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Happy Birthday 'new' N-Europe


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I just realised this swanky new forum we're on is 10 years old. Many a person joined Revo-Europe in September 10 years ago.


I still remember mourning the C-E forums, where does the time go?


What are some of your favourite forum moments from the last 10 years? :yay:


Here's to another 10! (When I'll be in my mid-30's) :shakehead

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I was just thinking the other day when I was checking my profile to find that I'd now passed the 10 year mark as of 17/09/15 and while I was always aware that it had been that long it's still a sobering thought so see it there, set in the digital equivalent of stone as it were. :heh:


Originally I only ever signed up when I was fortunate enough to be offered a place on the site as a staff writer for "p/reviews" - as it was known back in the day - by @Jav following the "N-Europe NEeds YOU!" recruitment drive that year, I had been following the site before that, just never signed up to the forums until then; I seem to recall writing a piece about Star Fox which included various comparisons to Star Wars at the time as this was the piece which got me the position - I'll see if I can dig it up from an old file backup at some point - needless to say I was very happy to join the team. :D


Then after a couple of years writing previews & reviews I was passed the VC Weekly torch from Jordan and the rest is history. : peace:


As for favourite forum moments, I seem to recall a lot of hype around all of the rumours before the Wii was announced, I can remember a lot of positivity centred around the system which was refreshing at the time. In more recent times it has been really good to see how the 3DS went from being a rather highly priced "gimmick" to being one of the best portable systems in recent years, especially when us early adopters were compensated with those Ambassador titles; also as an aside it was fun having to write ten reviews in one week twice over for VC Weekly for those. :indeed:


Plenty of other memories I'm sure but that's what springs to mind at the moment, great thread though Josh, let's fill it with memories! :grin:

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Bar a few months in (I think) early 2006 I've posted on the site regularly for 11 years now, almost half my life. It would probably seem quite sad to lot of people outside the site (and a few in here) but this place is definitely a big part of me and my life. It feels like a constant that I've had for most of my formative years. A place to chat, play games, discuss a variety of topics, offload and get advice. Even though I, like many others, don't post as often I'm still here most days, and I always have this place.



@Ashley if you ever take this place down I will find you, and I will kill you.

But as it is I love you

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