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Ace Attorney - One-Shot Mafia


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So you tracked me break 1 then used a different ability (your own words) but still tracked in break 2?? and i'm suspect?




I'm guessing Jonnas uses a RNG to generate what I can do from a list (because I get a different ability every night). Only the first night was I a public broadcaster, and even then it wasn't clear from the description of the first ability what I'd even reveal about my target.


It's possible either me or Sprout has been screwed with.

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Your information is wildly wrong sprout. DuD was definitely my target. I don't know if you've been tampered with or are just lying but sheikah has you caught out.


So you tracked me break 1 then used a different ability (your own words) but still tracked in break 2?? and i'm suspect?




Did he not say he tracked me bud?

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The info I have is that both DuD and Diageo targeted Sméagol. Unless we have a undetectable person in our midst, then at least one of these is definitely a thief, pal. I see no reason why I'd have only partially tampered evidence either.

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All right, since the word bubbles can be both pure flavour and actual in-game abilities, I would like some specificity. @Sprout and @Sheikah, how exactly did you get your info?


Also, I find DuD's theories questionable. DuD, am I to understand that you yourself chose your targets? You weren't redirected? Because if so, I find it highly improbable that the mafia would be able to somehow choose the same targets and pin it on you. Alignment cop is also a fairly easy to role to fake as a mafioso, especially in a small game with likely few neutrals.


For the time being:


Vote: DuD

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Your information is wildly wrong sprout. DuD was definitely my target. I don't know if you've been tampered with or are just lying but sheikah has you caught out.


I doubt it, seems like a weird thing to make up to me. It's more likely one of us has been screwed with. I get the impression Sprout is telling the truth.


@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane my PM just says I carefully observe who they target, and that it will not be reported in the writeup as that was a one-time event.

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I tried to target you and was unsuccessful. Targeting both victims and now being in targetable. Quite the little network of suspicious activity you've got building up.


I actually targeted DuD originally, and a shadow scared me off towards Rummy, and took the handcuffs off him.
There's a difference here, pals. One of you was "unsuccessful". The other was redirected. Why would two people who targeted the same person have different outcomes?
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A little bit of late night hand cuffing? Aren't we all very macho. I don't read too much into the confusion around this. Plenty of clients are briefly detained to clear their characters.


Briefly detained? A cuffing to a railing ain't no legit shiz cuz, that's some shady business if you ask Wocky!


That's what happened to me the first night, and some chap removed them soon afterwords.


I was tied up for the night so could do nothing.


I know what happened to you and you told us dawg - but tied up? I never heard of no one being 'tied up' with handcuffs!

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I don't fully understand my role, but I've been told that my target last night didn't need me to target them - so I have no pieces to the puzzle this time I'm afraid


Pretty vague and pretty convenient...pretty shady too if you ask me! I wanna know some more, dawg.

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There's a difference here, pals. One of you was "unsuccessful". The other was redirected. Why would two people who targeted the same person have different outcomes?

When I flip as innocent, people should go for Danny and Diageo as Diageo is clearly lying and Danny seems to be being extremely narrow minded for his usual self, my lynch must serve a purpose.


Not sure about Sheikah as its generally difficult to get him to view anothers perspective




I still think you're suspicious... but I'll give you credit, at least you were honest about your target, pal.

To make this point more prominent.. I volunteered my break 2 target.


And finally.. lets use a legal based analogy..


Me being in the wrong place at the wrong time twice is certainly suspicious, however it is purely circumstantial at best. Couple that with fact i've been open and honest about my movements and given a role claim.


Now Diageo or Sprout is definitely lying.

Sprout asked me for my target, then later says he knows who I targetted. This seems logical to check if I was gonna lie.

Diageo claims to have been unsuccessful targetting me, whereas MadDog says was redirected after targetting me. Inconsistency?

Sprout claims Diageo targetted Smeagol, Diageo claims he targetted me. One must be lying and it doesn't make sense for it to be sprout as it would paint a massive target on him if i flip guilty.


