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  • 1 month later...

Anyone else watch the first half of the premiere then?


I thought it was ok but just a bit too cheesy for me. I like the majority of these characters/actors from their appearances in Arrow and Flash but they were a bit iffy in this. I'm hoping its just one of those things where it'll find its footing as it moves forward. Arrow wasnt particularly good when it first started either with all of Oliver's voiceovers.


It was cheesy but in a fun popcorn kind of way.


Plus Sara has replaced Sarah Walker who replaced Veronica who replaced Buffy in the long line of kick ass blondes that I need in my life.


I loved it. Thought it was a great first episode tbh. I expect it to get better once it settles in and doesn't have to introduce itself.

  • 5 months later...
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