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Bound (PS4)


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New title announced for the PS4.



Hello PlayStation fans! This is Michał ‘bonzaj’ Staniszewski from Plastic, a small team with demoscene roots. In the past we brought you Linger In Shadows and Datura for PS3. We haven’t got rid of our experimenting habits, and this time we are going to deliver something to you that is quite unique in visual style, narrative storytelling and also mechanics.




Bound is a 3D platformer designed for people with the desire to concentrate on the narrative side of games and experience a mature story. On the other side of the spectrum, Bound is also being prepared for hardcore gamers looking for the challenge of one big puzzle that can be only solved by a community of players working together.


In result, we are going to deliver a “notgame” to you, which is also a game. It’s up to you to decide how you would like to play.


Looking at the art side, we were searching for a style that is not deeply explored in video games, but still has a major influence on how our world looks today. We have concentrated on modern art in full flavour. If you are interested in art movements such as Suprematism, Concretism, Neoplasticism or what Bauhaus has delivered, then you are going to love the world that we have created.






It would be a sin not to write a couple of words about the game’s main character. We were looking for a rich personality, one that could bring beauty to moves and exploration, a dancer or to be more precise – a ballerina. Thanks to our dancer Maria Udod and her choreographer Michał Adam Góral, we were able to capture some true expressive and emotional moments and put it into our game.


Last but not least, and very important to me personally. You are going to experience our procedural 3D platforming world in a classic way. This means ultra-sharp anti-aliased 60 Hz in 1080p resolution. We have spent more than a year on optimizations, just to deliver you a game that will squeeze most of your PS4.


I’ll be back soon. It’s really hard to describe our game in a single blog post. Cheers!





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So this came out today and although reviews have been a bit lukewarm to it, I pre-ordered it and jumped on my PS4 for a quick go this morning to get a gist of what's what with the game.


And to be honest, I really don't have a clue as to what's happening. There's a story here somewhere but it's not really being explained from the off, though I think I can gleam a couple of loose threads coming out through the first "level" as it were. It's all very confusing but hopefully it'll make sense the more I play later on today.


The game looks great, if you're into that abstract look. The way the ground and walls morph when you walk over them or when the game takes on a fixed camera angle, allowing you to see through the walls, is quite cool and just generally, it's a very clean looking game. The animation of your character in particular is really well done, very fluid through each of the moves and even transitioning between them is done more or less seamlessly. Specifically, when using the streams, the movement and the way you can transition between pirouetting and jumping and such is incredible. Kudos to Plastic for the work on that.


At the moment, I've not played enough to get a real grasp of it but it's intriguing and I'm interested to see where the game goes and what they do with it. It's been a lot of walking about through levels so far with the occasionally jumping and using the streams to pass through areas of danger to stop yourself from getting "harmed" (you don't lose life or anything, more you just aren't able to move if you don't use the streams to pass through certain areas from getting swarmed by things) so I am interested to see how that changes up and how the story will inevitably unfold itself.

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From videos I've seen it looks like they have more difficult 'speed-run' routes which open up after returning to certain worlds (also affected by the order you complete them in). So if you're after more of a platforming challenge after a standard playthrough then it might be worth looking into that.

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