Please re - examine the evidence people.



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I would just like to point out - the whole untargettable / redrect suspicion thing isn't as nefarious as some might think. Redirects are rarely the result of you targeting someone but of someone targeting you - so 2 results 1 target is easily possible.


What worries me is the alignment cop claim (a role town wouldn't want to risk losing) AND on two players that have had their alignments revealed via death.

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That doesn't explain Sprout saying Diageo targetted Smeagol whilst Diageo says he targetted me.


Using your suggestion MadDog was the redirected party.. not Diageo.


There is clear indisputable evidence that either Sprout or Diageo is lying. It doesn't make sense for it to be Sprout.


Everything I've said is consistent and there's no evidence to say it's not true. There is actual evidence (Diageo's lie) that would actually compound the theory I proposed.

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Vote Standings


Diageo (2): Sprout, DuD


DuD (3): Sheikah, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo


Majority is 7

Pal, you really need to work on your numbers, and that's comin' from me of all people. (You forgot MadDog's vote.)


@Sprout, you still haven't answered how you got your info.

Sorry, pal, I completely forgot to reply to you. I'm not sure if I should reveal my powers just yet, but I intend to reveal them by the next session for sure. That is, if I don't get kicked out in the next break, haha! I have no real reason to doubt my evidence though, and to be honest I'm fine gettin' rid of either of 'em as they're both suspicious to me. If we're wrong today, we'll just get the other one! But I'm going with Diageo for now as he contradicted my information whereas DuD did not.


I will say that in addition to the info I shared, that I also heard a voice, which may have been you?

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You can lie detect me all you want, alignment cop me tonight.

There's blatently no lie detector as they could have effectively alignment copped me with my first statement after break 1.


As for alignment copping you.. well that's gonna be a struggle if this lynch goes ahead.


So those 2 caveats are well and truly taken care of. Well played.



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Pal, you really need to work on your numbers, and that's comin' from me of all people. (You forgot MadDog's vote.)



Sorry, pal, I completely forgot to reply to you. I'm not sure if I should reveal my powers just yet, but I intend to reveal them by the next session for sure. That is, if I don't get kicked out in the next break, haha! I have no real reason to doubt my evidence though, and to be honest I'm fine gettin' rid of either of 'em as they're both suspicious to me. If we're wrong today, we'll just get the other one! But I'm going with Diageo for now as he contradicted my information whereas DuD did not.


I will say that in addition to the info I shared, that I also heard a voice, which may have been you?


See, this is just a little fishy to me; we're trying to figure out which investigation to trust - yours is the odd one out. Sitting tight on your info isn't exactly convincing me to trust it.


As for the voice, I cannot say; I had no reports back, which simply means I did my thing, and presumably nothing else happened. I am, of course, known to shout once in a while, but I have no immediate reason to think I was the one you heard.

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See, this is just a little fishy to me; we're trying to figure out which investigation to trust - yours is the odd one out. Sitting tight on your info isn't exactly convincing me to trust it.


As for the voice, I cannot say; I had no reports back, which simply means I did my thing, and presumably nothing else happened. I am, of course, known to shout once in a while, but I have no immediate reason to think I was the one you heard.

You're breakin' my heart, pal! Plus I figured what with you bein' the ace attorney you'd have figured it out on your own by now. But fine, ol' Dick Gumshoe is gonna explain it to ya, pal!


I can copy abilities with the "Hey Pal" bubble. I used it on Cube in Session 2, so I gained his ability for Break 2 (which you can gather from what he said is that he can find out who targeted his target). I targeted Sméagol, and found out that DuD and Diageo targeted him. Is that all you needed, pal?

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Vote Standings


Diageo (2): Sprout, DuD


DuD (4): Sheikah, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, MadDog


Majority is 7


Pal, you really need to work on your numbers, and that's comin' from me of all people. (You forgot MadDog's vote.)




(You win this round, Jim...)

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