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Her story


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I'm sure I mentioned this somewhere here, General PC thread probably. Anyway, it's a lovely indie game from the writer of Silent Hill: shattered memories, which has been released yesterday.


The problem: gameplay-wise it's refreshing but incredibly simple, and the rewards come from the story itself, so I can tell little about it.. Basically, you're accessing an archaic computer with video files from interviews with a woman somehow involved in a murder case. Unfortunately the videos are fragmented, so to uncover the story you must search the database for the videos using keywords. Imagine you're searching youtube for videos, but the videos provide keywords to search for other videos. Personally I'd describe the game as a jigsaw puzzle but with video. On paper, this may sound boring to some, but to me it sounded intriguing, and I loved Silent Hill: shattered memories, so this was an instant pre-order (especially for that price, and I'm proud to have my name in the credits :P). I tell you, the story, the writing, and the actress, they're all great.


I'm not sure you should watch a trailer or read anymore, but here's a trailer if you need it:


It's a short game (/interactive story), but it's only 5 dollars.

Official site (cheaper than on Steam, and you still get a Steam key)


Available on PC / Mac / Iphad


I have not unlocked all the videos yet, but looking at the discussions, there seem to be even more to the story than I uncovered.. If there are more people here trying it, we can talk spoilers!

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I played this pretty much all the way through last night. I have a few clips left unearthed that I'm going to go back and try and find tonight. It's very very interesting as an experiment of story telling. I'm always fascinated by unreliable narrators. There is a twist kind of which is kind of insane and I guess the non-linear nature of it may mean you stumble upon it earlier or later than I did but just as I was starting to piece together things it really hit me for six. In terms of the "end"

I'm not sure I picked the right choice...I said Yes but not I'm sat pondering on it all I'm not entirely sure I meant to say yes. Did I truly understand why she did it? I thought I had but now I'm certainly second guessing myself and wondering if No might have been a better option.


Finally the game alludes to the fact it's set in and around Portsmouth my hometown which makes me happy perhaps the first game to be set in Portsmouth?

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Shattered Memories is an adventure game riddled with a host of disturbing themes, not least of which is the fact that the town is caught in the grip of a snow storm, most of its inhabitants are missing, and dreadful monsters periodically scream from icy formations.

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