though, this was the situation about halfway through that same fight:




How close!? :eek:

Amazing stuff. Looking forward to the full game. icon14.gif

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This beta seems rather substantial, I kept meaning to play the other demo's but never got around to it. :(


Is it worth me getting this beta before the game comes out? I'm gathering that it isn't possible to try for the Mark of the Conqueror any more is it?


I feel so out of the loop... :hmm:


Enjoying seeing all of your impressions though. : peace:

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Yeah, I defeated the third boss, got both the DLCs.


I am now very excited for the full game. Sad I'll have to start again since I found some fucking badass poison duel swords. But whatever, I can't wait to get stuck in again.


That level reset is annoying, though. I had to run through the third level again to get to the boss.

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Glad some more people got into this. These beta periods have been pretty successful from my viewpoint. I wonder if they are directly influencing the release date and that's why we don't have an official one yet.


Rumour is the end of October.



For me, it went from virtually unplayable in the Alpha to bloody great in the Beta. That kind of response is super encouraging. I hope they can keep up the good work.

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  • 4 months later...

Season Pass info.


The Season Pass includes three new downloadable story chapters – each with new enemies and quests – which you can access as soon as they’re available.




Dragon of the North – Venture deep into Japan’s embattled Northern provinces

Defiant Honor – Fight in the bloody Winter Campaign of the Siege of Osaka

Bloodshed’s End – Bring the Siege of Osaka to an end during the Summer Campaign


They also announced that a PvP mode will be available for free shortly after launch.

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Final trial/beta this weekend.



Already preloaded :grin:


I already have the 'bonuses' from the Alpha and Beta so I may as well try and grab the final freebie, even if it is only a helmet :p


Really looking forward to the game and the hours already spent on the previous demos have only heightened that excitement. I noticed that my regular places for preorders seem to be slightly pricey this time around (shopto £50, Game Collection £45) so taking a chance on Simply Games (only £40), never used them before but have heard plenty of good things about them.

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